Vincent is now somehow believing what Kristine is saying. He is starting to believe her since no one would dare speak about a murder and suicide incident so casually, and besides, the incidents happened inside the Academy, so it’s only normal for Vincent to somehow believe in her claims. He went back over the bushes and sat face to face with Kristine.

“Now, tell me, and I might believe it.” Says Vincent.

Kristine nodded and started to tell Vincent. She was saying that those 31 students who have claimed their lives are students who have suffered from depression because a lot of their fellow students are bullying them and stripping away their rights as an aspiring hero. But Vincent can’t just believe it, no matter how cruel the bullying is, it is still not a reason to claim your life like that. She continued, and said that the Student Council and the upper-classes are the ones responsible and are the primary reason on why those students have commi

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