Vincent is now regretting his decision to sign autograph s and take pictures with him earlier. He is now being mobbed by students and he can’t seem to get away from them. He couldn’t tell them to get lost since it would be disrespectful, but if he doesn’t do that, then he’ll be stuck here forever. Then suddenly, someone grabbed him from behind and pulled him out of the herd. Vincent stood up and looked at the one who pulled him,

“Champ?” Vincent says as he burst into happiness to have seen his friends again.

They hugged each other and they were glad to see that Vincent no longer release steam and heat. And before they were mobbed again by fans, they made a run for it and went to the gymnasium. Many people were entering the upgraded gymnasium. It was pretty much lager than before. As the friends entered, they immediately saw 5 guards guiding students and segregating them in some sort. It turns out that students need to be divided or to sit in the section where their s

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