It was a very long journey and it seems that they’re heading towards to some kind of foot of a mountain. But Vincent was wrong as they turned right and entered some forest. Students were gawking outside and looking at the tall trees outside. Vincent was used to this kind of scene as he lived in the woods for 10 years, so, nature is kind of part of his life now. The girl besides Vincent then looked out the window to also stare at the nature they are witnessing. Vincent doesn’t even know who this girl with short black hair, blue eyes and light skinned. But she was somehow familiar to him. Then Vincent turned at her,

“Have we met before?” he asked.

The girl then looked at Vincent and sighed,

“That’s awful. I know who you are very well, and yet you do not even know the name of your fellow noble.” The girl replied then she sighed.

And Vincent felt a little embarrassed because of his obliviousness

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