With the first plan all bust now, everyone is panicking as they heard the news that Kevin is here. And based on their reactions, Vincent found it bad as they won’t stand a chance against them if they panic like this. And unfortunately, Vincent is jot feeling any shred of nervousness. Even though they are now up against the infamous Kevin who has murdered a lot of students and is the cause of many suicides. But Vincent maintained his cool as he wanted to meet the guy who was responsible for the deaths of students who just wanted to become a hero, but he ended their lives like it was nothing but fire that needs to be extinguished. Kristine from the rebel army has told Vincent about him, and he is now itching to meet him in person. Despite the fact that he might be dead meat against him, Vincent was still determined to face him. While almost everyone has lost their composure, Audrey noticed Vincent was grinning. And the reason behind it is that Vincent couldn’t hide his exc

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