It finally reached 6:50 in the evening, the plan b is about to be initiated and they can’t deny that they are nervous. Vincent has his uniform on and has his sword strapped around his waist and is as composed as usual. Unlike the others Vincent wasn’t feeling any nervousness, and the thing that he feels right now is excitement and worry. As he isn’t sure if he will be able to fight Kevin and be on par with him. But he has to, everyone will be relying on him and he can’t just betray their trusts. He also believes that Audrey and the others could do it, so there’s not much of problem in that side. And besides, they are near the finish line, the instructors will move once they saw someone being obviously killed out there. But still, Vincent doesn’t know what the instructors are doing, Kevin the murderer is here and yet they are not doing anything. And Vincent then came into a conclusion that they really are unaware of Kevin’s presence,

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