5 days have passed since the incident and is now the for the burial of the 6 people who died in the battle. Kendrick is now standing in front of the graves of his family as they are being lowered beneath them. There were a lot of people who attended the interment of his family. And most of them are normal people that is saying their respects for the priest. But some of them made Kendrick’s blood boil. Because some of those who attended were the people who shunned Father Edgar and was the sole reason why the church closed. The ones who stole the donations for the church and used it for their own gain. They blamed it all to Father Edgar, that’s why as punishment, the government shut the church down and labeled Father Edgar as a corrupt priest. It just makes Kendrick’s skin crawl by the fact that they had the nerve to show up in front of the man they betrayed and tarnished. But he must stay calm as he doesn’t want to make it worse since confronting them is not what Father Edgar wants. As
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