Kendrick is now being operated in a medical tent at the eastern borders. Since the city is under a total lockdown, even hospitals are closed. And it was a good thing that some swordsmen and women are experts in medical works, that is why Kendrick is having a successful operation. Meanwhile, Sylvester is being questioned for their action, as they literally violated a law when they went out the walls without having a slayer license. The punishment for that law breaking act of them would be 15 years in prison, or even execution at worst. However, since Sylvester told them that they had no choice but to go around to survive, the others just let this one slide and asked everybody in this area to keep their mouths shut about this matter. But still, everyone is just surprised to see those 2 inexperienced students successfully without getting themselves killed at the first place. Because even the pros do not dare to go out there as outside the walls is just way out of their leagues. Only the
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