Miles Lykaon sat at his desk, twirling a glass of grape red Pinot Noir wine in his hand, gazing through his window, observing the peaceful Lykaon gardens.
It was a moonless night and the dozen or so light drones in the air were not sufficient to illuminate the entirety of the massive garden. Particularly, the interior of the hedge maze which spanned several hundred square meters and took up a quarter of the garden.
Leafy green hedges formed the walls of a labyrinth, twisting and turning into dark unlit paths he should've known as well as the back of his hand. Unfortunately, the fae empowered bramble and thistle had ruined and deformed the maze garden into something he was no longer familiar with.
Seeing the old maze in such bad condition, only a shadow of what it used to be, made Miles's heart ache.
Suddenly, a voice called out from the doorway, "Master Miles, I've just received information pertaining to a rumored Faetality booster serum. I'll be taking my leave to investigate."
Miles calmly turned towards the voice. It was a tall elderly man of Eastern Descent, and despite his old age, the prudently ironed black and white suit hinted to the finely built muscles underneath. This was Zhan Shen, his trusted butler, bodyguard, and guardian.
Taking a sip of his 1000 Fae gold wine, Miles posed a question, "Old Zhan, the maze garden is in horrible condition. When can we hire someone to clean up the bramble?"
The elderly butler heaved a sigh, "You already know the answer..."
But seeing that his young ward continued to remain silent, Zhan Shen shook his head in exasperation, "Very well, I will play along Master Miles.
As you already know, the invading bramble is a mutated Fae variant. Burning or cutting it was found to be useless as it grows back in an instant. Only a Faehuman with the ability to manipulate plants, a master of Floramancy, might be able to remove it permanently. However, considering the intensity of this bramble, they would have to be extremely strong.
Unfortunately, not only are such Faehumans hard to find, they would never sully their reputation by cleaning up someone's garden. And even if they did, I'm afraid we could not afford the price to hire them."
Miles nodded silently, taking another sip of his wine.
It truly was an unsolvable problem. The only individuals capable of solving the issue would never solve it. A real paradox, and despite thinking for hours, he could not come up with an alternative solution.
Meanwhile, a rather mischievous grin had appeared on the Butler's wizened face, "Now perhaps, if the young master were willing to give up some of his wine, some of the stuff you keep locked away, we might be able to afford a temporary solution. Although it tastes no different from grocery wine to me, the price tags are quite literally insane! My old drinking buddies may even be willing to help, in exchange for the wine, of course."
Miles gave the cheeky old Butler a deadpan look.
Old Zhan was suggesting his friends burn down the bramble with fae-fire and slash it with fae-wind. But Miles knew from experience that this was an extremely temporary solution. It would at best last a week before the bramble grew back.
Ultimately, it would be nothing but a grand waste of his mother's precious wine.
He was sure Zhan Shen was suggesting this, simply to poke fun at his love of good wine.
Seeing Miles's reaction, the elderly butler's grin only grew wider.
And that grin confirmed it.
Miles rolled his eyes, taking another sip of the wine out of spite, and asked, "Informant and price?"
Despite the suddenness of the question, Zhan Shen answered instantly, putting all thoughts of jokes aside, "Nakamura Hayato, with a common Faetality of Eta-67. He's ability-less, but enhanced, and works as a courier for the White Snakes, a mediocre gang in the outer reaches of Capital City, the same gang rumored to possess the Faetality Booster Serum. 1 million dollars."
Miles raised an eyebrow, "Way too cheap for risking his life. It's a trap."
The butler nodded with a confident smirk, "Almost definitely. Doesn't hurt to check it out though. Well, it won't hurt me at least."
It was Miles's turn to shake his head in exasperation. Despite being in his sixties, Zhan Shen sure loved to brawl.
However, unlike his butler, he didn't make fun of people for their preferred hobbies. Thus, he simply raised his wine glass and wished him well, "Happy head cracking then."
Zhan Shen nodded with a smile, "As you wish. But..."
His gaze shifted to a closed briefcase, covered in dust, by the side of Miles's desk, "By the time I get back, could you choose your first serum, Master Miles? They're only enhancement serums, making the decision not even that important. It's already been several months since I purchased them, shouldn't you at least take a look? Where's your sense of curiosity when it's needed, eh?"
Seeing Miles remained unresponsive, the butler pressed on, "You really shouldn't worry, Master Miles. There is no conclusive evidence that proves the Faetality count will stop rising once a serum is used."
To that, Miles responded sharply, "Right back at you old Zhan. There is no conclusive evidence that it won't stop rising either."
Seeing his ward being so stubborn, the butler heaved an annoyed sigh.
This was a debate they had had on many occasions, and it never ended with one correct answer.
Zhan Shen knew this, and Miles knew this.
Unwilling to be dragged into the same old argument once more, both the ward and the guardian stayed silent, as if with tacit understanding.
In the end, Zhan Shen opted to be the better man and gave in. He bowed in goodbye, his left palm meeting the right fist, and walked away.
Miles remained at his desk, silent, thinking, as he finished what was left of the Pinot Noir. However, his ears were peeled for the sound of the main door opening and closing.
Moments later, he heard it, confirming that old Zhan had indeed left. Now alone in Lykaon mansion, he couldn't help but spare a glance at the closed briefcase.
Despite its contents being worth around 6000 fae gold pieces, he had left it untouched all this time.
As much as Miles hated to admit it, Zhan Shen had piqued his curiosity. The old butler knew how to push his buttons.
Grabbing the briefcase, he dropped it onto his desk in a cloud of dust.
Waving his hand, he carefully unlocked the latch and opened it, revealing a high-quality black styrofoam base. Embedded in this styrofoam were six syringes filled with colored liquid. Three were green, and the other three purple. The liquid bubbled with supernatural energy, hinting at the power hidden within.
Miles's eyes widened at his first sight of the current world's most intricate weapons, the Fae Serums.
For the millionth time, he couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity of Andre Da Vinci, the inventor of the first Fae Serum.
When the majority of the world had spit on and burned the discarded corpses of the Fae out of hatred and anger, Andre alone had seen the potential hidden within. He had been inspired, and used this inspiration to change the fate of humanity, turning the tides in a lost war.
Miles had many opinions about many people, but with regards to Andre Da Vinci, he only had respect.
Noticing small labels wrapped around the syringes, he started to read with mild interest.
A green serum read, "GS-001. Goblin tier Strength enhancement serum. Minimum requirement of 5 Faetality for use."
While a purple serum read, "SI-001. Sprite tier Intelligence enhancement serum. Minimum requirement of 5 Faetality for use."
If what was printed on the labels were to be believed, the three green syringes were Goblin Tier Serums, each enhancing a single physical attribute, Strength, Agility, or Endurance, while the three purple syringes were Sprite Tier Serums each enhancing a specific mental attribute, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Influence.
Faetality, on the other hand, was a qualitative quantity that determined the number of serums that could be used by a single person, without being quite literally "fatal".
Miles paused in thought, finally sparing a somber glance at the open file on the very center of his desk. It was the most recent medical report from his Faesician, and revealed his current Faetality to be 997.
This put his potential on the upper tier of Zeta, just 3 points short of reaching Epsilon, just 3 points short of protecting his legacy.
Honestly speaking, his Faetality of Zeta-997, was quite uncommon in the world and would've been cause for celebration in literally any other family. For instance, if he wished, he could use all 6 serums before him and still have plenty of room to spare.
But to Miles, without those last 3 points, it was worthless. It was the reason he couldn't use a serum just yet and risk hindering his Faetality potential...
Having fallen into a bad mood, he slammed the briefcase close, pouncing out of his chair and out of his room.
His target was the gym, where he intended to let out some steam.
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Chapter 7: Conditional Undeath
Miles was stupefied by Zhan Shen’s reaction. He sputtered out, struggling to speak within that overwhelming pressure, “Old Zhan… W-What are you talking about? It’s me!”The pressure decreased, slightly, but it remained, holding him in place.The Elderly Butler frowned, seemingly confused. Slowly, he asked, “But... you can’t be! Your aura... it’s so vile, inhuman, lifeless. The child I brought up can’t be a monster like you! I never should’ve let you--him...”‘Dammit! He can sense the change? And it’s that bad? But I don’t feel that different? Ahhh, f*ck. I’m going to have to come clean, aren’t I?’Starting to feel the weight of guilt, Miles started to explain,
Chapter 6: Unlocking the Vampire and the First Discipline
Zhan Shen yelled out in worry, “Master Miles! What happened?! Is there something wrong with the water?”‘What in the holy hells is this?!’Miles was shocked, observing the strange screen that had appeared in the air before him. In a way, it reminded him of the status that some characters in old video games had. But how and why had this appeared in real life!?Immediately turning to Zhan Shen, he pointed at the screen and asked in a raised voice, “This, this, can you see this?!”The old butler was confused, but he still proceeded to look where Miles pointed before answering, “Master Miles, I’m afraid I don’t see anything. Why? What do you see?”
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Miles woke up to the unfamiliar sound of a repeating electronic beep.‘What... is that? It sounds like a vital sign or a heart monitor?’Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he looked around. It was indeed what he had expected, and the monitor showed the current status of his body in neon green.His heartbeat was slightly below average, his body temperature a few degrees below the norm, but his physical condition was apparently extremely good.As he shifted his eyes away from the monitor, he suddenly realized that it was dark.There were no sources of light, not even a lamp turned on. There was very little illumination, and yet, he could see completely fine. Everything was clear a
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Miles woke up in a pool of his own sweat. He could only assume he had fainted due to the fall and the pain. He could vaguely feel that he was in some dark and musty place. He had probably fallen into the decommissioned basement below the Lykaon mansion. Either way, he felt too sick to focus on where he was. As if to make a point, he turned to the side and coughed up a glob of black blood. As he lay there in pain, sprawled on the ground, he just barely saw a set of feet walking towards him, their steps silent. Whoever it was, they helped him up, their hands warm and comfortable. Miles blinked. It was a… a pale woman? If he had to define her with a single word, it would be stunning. However, none of her features were defined or definite. They were shifting constantly, making her appearance rather unreal. Also, he could see right through her. She was transparent. 'Holy hells, either I'm delirious because I'm feeling si
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Miles was well-aware of the capability of most Faehumans. The only people who could exhibit speeds as fast as this were in the upper tier of Delta, which meant Faetality only slightly less than 100,000! That was already a hundred times his own, and he felt these two were even stronger! These were individuals who could take on entire armies, entire fleets of ships by themselves! However, considering that Fae ships were up in the sky, these were probably Fae. Types of Fae he had never seen or heard of before... Suddenly, the Lykaon insignia ring sputtered to life. *ALERT! ALERT!* TWO UNIDENTIFIED INTRUDERS DETECTED INSIDE THE MANSION. *ALERT! ALERT!* Miles cursed,‘SH*T! Now you tell me?’until his eyes widened in realization,‘’Holy hells! I understand! They were so fast, the security system didn’t register them as intruders until they stopped.” Unfortuna
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Miles walked into the grand hall, revealing the true grandeur of Lykaon Mansion. Luxurious carpet covered the floor, masterful paintings graced the walls, and well-designed furniture decorated the room, with a glorious chandelier bringing all the individual elements together with perfect harmony. However, Miles’s attention was on something else, something on the second floor, reached via one of two diverging staircases. He gazed at the familiar painting, visible to anyone in the grand hall, depicting a well-dressed couple. The gentleman was handsome and clean-shaven, with a stern but pleased look on his face, and the lady was beautiful with a little makeup, curls of auburn hair down her back, smiling with bright brown eyes. They were Etan and Agnes Lykaon, his parents. Miles felt his hands reaching for the wooden pendant on his neck, hung by an old piece of string. It was carved out of rosewood, half of one face painted white and the other hal
Chapter 1: Miles Lykaon
Miles Lykaon sat at his desk, twirling a glass of grape red Pinot Noir wine in his hand, gazing through his window, observing the peaceful Lykaon gardens. It was a moonless night and the dozen or so light drones in the air were not sufficient to illuminate the entirety of the massive garden. Particularly, the interior of the hedge maze which spanned several hundred square meters and took up a quarter of the garden. Leafy green hedges formed the walls of a labyrinth, twisting and turning into dark unlit paths he should've known as well as the back of his hand. Unfortunately, the fae empowered bramble and thistle had ruined and deformed the maze garden into something he was no longer familiar with. Seeing the old maze in such bad condition, only a shadow of what it used to be, made Miles's heart ache. Suddenly, a voice called out from the doorway, "Master Miles, I've just received information pertaining to a rumored Faetality booster serum. I'll be taki