Chapter 42

"This is the closest any player or group has gotten to Shadow," Creselia remarked.

Clara was working on her arrows. She would dip the tips inside a purplish liquid.

"What are you doing?" Creselia asked

"Putting poison on them. This will make my attacks to deal more damage and inflict a poison status."

"It’s good for killing a fleeing prey." She smiled.

A moment later, the group traveled all the way to the end of the passage.

"Tank, get to the front!" Creselia ordered.

Joe leapt forward carrying his warhammer ready. "You got it!"

Clara readied her bow and arrows while Sentry created a spell circle around herself and chanted as her staff glowed.

Hamster Head slipped into the shadows, moving silently.

"Stay close, we don’t know what’s waiting for us in here."

The group trekked further into the cavern.

Finally, they reached a large, open area within the cavern. The walls in the new area they reached had ancient carvings and symbols. What awaited them was a giant door.

"This must
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