A few years ago…Experiment 699 [Outer space]
"Ready to roll guys? Let's move!" Agent 699 said as the spaceship's exit opened up.The QASA team 699 dispatched the mother ship wearing their spacesuits to protect themselves from unfavorable temperatures.They started walking towards a very shallow and rigid surface of this unknown planet.The rest of the team stayed alert holding their laser guns In case of any unwanted guests since they knew nothing about this place. Whilst the team leader, Agent 699 communicates with the mother ship."What's our statistics? Over." Agent 699 said."Still nothing on the surface. You and your team may have to go deeper. There should be a layer at your 3 o'clock(Right) Over.""(Sighs) You heard it boys, we go that way." Agent 699 instructs his teammates to move right.After several minutes of walking on the dusty, windy planet. The VTech (Vibranium technology) gadget started beeping.The more they pushed forward, the louder the beeping."Hahaha, did you guys hear that?" Agent 699 reacted in excitement."Loud and clear!" Agent 698 responded."Does it mean we found our Vibranium?" Agent 696 asked, feeling excited also."I guess so." Agent 695 replied."Phew! It better be because I'm feeling hungry already." Agent 697 complained.The team laughed out loud at his constant complaint of being hungry."You are always hungry. Chill guys, we still have to find the Vibranium. Come on, let's go." Agent 699 said.The team continued walking down the path where the VTech directed but suddenly. Scratchy sounds disrupted their focus and forced them to go into hiding."Watch out! We are under attack!" Agent 699 informs the team as he also transmitted back to the mothership their current situation."Jesus Christ! What are those?" Agent 698 protested."I don't know. But those motherf*ckers got ships!" Agent 695 replied, firing back at the unknown spaceship that just landed at their location.The spaceship that just landed looked nothing like the one they boarded, it was way advanced with some kind of futuristic designs and weapons."QASA QASA! We are under attack from unknown ships. They are closing in fast. Over!" Agent 699 reported."Yes, I hear you. What is the situation like, how many ships are there? Over." Mother ship responded."I can't say for sure! Maybe ten. We are under heavy attack from the ships and we need extraction immediately. Over!" Agent 699 reported back. He then spots someone or something coming out of the ship. "Shit, they are not humans." He hissed, firing heavily back at them."Damn it. We are gonna die!" Agent 697 yelled.The controller system Inside the mothership started blinking red lights, signaling danger and damage to the ship but nothing seemed to be wrong."What was that?" Drummond hurriedly asked."I don't know sir, let me check…Oh my God!" Ricky was perplexed when he saw something unimaginable."What! What is it?" Drummond asked again.Before Ricky could start explaining, unknown spaceships started firing at them heavily and damaged the transmission server. Completely disconnecting the mother ship from the team outside."Prepare the ship for take off!" Drummond ordered."What about the team? We can't leave them out there to die!" Ricky said."Well, If you have a better idea of how we can escape these ships. I'm all ears, Mr Ricky." Drummond replied."B-but this is not right. They are going to die out there!" Ricky retorted."Listen to me, Mr Ricky. Sacrifice is part of the job and they know that. There is nothing we can do to save them." Drummond explained and ordered the pilot to fly them out of there."Ready sir!" The pilot replied. He kind of hoped Drummond would consider Mr. Ricky's option to go fetch the team. He felt really bad, leaving his friends to die in this manner."Hit it!" Drummond ordered.The pilot gnashed his teeth as tears came running down his cheeks. He wished he could compromise but he is just a pilot and the order has been given.The mother ship elevated into space and dashed away from sight, leaving the team behind.Ricky collapses on a seat, panting. His heart filled with regrets and pain as tears threatened to roll down his red eyes. He can't believe the fact that he has watched yet another team perish all in the name of Project Vibranium.Agent 699 continued requesting for extraction but no response came forth from the mothership."Any luck?" Agent 698 asked."No, nothing yet. Is anyone listening? I said we need a gaddam extract…"Booooom!!!.........All of a sudden, one of the enemy spaceships unexpectedly fired a massive wave blast at the rocks where the team was hiding. It blows up the rock and the force of the wave sweeps them off balance.Agent 699 bumped his head on a rock and fell into a hole. He could hear shots of laser guns before silence engulfed the entire place. The last he heard was his teammates screaming before a large rock crashed on him.Present day…TexasThree close friends walking together after lectures.They will be graduating soon from high school and have little or no lectures to attend.They stopped by their favorite cafeteria to have lunch. Normally in a cafeteria, you serve yourself and pay before eating, but the three friends are special customers here and are served by the owner of the restaurant, herself."So are you coming to the party tonight?" Damian asked his friends as they took their seats."Sure. I won't miss it for anything in the world." Troy replied with a bright smile.The third friend remained silent but after an intense gaze from his friends, he had no choice but to speak."Nah, I will be very busy. Maybe next time." Brendan replied, rubbing his sporting waved hair."You always say next time, Brendan. Come on it's Friday, you should have a good time for once in your life!" Damian implied."You are wasting your time, Damian. He is always busy playing VR games." Troy added.The owner of the cafeteria came hovering over their table, ready to take orders."What can I get for you guys?" She smiled."Umm. Chicken nuggets and Coca-Cola each, please. Thank you." Damian replied, politely."Guys, come on. I already reached the finals for the competition, I have to practice harder if I want to win." Brendan explained, even though he knows his friends will never understand."Alright, suit yourself. As for me, I will not spend my last days in high school playing games." Troy retorted. He refuses to be convinced that gaming is something fun."Yeah, everyone is partying and having s*x. Playing some video games is boring!" Damian said. He is the eldest one among the three and Brendan despises him sometimes, with the way he talks."It's not boring! Why am I even wasting my time explaining things to you guys? Wish you both a good party, s*x or whatever." Brendan takes out his headphones and covers his ears."Wow, someone is pissed! Hahaha." Troy laughed."Just leave him alone, Troy. (whispering) He sucks at flirting with girls." Damian said."I heard you!" Brendan replied without even looking at his annoying friends laughing. He instead focuses on playing one of his favorite mobile games "Call of Duty."At the QASA quarters, Drummond enters the research department through a private elevator in the base."Update?" Drummond asked, lazily."Sir, he is currently in a restaurant with his friends," Sonia replied, promptly."I want every single detail, understood?" Drummond said."Yes sir!" The entire team replied at a go."When is the finals anyway?" Drummond suddenly asked."It's in two weeks sir," Sonia replied."Alright, this is exciting. Let's see how good he is." Drummond smiled to himself, feeling a reviving hope for his dreams.Related Chapters
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 2: The Unusual
Two weeks later…"All teams set…The battle begins in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…Brendan takes a deep breath awaiting the countdown. His heart is racing and he feels discouraged for a second but then, he remembers all the training he has put himself through, even hurting his hands when practicing at home."You got this…you got this Brendan." Brendan said to himself. "3, 2, 1….ALL TEAM DEPLOYED, WISH YOU LUCK."Out of experience, Brendan was able to survive the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd wave.Hunter VS OmarNow, it's a one-on-one match. Brendan is good at this so he remained calm.From the start, he already prepared a decoy just in case he reached the end."Hunter huh…come hunt me down." Brendan said.As if Hunter heard Brendan calling, he started walking in his direction.They were both deployed in an abandoned construction site with lots of exciting features.Brendan and Hunter are both experienced gamers and they both had a little gunfight before Brendan went into hiding.Hunter tracks him down again,
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 3: QASA
The QASA agency kept track of Brendan's day-to-day activities, every single thing he did was on camera. Drummond even made arrangements for him to be brought to the headquarters in Liberia."I need to know everything he needs in life. We can't lose this one for anything." Drummond ordered the team to check his profile, every record, birth certificate, and every atom of information they could get their hands on about Brendan."Sonia." "Yes Sir?""I'm counting on you. Do not fail me." Drummond said to the research team leader."I won't Sir." She replied with a bow.Sonia has been a member of the agency for a very long time. Despite her young age, Drummond assigned her to be the head of the research team because he knew she was capable. After Drummond had left, Sonia sat down behind her desk and continued watching Brendan very closely, through the computer."Mom, what's the matter? You look worried." Brendan said when he noticed the sad look on his mother's face. Ever since Brendan's f
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 4: Outer Space
"Look who's graduating again! I'm so proud of you, Brendan. How I wish your father was here to witness what you've achieved all on your own." "No, no. Come on Mom, we are not going over this again. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have made it to where I am today. So I want to say thank you so much for believing in me." Brendan replied. "Yeah, you will always be my special boy. So what about the Job, still considering it? " She asked. "I think I'm going for it. You know, all I ever wanted was to give you a better life and make sure we never lack again. I'm going to make that dream come true ma." Brendan assures his mother with a big smile. "Wow, that's good to hear. When are you coming home? I want to prepare your favorite.""Mmmm, next week. Can't wait to see you but for now, got to go to class.""Alright, talk to you later.""Alright. Love you, Mom, I'm ending the video call now."QASA HEADQUARTERS"You wanted to see me? It better be good news.""Yes sir, it definitely is." Sonia
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 5: The Amagrok
"Approaching destination in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…"The ship made its landing on an old rusty crash site surrounded by spontaneous cliffs and a bunch of damaged stuff. Before they depart the ship, Ricky calls Brendan aside to talk. "Keep me in touch at all times. If anything you find strange out there, you let me know. If things get too messy, return with the team back to the ship. Alright?""Copy that." Brendan replied. "One more thing. Look after Sonia for me, keep her close, and never let her out of your site." Ricky said with all seriousness. He was literally shaking Brendan's shoulders to pass the message. Brendan became even more curious as to why Ricky was always looking out for Sonia. He was about to ask him who she was to him but changed his mind."Got it, Sir." Brendan replied and put on his helmet. "Heading out." "Good luck team, go get our vibranium." Drummond said. The team put on their space suits and made their way out of the ship. They started walking down the open ro
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 6: Team Work
"Sonia, can you hear me, are you alright?" Ricky called out through the walkie-talkie. "Yes, I'm alright." Sonia confirmed. "But Brendan…I-I couldn't reach him." She added. "We couldn't reach him from here also." Ricky replied.Sonia started to snivel, looking very sad. She closed her eyes as tears came running down her dusty cheeks. "You were right, I shouldn't have let this happen. Brendan could be dead and it's all my fault." Sonia continues sobbing. "Don't say that, we are not sure yet. He is a tough guy and-and I'm sure he'll pull through." Ricky said, trying to spark a little hope but he didn't even believe in his own words. The look on his face right now is similar, yes that's right. A few years ago he lost a crew to this course. He never wanted all of this happening but that's the deal he signed up for. It's like a contract with the devil that is irrevocable. "I-I'm scared." Sonia whispered under her breath. "What about the others?" Ricky asked. "We were separated when
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 7: Out the siege
"Alright. Be careful." Ricky massaged his temples as he let out a deep sigh. He gently found his way to a chair and sank in it, eyes closed. "What's up?" Drummond spoke. "Just talked with the captain, he said they got the signal." Ricky lazily said. "You mean the vibranium?""Yes.""That's great news!" Drummond exclaimed and started laughing. "Or a bad one. You're happy huh? It seems you have forgotten so quickly what happened the last time. They got the signal too right? And what happened next?" Ricky glares at Drummond viciously, his eyes flaming like a hot coal. Drummond couldn't say a word when Ricky confronted him. He has never cared about the team he recruits, he doesn't care how many have sacrificed their lives and died for his gaddam project. Ricky wanted to remind him."That's right, you've got nothing to say. Well, let me remind you. In 2001, Team Pluto, all five of them died even before crossing the orbits, because there was not enough oxygen to keep them alive. 2003,
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 8: Holographic Decoy/Trickster
Flashes of events consume her mind, she could see things happening in her head, all at once. “No!!!” Sonia suddenly woke up with a loud cry, she can't remember how they ended up in a small dark basement but she eased up when she noticed Brendan giving her a sign to stay quiet. “What happened?” Sonia asked in a low tone, looking confused. They managed to find a small place to hide in the meantime. The aliens already surrounded the entire facility and Brendan couldn't think of anything to save his teammates aside from finding a place they could hide.“You don't remember?” Sasha asked. “Remember what? I know we were standing at the entrance when those aliens came and-and they were firing at us, and we were running, and then…” Sonia furrows her eyebrows, trying to remember what happened afterward. “That's all I remember.” She muttered. “It's fine now. They were able to catch up with us and used some kind of velocity gun that shoved us down the second floor. You fell unconscious after
Vibranium: Agent 007 Chapter 9: The Sacrifice
Everything went blank, it was like a time loop consuming the entire universe. A sudden blinding light overshadowed his sights and taunted his mind with constant deafening sounds. Brendan is standing in the midst of this void and a big screen the size of a billboard suddenly appears in front of him. [New record][Rival: Alien][Ranking: Headshot][Points acquired: 500Gp][You still have 12000Gp to be qualified]“Qualified for what?!” Brendan grumbled. He is pissed off by the constant gaming system messing with his head, he can't comprehend why it keeps telling him things that don't even make sense.“Brendan…Brendan….Brendan, wake up!” Brendan started hearing the voice of Sonia calling out to him in the void and snapped out of the trance. “Brendan, are you okay? Are you hurt?” Sonia hovered around him, looking very worried. “I’m-I’m fine,” Brendan responded. Just then, the memories came back running into his head like a fluid. “Davis, is he alright?” Brendan whispers under his breat
Latest Chapter
Chapter 18: Atlanta
A DAY AFTER SONIA'S DISAPPEARANCE SOMEWHERE IN ATLANTA Drummond walks into the detainment quarters where he has been holding Sonia captive. The room has a transparent-looking wall constructed with futuristic surveillance devices that prevents anyone from escaping. The facility is situated in the middle of an island, which makes it impossible for anyone to escape. “Hello, Sonia. How are you coping? I made sure everything you need is available.” Drummond smiled. "Just let me go! What do you want from me?" Sonia yells back and slams her fists against the glass wall. "Nothing really. Just that your father has been proving stubborn lately. Anyway, I am hoping you could help me persuade him to..." "Never! I will never help you with your evil plans. You are going to pay for all the lives you've destroyed." Despite Sonia's objections, Drummond grins cynically and bursts into laughter like a crazy person. "You will, eventually. I have so much in store for you and your friends." Drum
Chapter 17: Sonia gone missing
The room appeared exactly as he had remembered it. His virtual reality gaming headset, webcams, PlayStation and Xbox controllers, wallpaper collections of "Call of Duty" characters scattered across the wall, and his recent achievement award as the top VR gamer in America are all displayed on the shelf. He walked up to the wooden shelf by the side of his bed and picked up the award. Grinning, he kissed the edge of the gleaming gold cup and gave it a warm embrace. Sonia was standing at the door watching Brendan as he inspected his room. Observing how much he missed his room, she was filled with even greater admiration for him. She had a completely different outlook on life after meeting this guy. As long as she's concerned, he is the only hero she needs in this world. She would never want to lose this gift. "I recognize that particular one." Brendan did not notice Sonia entering his room. She wanted to say goodbye and be on her way back home. After a moment of shock, Brendan turned
Chapter 16: Return of Brendan Omar
Sonia boarded a taxi to go to Mrs Omar’s house. She silently sobbed, burying her face between her palms. Although her back hurt, she dared not to raise her eyes, lest the driver notice her and think she was some kind of a depressed girl or worse, that she had been abused. After she came down from the car, she put on a shade to cover her red eyes from onlookers patrolling the street. The view of little children playing by the field and their parents watching from a distance, holding hands. For Sonia, it brought back memories of her third birthday celebration. It was the best summer she had ever had. Her school friends came over and they played in the fields near her house while her parents and the adults talked. Her grandparents were also there to support her.Sonia's heart began to pound loudly behind her chest as she glanced ahead of the street. She could see Mrs. Omar's house about twenty steps away, and she started to consider how she could tell her why she had returned. However
Chapter 15: Memories don't fade
“Where do we land this thing? We need to keep it away from the sight of people.” Brendan drives straight into the clouds as he navigates suitable places for landing. “That is almost impossible, but I suggest we take a landing somewhere deserted,” Thompson responded. Brendan looks at the map and pinpoint a desert located between Mexico and a part of Texas. “Hold tight, we are um, landing at the Chihuahuan desert.”“Chi-chihuahua what?” Thompson cuts in. “Is that Chinese?” He added. “Hahaha. I don't know man, but here we go!”Brendan landed the spaceship in a very vast desert, in the middle of nowhere and they all alighted. Earlier they found lots of high-tech gadgets, including guns, grenades, vests, and also two Renegades. “Are you ready to roll?” Thompson smirks as he ignites the Renegade, the engine flaring like gasoline. Brendan thinks of his mother, Sonia, and his friends, he has missed them so much. He can't wait to go home and hug his mother, although he knows he has a lo
Chapter 14: Alien King
Chapter 14: The Alien KingSonia hears a knock on her door while preparing breakfast. She wasn't expecting anyone since she just got a house in Texas, very close to Mrs Omar's house. After what happened, she took Brendan’s mother as her own mother and visited her frequently to help with the basic house chores. She walks up to the door and when she opens it, she is surprised and happy to see her old man. “Dad? What a surprise.”Thompson furrows his eyebrows as he stands up. He groans while massaging his temples, feeling severe pains at the side of his head. “What the…” “Rise and shine.” Brendan looks at him with wide eyes. The spaceship was on autopilot so he came to where Thompson sat and tapped his shoulders. “What was that for?” Thompson shrugged his shoulders. “What?” Brendan asked, and for some reason, he felt the urge to laugh. “Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. You f*king smacked me by the head back there.” Thompson complained.“Oh, that. What were you e
Chapter 13: Into the Abyss
Ricky felt he could change Drummond’s mind all these years, or maybe at least change his motives. He knew everything Drummond had been planning was going to cause havoc and more lives would be lost, but he ignored it. Now he knows better, he knows that Drummond will never change his mind. “I thought maybe in a matter of time, you will give up and make amends. I was wrong, I should have stopped you many years ago. Instead, I watched you turn into the monster you are today.” Ricky voiced out in pain. Watching Drummond through the glass door, he added. “My only regret is being a part of it, that's something I will have to carry for the rest of my life.”“Hahahaha. Ricky, you can't escape me. You are going to help me test-run the Vibranium.” Drummond insisted. “And then what? More and more people die?” Ricky turns around, glaring viciously at Drummond. “Over my dead body.” He spat. “So you don't mind if your daughter finds out the truth?” A smirk flushes Drummond's face. The one thing
CHAPTER 12: Escape Plan
Brendan woke up to the hearing of screeching sounds from afar, he had been hanging in chains for a long time and had fallen asleep, thrice. He regrets trusting Thompson for his words and now he is going to be killed for it. That's what happens when one lets their emotions get the better of them. “So they left you behind, why?” Omini asked. “They think I'm dead. So it doesn't matter if you kill me now.” Brendan replies, promptly. “I'm not going to kill you, death will be too easy for a punishment.” Omini approaches with his long fingers hovering around Brendan’s neckline. “I will make sure you suffer and beg for death to come.”Brendan felt a lump go down his throat and cold sweat forming on his forehead, but he refused to show his fears in front of his enemy. “How did you learn how to speak human language?”“We adapted. It was very easy since we are more intelligent than your kind, more advanced in technology and every mutation, able to understand hundreds of languages.” Omini boa
CHAPTER 11: Back Home
The Mothership scaled through the bliss of silence and beautiful large stars. Everyone was still lying low, thinking that they had been captured by the alien ships. “It's okay, I think we lost them,” Ricky spoke before lifting the Force-fill shield, making the Mothership visible again. “That was awesome sir! I never knew you could fly like a badass.” The Pilot chuckles while taking back control piloting. “Thank you, Ramos.” Ricky forced a smile before leaving to go check up on his daughter. Jasper and Kaleb were staring at Drummond who was smiling to himself as he observed the Vibranium. “What are you both looking at?” Drummond yells at them and they scurry away. The Mothership slowly approached the surfaced planet as the sunlight became visible from the other side. It dived down into the light, revealing the bright clouds and then little lines and curves which proves that the earth is spherical in shape. Tall buildings and little towns, oceans, and little lakes could be seen as
Chapter 10: Two Captains
“Come on guys, where are you?” Ricky is pacing around, rubbing his hands nervously as he watches the widescreen. He couldn't read any of the team's vitals and that got him really worried. “Nothing yet?” Drummond asked from behind but Ricky ignored him completely. "Yes! We are alive. We are alive!""Yeah, that was a close one. Hahaahaha."Jasper and Kaleb hugged themselves and started rejoicing when they realized they had escaped the amagroks. The both of them halted at once, seeing Sonia sitting by the rocks, her head buried under her palms. Sonia couldn't stop crying despite the fact that they escaped death, she wails uncontrollably while Sasha tries to comfort her.Feeling sad about the whole thing, Jasper and Kaleb walk up to Sonia and squat beside her."I'm sorry Sonia, Brendan was such a brave guy, a good leader who puts his comrades first." Jasper said, stroking Sonia's shoulders to calm her down."I feel bad about it, but what I can't understand is why he will go back for t