Ch 4: Game Turned Project

Bell Ringing!

"settle down class"

"as you all know your submission of your semester project is coming up so we need you all in top shape"

"the decision of which object would be used as your project has not yet been decided yet so you all can have a peace of mind" Stated the homeroom teacher as everybody let out a breath

'are I semesters project that hard'

'they look like theirs been saved from the devil' thought the old teacher as he looked at his class, a stern look appeared on his face as he noticed one of his student tampering with their phone


"I envy those that do have some kind of self resolve but to play games in my class is unaccepted even if the lecture brings you boredom I do not accept such discipline in a place of learning, you can do this when out home but not here" said the teacher as he moved slowly to the student before plucking the phone from their hand and holding it up for all to see

"you can get this back from me after a visit to your principles office this Friday" stated old teacher as he moved back to the desk placing the phone beside me as he noticed Tish at the back looking shocked and at the verge of tears

"since your semesters project have not been decided yet let's continue with today's lesson" stated old teacher as he opened up his book and took a chuck before beginning to write on the board

'no project yets?'

'is the school going on strike or something' thought Don as he wrote on his notebook following the teacher with his eyes as he juts down what he sees

Bell rings!

"don't frit as your projects will be posted on the class group this evening so be prepared" stated Old teacher as he left the class

On his way he meant another teacher leaving her class

"Morning Mr Wai"

"Oh.. Miss Hais"

"it seems your little sister isn't as bright as before"

"she seemed to get herself into trouble nowadays" stated Mr Wai as he brought out the phone he took and gave it to Miss Han

"please remind her not to do the same mistake again"

"I only allowed her this one chance because of the respect I have for you as a female lecturer"

"there aren't many female teachers that would take on the job of teaching chemistry or geology"

"seeing as it was internationally made for male teachers"

"you impress me"

"but that is not the same for your sister"

"teach her some discipline before she ruins you"

"you worked very hard to care for her and bring up your reputation to this state"

"don't let some thing like lack of discipline be your downfall" stated Mr Wai to Miss Hais as the two strolled down the corridor

They walked in silence before stopping at the school post board for each floor that had different flyers on them, he looked at the different flyers of school clubs, competitions and sports activities but one caught his eyes

"Miss Han what is this?" asked Mr Wai as he pointed to a purple poster on the board

"oh.. That.. "

"it seemed it was posted by a student in the Gaming club"

"it seems to be a New RPG game that came out last week"

"majority of the students are very invested in the game as most of them even play it in their free time in class" answered Miss Hais

"so that's the reason majority of the students I see are either with textbooks or their phones"


'A game that can keep them entailed for hours' thought Mr Wai as a small smile graced his face

"Mr Wai"

"it seemed we just found our project for this semester" stated Mr Wai as he walked away

Miss Hais looked at the flyer for a minute before following after Mr Wai as the corridor turned dim

"Ah.. The gods are on our side"

"no project for this semester"

"there didn't say no subject they only said they haven't decided yet" stated Don as he reprimanded Mike for thinking that way

"you're just happy because you don't like doing projects"

"and I thought I was lazy"

"you're more lazier than me" stated Don in a whisper


"I'm not lazy!"

"and do you seriously think I didn't hear you"

"you can whisper all you want but my ears are as sharp as an eagle"

"yeah... but your brain isn't"

"I'm.. Hurt!"

"how can you say that"

'overly dramatic' thought Don


"why couldn't you atleast have hide the phone under your desk"

"now I have to visit the principle and explain before getting it from Mr Wai himself" stated an angry Tish as she seemed to be venting her anger on the student

"I'm sorry okay!"

"I didn't notice Mr Wai getting close to me"

"I would have hide had I known" stated the student

"Tish calm down"

"getting angry at him is not gonna solve this problem"

"just breath so we can figure this out"

"breath... Okey.." said one of Tish friend as she try to calm the inflamed girl who quickly got the hint and started to calm down but still gave the student a death glare

'hot headed as ever' thought Don as we see him resting on the table as Mike talks to him but his eyes seems to trail from him to Tish as he watches the whole ordeal

Hell half of the class next to them saw it but it seemed she didn't care as she sat down with her friends with a defeated expression

'she dose look like her'

Don completely looked concentrated on her as a memory appeared

It shows snow falling light as the gray ground was covered in whites, two small footsteps were seen running through the snow and throwing snowballs at each other

One was a boy of about 12 with black hair while the other was a girl with gray orange hair, they both worn heavy clothes as the snow falled harder and brought chills with it, shivering as both decided to hide under a big tree


"Don are you cold" asked the girl

"yeah a little but that's not gonna stop me from beating you out our snowball fight"

"just you wait" stated the little Don


"you're funny"

"but think again if I'll let you win"

"not in a million years" stated the girl as she took a pile of snow and plunged it towards him, it hit him right in the face as the girl laughed and proceeded to run

"catch me if you can!"

"and maybe who knows I may have to marry you in the future" shouted the girl as a blush appeared on her face as she moved farther into the snow shouting for Don to chase her

"hey wait for me Tish!" shouted Don with a smile as he galloped towards his prize as the two laugh and play as their laughter is hears even after his memory fades to leave a longing expression on Don face as he turns away from Ha ria and her group facing the window

'Tish are you really her'

'or I'm I just imagining things' thought Don as he looked out towards the ocean blue sky and gave a very small sad smile




The sounds of phones receiving a wide notification were heard throughout the class as students rushed to check their message

Mike brought out his phone to check while Don just continued sleeping

"Holy sh**t"

"No cursing"

"Don look at this"

'Class A1 class project submission will be about the New RPG game called URSA that is loved by all'

'you are to write your very own experience and trials about the game given in your own views and concept on what it lacks and ideas on what should be added to better give the game more light'

''Semesters project should be submitted at the ending of this week with no delay'

'if you were to finish early please don't back and submit'

'all the submission will be sent to the producer of the game and given into consideration a new game developed based on your idea'

'Good luck students and I hope to see you do your best'

'signed Mr Wai'

"wait does that mean any idea we bring stands a chance of getting a game developed from it"

"like an actual RPG game with us posted as the creator"

Silence and then...

Girly Screams

"we get to become popular"

"I can't believe my dreams coming through"


'oh.. Brother..'


'I know I said I was bored but did they really have to turn it into a project'

'it's like telling the world free cash for a year'

'now it's a must do no matter what I think'

thought Don as he looked at a joyful Mike who seemed to have brought out a book and pen and proceeded writes down his idea with hope of playing and getting his story recommended

I know that would mean the world to him if it got a game seeing as his dream is to be a game developer

'well... '

'at least his happy'

'maybe I should go back to gaming'

'I seemed to be missing out in something fun'

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