Ch 3: Family Video Call

Don hands were typing on the computer as the video call screen appears, he stopped and stretched on the couch waiting for his little niece to return

'what's taking her so long'

'did she fall down by accident' thought Don




'Huh what's that sound'

'sounds like fighting' thought Don as he turned towards the kitchen, he waited to see what the sound was but as it got silent he proceeded to stand when


"What's this"

"it's cool" shouted an excited Nia as she runs to her brothers side holding Mike phone, she stops just before reaching him and points to the screen of a fight scene

"Nia where did you get that?" asked Ye tan as he reached out and took the phone from her, she looked sad as Don switched off the screen and placed the phone in his pocket

"brother... "

"can I play it" asked Nia

"sorry sweetie but"

"the phone belongs to Mike"

"he forgot it in class so I'm returning it to him tomorrow" stated Don as he sat back on the couch

"but... But...!"

"I really want to play"

"pretty please!" begged Nia as she jumped onto the couch and did as cute as she can be

'Nia not you too'

'what's so interesting about the game'




"but after the video call okay" stated Don


"I get to play!" shouted Nia as she jumped up and down on the couch before jumping into Ye tan hands just waiting to catch her




"how about we greet Aunty and Uncle before Dinner" said Don

"what you're making?" asked Nia as Don pressed the call button on the screen waiting as it rings

"I'm thinking of making spaghetti with meatballs sauce"

"your favorite" confirmed Don as he tickled her with a smile


"stop...hehe....tickling..hehehe" stated Nia laughing inbetween words

The video call went through and two form appeared on the screen, an elderly man with brown hair along his chin you could see a sign of a beard starting to bloom beside him was a beautiful lady, she had long black hair that reached her shoulder but looked a little weak as she sits in a wheelchair while the man stands

"Aunty, Uncle!" stated Nia happy as she gives them a big smile and does a grapping form with her hands towards them

"hehe... Hello sweetie"

"you're as beautiful as the last time I saw you" stated Mom as she moved closer to the screen

"Don what is up with your hair?" asked Dad who was soon slapped on the wrist by Mom

"is that what you say after seeing your kids after a full days of work"

"it seems I need to teach you more manners" stated Mom as the kids watches the whole ordeal with Mom dragging Dad ears in a stern warning

Don was looking embarrassed as his hair had outgrown his normal style reaching just passed his shoulder with half of it covering his left ear and eye

"Honey I'm sorry okay" pleaded Dad as he finally got his ears from Mom tight grip


"I know you are but yours' Dad rights"

"Trim it" stated Mom with a sharp look directed his way



"Big brother looks pretty like this"

"he looks so cool" stated Nia with a big smile as she stood on his lap and touched his hair



"but I can't lie Nia right it does suit you" stated Mom as she smiled to her kids

'well it's to be understood'

'last time we called them my hair was still short but in one week had turned to a nest'

'what was I doing to even forget to trim my hair' thought Don as he reached for his head and touched it seeing it fuller than the last time he touched his hair

"Well your giving him too much freedom"

"freedom... Those that have anything to do with you"

"what does that mean"

"try figuring it out yourself it's not like you're the only fish in the sea"

"theirs plenty more where you came from" bickered his parents in a playful manner

'they always bicker like this'

'reminds me of old time when we were all together'

The scene turns to show the laptop disappear as the other couch beside him his parents appear bickering like before as the two young version of them just watches the show on the TV as if nothing is helping right behind them



"are you alright dear" asked Mom

'what's' thought Don as he noticed he was crying, everyone was looking at him with a concerned expression

"Brother don't cry" stated Nia as she reached up to wipe his tears but he quickly wiped them away and smiled

"Nothing I just missed you guys that's all"

"This place looks lonely without you" said Don

"oh honey.. "

"we miss you guys too"

"really wished we could be they for your birthday next month"

'oh right'

'my birthday is coming up'

'the first ever birthday without my parents' thought Don but then looked down and saw Nia smiling back at him

'but atleast I'm not gonna be alone this time' he smiled and looked up only to stop when he noticed the time

"Mom Dad it seemed we have to go"

"it's almost time for Nia to go to bed"

"Brother!... I'm not a kid anymore!"

"you're still a kid in my book" said Don as he raised her up

"well it does seem late now"

"we'll see you guys tomorrow"

"sweet dreams kids" said Mom and Dad as the screen turned black showing that the video call had ended


'always the same everyday'

"come on let's cook before You.. are off to bed" said Don as he piched her nose

Don get up and walks toward the kitchen, he moved pass the counter and opened one of the shelf looking for something while Nia moved from her siting position after putting the laptop back under the drawer that was located beside the table as she reached for Mike phone that Don dropped before leaving and turned the screen on as she seemed to have continued the game as sound of fighting was heard from it

Morning has reached as we see students going to school, each with a friend or alone, the street was filled with them as that road lead to their school, someone is running at a fast speed as he bypassed students before running straight to one

We move in the crowd and spotted Don as he seemed to stop for just a minute before turning to the side in quick maneuver as a lone figure jumps down on the position he was standing on, the figure fell on his butt as he caressed it

"ah.. My butt!" shouted Mike

"serves you right for trying to sneak up on me" said Don as he reached out his hand for Mike to take

"you're evil you know that" said Mike




"Don you couldn't have seen my"


"you left it in class yesterday" stated Don as he handed Mike his phone

"thank god"

"I almost lost its when I couldn't find my phone"

"you should be lucky I was able to notice it"

'more of get it for you'

'Nia played that game till night I woke up to find asleep on the couch with phone in hand I literally had to hide the phone from her this morning in order to get it passed my door'

'the phone was the first thing she asked when she got up'

'I know that games are cool to play'

'that coming from a former Otaku Game lover like myself'

'but I can't seem to get an interest in this new RPG game'

'it just doesn't move me to play'

"Hey Don"

"did you play URSA?" asked Mike as he scrolled through his phone

"Me no...."

"but my little niece did..."

"Why did you ask" asked Don as he moved passed the school gate, he looked left and spotted Tish walking alone, her phone in hand with a glint to her steps she looked happy as if she had been given a good prize

She stops for a few minutes before, seeming to be looking for something on her phone when she quickly looked right almost catching Don eyes but he quickly looked away and moved forward before she could catch him

'she really does look like her'

'the same face and everything the only different is her personality' thought Don as he remembered a young girl that looked like her but with a sweet smile on her face as she calls him 'Don do'

"what the...!"

"Level 55!" shouted Mike shocked


My ears

"L.. Level.. 55"


"your niece played it to level 55!"

"I haven't even started yet she's halfway through"


"your shocked by that" asked Don

"come on I just downloaded the game yesterday I haven't even touched the tutorial yet" stated Mike as he looked defeated

"why aren't you surprised"

'well as her big brother is a game otaku I shouldn't be that surprised'

'she always stayed with me when ever I was playing a match and sometimes she was my crew mate in battle'

Don shrugged and walked into the school

'yep!, like brother like niece'

'Gamers' thought Mike as he followed Don to class

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