Ch 2: The New RPG Game


"Jacksin Don!" came a voice from afar as the black mob of hair turns right placing the classroom door as we see a blonde boy stops at the entrance of the door before making his way towards him at top speed as he holds his phone in his right hand and wave with the left smiling all the way

"yo! Don" said the boy with a glint to his smile

[Jacksin Don: Age 18, Introverted but brilliant, likes keeping to himself, parents went abroad and left his niece with him, a part timer and game lover, our protagonist]

Don just stared at the boy before dropping his head back into the table with the acknowledgement returning to his disturbed sleep, he looked bored as he turned back to the open window facing away from the class

"Good morning bro"


"you look as discarded as before"

"hey... "

"need a little company" said the blonde boy as he waved his red samsung phone around

"Go away.." said Don muffled, the blonde moves closer and dropped Into the nearest seat crossing his leg as he placed his phone screen towards Don face pointing to something on the screen

"Go away... I'm I that bad of a person.. "



"I'm heart broken"

"Ye tan how can you do this to me"

"aren't we friends....Even when I found this for you" said the blonde with a little dramatic act

'Huh.. ' thought Don as he turned back to his friend and looked straight to the phone he was pointing too, his black mob of hair fell to the left covering one of his black crytalised eyes

'A game....'

"A game?" asked Don as he stares at the screen that had written in bold 'URSA'


"not just any game this is the new RPG game that came out last week"

"it's been selling like fire.."

"just looks at the d******ds!" stated the boy as he points to the d******d list

"hmm.. "

"not interested"

Clack! Phone fell on the table


"Jacksin Don.."


"what has the world turned into... "


"that can't be"


"you...?" the blonde got up and pointed a finger at Ye tan suspicious in his eyes

"you're not Don right?"

"what have you done to my bro"


"Go away Mike" said Don muffled

'his as irritating as ever but what can I say I still like hanging around with him'

'about hanging around' thought Don as he seemed to be looking at something outside the school window

"Mike.. "

"why you're in my class"


"what do you mean"


'playing dumb I see'

"if I do remember the scheme"

"isn't Class B2 suppose to be having an execution today to the museum" stated Don with a smirk as he turns from the window to Mike and then back


"our execution"

"our homeroom Teacher couldn't make it so we had to postponed it for next week"

"why do you ask"

"want to go with me" asked Mike smiling which soon disappeared when he looked out of the window Don was staring through

Outside we see a bus and a line of students entering the bus with their bags as a teacher talks to them and instruct them on some things as other load the bus with luggage

"postponed they said"

"it seemed you better hurry or your miss the bus"


"Darn it!"

"see you later Don!" shouted Mike as he ran straight from the class room



'that dimwit left his phone'

As Don was about to continue sleeping his eyes caught Ki min smartphone on the table, he reached and took it looking at the screen and the play video of the game 'URSA'

'URSA.. '

'looks like a children games'

'what does that even stand for.. ' thought Don but before he could think farther their homeroom teacher walked in

"settle down kids" said the old man as students who were laying or chatting outside came into the class like swarms of bees, each taking a seat as Tish quickly took her phone and placed it in her bag she stared around the classroom before seeming to stop and stare at Don as theirs eyes meant

'What's your looking at?' whispered Tish with a menacing expression as her eyes seem to bore through him

Don quickly looked away and placed Mike phone in his pocket before facing the homeroom teacher



The time is now 7:12, as the school bells rings loud and clear for all to hear, students are fleeing from the school like hays blowed by wind as the gates was placed wide open for all to pass, we stop at Tish as she laughs at one of her friends joke but is soon passed by a lone figure who moved slowed with a glint in his step, she stops to stare at the backbag of the person as he moves towards the gate and then to the side removing him from her view

"Tish.. "


"Huh!" shocked Tish as she saw her friends looking at her with puzzled expression

"yo... "

"you fased out a little"


"was it a guy"

"what... "


"no.. It's not like that"

"Tish got a crush!.."

"haha hahe.. "

We move to the walkway leading from the school as the person Tish was looking at was identified as Ye tan as he pushes his black hair back before falling again, he looked tired and sleepy, almost dizzy on his feet as he walks slowly towards his destination

[My name is Jacksin Don, Son of both Jacksin Norris And Jacksin Mina

I have a niece named Nia

She's seven (7) years old

Unlike me she's free and playful

Joyful but something's wild, I love her even if we aren't fully blood related

Nia is my niece but at the same time my half sister

Father just using the word niece to cover it up from mother

Like wouldn't a woman question why her husband came back with a child so suddenly and one that had a spilting image of Dad when he was young, brown hair and all

If you remove the brown hair and gave her black she would look like my twin

Well Nia lost her mom to a robbery as Dad proclaim but Nia told me the truth

After her mom tried and failed to get my dad to return to her she dumped Nia on the streets and if Dad hadn't forgotten something in the office that same day she would have frozen to death

I'm mad that Dad cheated on mom with a sly woman but that gave me a little sister I never asked for but I love her and she to me

For me...

I've been a loner since I can remember

Never really fitting in in schools or party groups

I was just never the right one for them

It went on from kindergarten to high school

The only person I've open ups to is Mike

My first friend

We meant in middle school and his been glued to me ever since]

"I'm home!"


"Brother!... " came a excited and cheerful voice from inside the house as we see small feets running down the stairs in a hurry

Don was taking off his shoes when an heavy load was flogged around his neck dangling

"Brothers Home!" shouted Nia excited

"Nia!" shouted Ye tan as he quickly took her from the under to balance her on his neck, her brown hair was short and tied up allowing her dark brown eyes to show

"Brothers home!"

"yeah yeah I'm back" stated Don as he moved into the house with Nia, he moved to the living room placing her on one of the couch, he looked up and spotted their family picture

[Dad had to go overseas to work

The company had had a big project which included the best so Dad and his team was picked for the project

Mom fell ill few days after Dad left

We tried different hospital but not could cure her and then Dad got the news

He came back to take her with him promising to come back for us

It's been a few months now but we know we aren't abandoned

Mom and Dad always do video calls with us when ever I get home

Just like today]

"Nia I'm gonna go change"

"can you turn on the laptop for me"

"Yes!" shouted Nia as she jumped from the couch and reached under the table pulling out a laptop and placing it on the table

Don is seen coming down from the stairs as he moved to the kitchen and dropped Mike phone on the counter

'I should give this back to him tomorrow at school' thought Don as he moved to the couch and took Nia by the waist placing her on his hip as he typed on his computer seeming to get the video call ready

Nia looked a little impatient as she swings her feet left to right before looking up at her uncle

"Brother can I go to the bathroom" asked Nia with her cute puppy dog eyes

"sure.. "

"I'll wait" confirmed Don with a sweet smile as he watch's her gallop away with her hands behind her back, she moves into the kitchen moving up the small satire when she caught Mike phone

The screen was still shining as she moved closer and took it

"U.. R... S... A?"

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