Ch 1: Council Of Elders

'Cool and calm'

'Cool and calm...'

'I should be calm, it's not like this is the end of the world or something'

'I can get passed this..'

'it's just'



[Elder Bryon: Minster Of Finance, Controls the Intake Flow of Money into The Sect, Also The Chief Head Of Servants]

We view out and see ourselves in a big hall designed with pillars, it had small tables and flat cushions placed at each side which was occupied with people dressed in ancient clothing of light purple the symbol of their sect was a a blue lotus which was designed at the edges of their garment

The participants in the hall were all the Elders of the sect as each sat cross-legged with food and a bottle of alcohol placed on each of their tables

It was a standstill as agruement flew from right to left putting the quiet hall into chaos, men where shouting and banging their tables just to get their point around

[Elder Kal: Keeper Of Knowledge, Holds The Keys To The General Library Granted By The Former Sect Leader, Any Information Wether Big Or Small Is Found by Him And Addressed To The Sect Leader, He Has A Quardriod Of Spy's In Every Sect]

"call it as you see fit but it is what we must do to quiet the rumors"

"the other sect leaders do not see him as fit to rule us and I also agree with them" stated Elder Kal contemplated as he rub his chin



"How can you say that when it was You!.. who insisted on his enthronement the most out of the Council of Elders"

"For you who is the closest to the sect leader to say such blasformy is unacceptable!" stated Elder Andre

[Elder Andre: Council Leader, Organizer Of Meetings In Place Of The Sect Leader If Absent]


"For the love of Sirian can the congregation be quiet"

"We'll here shouting like kids without discussing this matter with the Sect leader stated Aldo as be crossed his hand bored, a red garment adorn his frame as his waist was strapped with a black liner that held a wooded rack seeming to hold a sword, his black jet hair was tied in a pony tail stopping just before his shoulder, he turned and smiled to the council of elders before facing the door as a smirk appeared on his face

[Aldo: Close friend To The Sect Leader, Secret/Personal Bodyguard, Head Disciple, Has A Slight Crush On Him]

"Isn't that right Sect leader Sih"

'I got caught didn't l'

"Stop talking!"

"The sect leader isn't here"

"He left to visit the mountains and chat with our ancestors"

"Just keep quiet if you don't have anything to say and leave this matter to us the elders"

"A mere guard dares to bring his limitless mind that only knows how to protect into the sects matters" stated Elder Karl

[Elder Karl: Second Hand Of The Sect Leader, His Second Adviser]

[Elder Carl: First Hand Of The Sect Leader, His First Adviser, Twin Of Elder Ga]

"Brother slow down"

"don't be harsh on the boy, his only doing what little job his has" Elder Carl gestured with a small frown

"Huh…. "

'Darn Elders'

'Always trying to get a rise out of him'

'I hope Aldo doesn't take the bite' thought something hiding outside the hall door

"I have priorities that are Grander than any of yours in this very room"

"So you can call that little job of mine a better position than yours in the whole sect" stated Aldo


'he fell for it'


"what rights do you have to say your position is higher than all the elders in this room" said Elder Karl

"I'm sorry.."

"I think you've mistaken"

"I didn't say all the Elders I only gestured to you"


"or are you getting too old for your age Elder Karl"

"maybe you should give the position to your Nephew seeing as he is more of an advisor than you" stated Aldo smugged

'Shouldn't this be a time I should step up'

'A sect leader should be powerful and vindict right'

'like what they say in drama's or novels'

'what did those sect leaders do in the game again when something like this happens'

'show them power.. '


'Huh… '

'I'm not caught out to do this'

"We should call the leader back to the sect"

"this discussion is getting out of hand" stated Elder Andre

"I agree with that"

"Fighting and agruing on a matter we'll never agree on is just pointless"

"put sending a servant to call the leader back to a sect is unthinkable"

"especially in this predicament that the cultivation world has descended into"

"no need in disturbing the sect leader and his trip"

"we can solve this before his return" stated Elder Shawn

[Elder Shawn: A Wise Man, Never Talks In Meetings Until Deemed Necessary. Likes The Sect Leader And Wants Him To Marry His Daughter]


'Great.. '

'A man that has more wisdom and authority than me'

'A sect is a warzone'

'why was this sect not shown more in the game'


"I think it's time Sect Leader Sih presents himself" shouted Elder Shawn to the congregation as all heads turned to the center as the door was pulled open which was followed with an announcement as the voice boomed around the sect



'The sect leader is here'

'That's great right… ?'


'wait…..I'm the sect leader!'

The big door opened with a strill as it slide open to reveal the hidden form behind the door


It is seen that the thoughts we have been hearing has been coming from him as all the elders rise to their feet in unity and bow to the figure in greeting

"THE ELDERS GREET THE SECT LEADER!" shouted the congregation as all bowed a 30 degree

"ha ha ha.. "


"Greeting Sect leader" stated Aldo as he walked up to him and bowed before rising


"You don't have to stand for me" said the sect leader as he is identified as Graeta Sih our main lead and villian of the game

"Leader" Aldo said as he gestured to the sect leaders chair in the center of the room

The chair was the biggest in the room, it was a black and purple design with a dragon pattern adorning the edges of its handle, it had silver pattern flower on the tips of the chair or throne to be more exact, the throne as big as it was had a menacing oral to it as it radiated with a dark purple glow

'My seat'

Aldo stood beside the throne as Sih took his seat, he turned and looked at the congregation as he placed a serious expression which with the throne was menacing enough as he glares at the elders who clean their robes and take their seats

The Room was silence as each role stared at each other awaiting for the order of the sect leader

'Ha ha.. Huh?'

'how did I get into this mess again'

Few Weeks Ago

Location: Hijah High School

We move down and pass through a class with the sign Class A1 as the class is seen to be mostly empty as only a few students remaining

"Tish what are you looking out"

"you've been stuck on your phone since you came in"

"come on tell me what your doing" said a female student as she pulled a seat in front of her and dropped on it

She moved closer to her friend who seemed to be adorned by her phone as she tups away, she looks glue to the screen with a smile before it quickly vanished


"oh! Come on!"

"why does that villian always ruin things"

"it was getting soo good" contemplated Tish as she dropped her phone unto the desk


"what's got you so fired up" asked the female student as she picked up the phone and saw the screen

The screen had a view of a game with a blonde girl dressed in blue ancient clothes, she was gesturing to something on the left side of the screen as her sword was raised up high in a stance to fight, her words were written on the screen in a bar type form

'You villainous scum unhand her this instance' was written on the screen

"woah is this the new RPG game that was launched last week" asked the student as she gestured to the game

"oh.. So you do know it"

"I thought you were saying you never play games" Ha ria stated uninterested

"Hey.. "

"I didn't mean it like that"

"come on tell me how to play these" asked the student as she tugged on her friend



"see.. You press here when you want her to attack and then the screen" said the girl as we move past them to a mob of black hair resting on one of the empty chairs at the far side left of the class

It was placed in front of the window as briss blow and flaked his hair swinging from left to right


'A new game?'

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