Chapter Fifty Four: Normalcy

Who or what truly is a Sefirah? Who truly is a Godfather? These are the questions I ask myself anytime I find myself moving through stories, doing deeds that please the readers. These questions shouldn't bother only me but the readers as well as I have found the answer for them all. It's just that...just that I find it hard to accept. It's difficult to accept them all.

A Sefirah is any being chosen to represent a particular Godfather, bearing an attribute of that Godfather. Sefirot serve as vessels and spokespeople for Godfathers, carrying their essences and wills.

Hehe, simple huh? Well, in course of my travelling across Surreal Halls and fending off Eidolons[1] by myself, I've understood a great deal about myself but I'm not willing to accept this. At least not yet! Sefirot are not just representatives! That was a lie told by the Godfathers or They had no reason to tell us the truth and fed us what we needed to hear. A Sefirah is actually the physical...Well, I'll save this answer s
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