You Want To Have Sex With Me?

At the Mildenbrough City Police Station...

In the interrogation room, Thomas and Scott sat across from each other, separated by a long table and the walls.

"Don’t treat me like a child. I know you’re hiding something," Thomas said, his eyes locked on Scott with intense seriousness.

Scott gave a thin, crooked smile. "And what could I possibly be hiding from you, Officer? I’ve said everything I need to say," he replied.


Thomas slammed his hand on the table, standing up and leaning forward to glare at Scott.

"Mr. Lombard and General Zach aren’t just anyone. They’re two of the few people with such significant influence. They wouldn’t have defended you like that if you weren’t someone of importance," Thomas said.

Scott raised an eyebrow slightly, meeting Thomas's gaze without a hint of inferiority or intimidation.

"Tell me, who are you really? What do you have that makes them treat you so specially?" Thomas pressed further.

Scott’s smile widened a bit more.

"I think you’re asking th
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