Author: Azure Luster
The Best Attitude To Act In A Situation Like This

"How's his condition?" Zeigar asked his colleague who was currently examining the condition of a young man.

After being touched on the neck and then checking the pulse at the wrist, Leyana turned with a shaking head.

The signs were clear that death was a common occurrence.

"Oh, I see!" Zeigar uttered with a sad tone. In front of him, it wasn't just the young man who had died, but there were also others who had experienced similar fates.

The sea of lifeless bodies was clearly visible before his eyes. Not long after, a car arrived, and they were members of G4 led by Zeigar.

The two people driving the car immediately approached Zeigar.

"Leader, we want to report, that we found another 12 people dead..." said a man named Noum with a mournful tone accompanied by a gaze towards the ground.

"Yes, bring them all out, and line them up with the other victims..."

At this command, all the G4 members worked to take out the bodies. They found a fact that many of these bodies were in bad condition. Some parts of their bodies seemed to be missing, they were eaten and attacked by terrifying monsters.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Zeigar walked along the silent corridor, his footsteps creating the same rhythm as his current feelings.

Right in front of the door, which was so large, there was a digital examination that would occur when someone approached it.

Everything was scanned from head to toe, the name confirmed as Zeigar Zorga, and then the door opened automatically.

A man with a ponytail haircut sat there, staring sharply at Zeigar. As if he didn't know, surely the digital scan would inform him of someone's arrival.

Tap... Tap...

With firm steps, he made a loud sound.

"I want to report on the condition from the records we obtained after completing the task..." Zeigar said with a firm tone, his chest puffed up with determination.

There was a secretary who had been present since the beginning, a common occurrence when in the room with the division commander.

A nod was given to the secretary, and quickly the girl approached Zeigar. Her hand accepted Zeigar's offering of a tablet, then she promptly returned to her boss.

The tablet was handed over, and the expression displayed was not too excited, still the same cold gaze continuously staring at the tablet.

"So the death toll is 50 people?" he asked to confirm all this.

"Yes, we arrived at the scene, but when we arrived, the monsters were already gone! They seemed to realize our presence!" Zeigar said with a regretful tone.

"So it seems!" But, Hinz's demeanor remained the same, calm with sharp eyes. "Quickly conduct an investigation, don't let those creatures infiltrate the city environment, you must resolve this problem as soon as possible!"

"Alright, I will do it as you command!" After saying this, he immediately left the room, stepping with a determined expression towards the silent corridor.

Hinz still pondered over the list of reported victims, it seemed the tablet reported the target was the southern region. The number of victims was also not small; the district suffered severe damage, and many were also injured.

"Commander, do we also need to observe other areas?" Anne asked as his secretary.

"No, for now, we just need to focus on that area first, then we can observe other areas later..." replied Hinz, folding his hands in front of his own face.

The southern district was known as a place of little concern, it was where the poor and the destitute lived. Violence and crime were common occurrences there, possibly stemming from its past as a location for quarantining people affected by the plague.

But, even though it had been quite a while, the government didn't want to release them, so those living there had to endure suffering. They often protested, but it was in vain; the security forces would immediately take action, often resulting in deaths.

Just a few hours ago, there was an attack in the city area, even though the surrounding city was protected by fences and digital shields that were difficult to penetrate, but this does not seem to provide any benefits. It was clear that many people were suffering as a result of the incident.

As ordered by Hinz, even though inspections had been carried out, G4 as a security agency to handle such cases couldn't just leave it at that. The security system in the area was not yet fully capable of handling this problem.

Zeigar's feet, which were once so firm, now seemed reluctant to continue. He witnessed many traces of the attack that were difficult to imagine; blood and damage were clearly visible.

His hand clenched, he remembered the memories of the past where all of this also happened in a terrible way.

"I won't let those creatures do as they please; I'll make them experience something more terrifying than this..."

The footsteps of someone were heard approaching; Zeigar's eyes immediately glanced to the right. It was a woman in the same uniform.

Lara is a G4 member with a beautiful face, but she is considered cruel when it comes to work.

"Leader, have you reported this incident to the commander?" she asked casually.

"No, I haven't reported this incident yet, he probably already knows what's going on here! I just reported the number of casualties resulting from this incident..."

"I see."

They were used to sharing such painful scenes; there was a lot of blood and casualties. And for the security division tasked with areas outside the city environment, they wouldn't be surprised by the number of lives lost.

"So what are we going to do after this?" Zeigar was confused; he was instructed to maintain security in the area. However, his heart seemed to refuse to do this. He tended to want to capture the enemies who had done all of this as soon as possible.


The earphone emitted a sound, and Zeigar's hand instinctively pressed towards the right earpiece.


"I've just found the location of the monsters attacking the southern district!"

Zeigar raised an eyebrow after hearing this. "Where are they going?"

The monitor immediately marked their location, there were 7 of them, and they were moving incredibly fast.

"They are about to cross the border into the southern territory, not far from the city! But, if we chase them, it might take more than 2 hours! They're moving at high speed..."

Zeigar accepted this; for him, it was enough. That explanation made his feet immediately move away from there towards the G4 combat vehicle room.

Inside, there was a man who was monitoring the surrounding area, as well as the driver of the vehicle.

"Leader?" this man asked, puzzled by Zeigar's cold stare.

"Summon all members to carry out their duties!"


He didn't need to ask much; when there was an order like this, they could only carry it out immediately. He quickly called all the G4 units on duty around the district area; as soon as the call came in, they rushed to the combat vehicle.

"Leader..." Leyana said.

"What's wrong?"

"Why are we moving so quickly? Has something happened?"

"Yes, we have found the creatures attacking this district..."

__To Be Continued__

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