Inside they walked across the empty foyer to the door at the far end and when it was opened for them by the two bouncers who were standing beside it, the players were hit with music that was so loud the floor was thumping. The large speakers were blasting dance music and the dance floor was flooded with a young people that were dancing and having themselves a good time.
"Goodness we have to go through that?" Reggie asked.
"No we don't, check it, there's a place to walk on the side of the dance floor," Sue said.
"Oh thank goodness."
"What's the matter Reggie?" Roy asked. "Scared of teenager girls?"
"Yeah I'm not going to answer that," he said and the two of them chuckled as a few of the others just smiled.
"Alright let's move. Our client is in the main back room, let's go and get her," Den said and they moved out.
"Ooh look at Den taking charge, mama like that," a woman watching on her laptop said.
The players walked down the side of the almost football pitch sized dance floor and headed to the door that led to the area in the back where the back rooms were. Standing in front of it were two bouncers; dressed in black suits just like the other ones were.
"Whoa hold up, entry into this area is for private personnel only," one of the bouncers said.
"And we are private personnel. We're Ms. Peach Larson's personal security team and we're here to pick her up," Den answered.
"This time?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're late," the other bouncer said.
"No we're not. We just got here."
"Yeah and you just got here late. You're supposed to be here three minutes ago."
"Well we apologize," Den said and looked at Bella. "We were a little held up outside," he then said and looked back at the bouncers.
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," the bouncer said and opened the double door for them. "All the best," he then said and they walked in, with Den leading the way but slowing down so that Bella could catch up to him.
"See what your little stunt has cost us."
"We needed to know each other's name, you are not going to get an apology out of me for that so if that's what you're looking to get, you should keep walking because you're not going to get one," she said.
"Uh so you're that person."
"The one that's not afraid of you, is as tough as nails and is going to call you out on your BS? Yeah that's me," Bella said and walked off ahead of him as Den just stood for moment watching her go and just shook his head. The self appointed captain could already see that Bella was going to be a handful and he didn't like it.
The players walked down the hallway to the main back room to pick up Ms. Peach Larson and escort her to the front of the club where her limo was waiting for her, with Den leading the way and the music blasting on in the background.
They came to a door that had a star with her name on it and Den walked up to it and knocked on it as the others stood around.
"Ugh for goodness sake Gwen I told you that if he calls just ignore his call," Ms. Peach Larson shouted from the other side of the door.
"Uh Ms. Larson, it's not Gwen," Den answered.
"Then who the heck are you?"
"I'm Den."
"Den?" she asked.
"Yeah Den." The door unlocked and opened and there she was; a model looking woman with long platinum blonde hair who was wearing a pink leather dominatrix outfit. Her outfit was quite revealing but that wasn't what had everyone throwing their heads a little back when they saw her.
"That is stupidest name I have ever heard," Ms. Peach Larson said and Bella and Sue quietly chuckled to each other.
"Ooh look at this sexy little minx," a boy watching on his tablet said.
"Whoa what is with those eyes?" a girl watching on her phone asked and watched on.
"Thank you," Den responded.
"Who are you?" Ms. Peach Larson asked.
"I am . . ."
"Yes I heard your stupid name already but who are you?"
"We're your personal security team here to escort you off the premises," Den said.
"Now! Are you kidding me! I called you here five whole minutes ago. I have been waiting in here for five whole freaking minutes."
"O.k. sis it's just five minutes calm down," a girl watching on her laptop said.
"We're sorry we got a little tied up."
"I don't care whether the world was ending. I call you to show up now you show up now," Ms. Peach Larson said.
"Our apologies."
"Apologies for what, it's been five minutes not five hours, calm down," Roy said.
"Thank you I just said that," the girl said and watched on.
"Hey! Was I talking to you?"
"Uh no but . . ."
"No, so shut your face before I shove my foot in your mouth and shut it for you," she said.
"Wow, you kiss your mother with a mouth like that."
"Bite me."
"I'll pass but thank you," Roy said.
"O.k. enough," Den said to Roy and turned to Ms. Larson. "Ms. Larson we should have been here five minutes ago and we weren't and we're sorry. We're here now so can we please escort you out of the club so that you can go to your hotel room and have a nice relaxing night in."
"I am really tired, I have been performing for four hours straight I could seriously do with some relaxing."
"Awesome, let's get you out of here so that you can get to doing that."
"Ugh fine, but I am still pissed at you," Ms. Peach Larson said.
"I know and we will make it up to you by escorting you out of here quick."
"Your eyes are pink," Brian said.
"Right, she looks like a sexy zombie," a boy watching with his friend said and they laughed.
"Why are they pink?"
"They're contacts stupid much," she answered.
"Wow she is feisty," he said to Grayson who was standing next to him.
"She can hear you moron."
"O.k. calm down."
"Don't tell me to calm down," Ms. Peach Larson said. "No one tells me to calm down especially not a loser security guard like you."
"Yeah I'm going to stop talking now."
"Thank you," she said and walked to the dressing table to grab her hand bag and touch her look up; she put some gloss on her lips, fluffed her hair and fixed her boobs.
"Goodness she is something else," Brian said.
"Would you hit that?" Roy asked.
"Are you kidding me she is crazy . . . Absolutely," he said and the two of them quietly chuckled as the others just stood shaking their heads.
"Alright knock it off, she's our client, show some respect," Den said.
"O.k. I'm ready let's go," Ms. Peach Larson said walking up to them but then stopped making a grossed out sound.
"What now?"
"Is that how you're going to be escorting me out of here?"
"What do you mean?" Hannah asked.
"I mean dressed like that."
"Well yeah this is our uniform."
"It's hideous," Ms. Peach Larson said. "That blue is so going to clash with my outfit."
"So what exactly would you like us to do princess?" Bella asked.
"Go and change into something a little more flattering."
"Oh my gosh what a diva," a woman watching on her desktop said.
"More flattering than these sexy outfits we have going on, you must be higher than a kite."
"You look like a man," Ms. Peach Larson said.
"Thank you, wait until you see the size of my balls," she said and the others chuckled to themselves. "So are we going to do this or not?"
"With you dressed like that? No."
"Goodness it's like dealing with a child," Reggie said.
"Hey, hey! Who was that? Who said that?" she asked looking to the back and Reggie sunk a little to hide himself.
"Listen Ms. Larson you've had a long day and you making these unrealistic demands is only going to make it longer. We can go and change into something that's not going to clash with your dominatrix Barbie outfit but who knows how long that's going to take. If you were flipping out over a measly five minutes, you are going to have pulled out all your fake hair by the time we get back. The choice is yours," Bella said and Ms. Peach Larson thought to herself for a moment.
"Ugh fine, fine, fine! You can escort me as you are but if you show up to come and pick me up like this again, I will not be so nice."
"Wow this is you being nice?"
"Whatever, can we please just go," Ms. Peach Larson said.
"Absolutely, after you." She walked out of the room and walked off, with the players walking around her in formation; three on each side to make sure all angles were covered.
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WELCOME TO OUTLIVE Whoa princess take a chill pill
The players walked down the hallway to the door with Ms. Peach Larson in the middle busy texting on her phone. They reached the door and as Den grabbed the handles to get it open it didn't open. He tried it again and still it wasn't opening."Hello, do you not know how doors work? Let's go," Ms. Peach Larson said."I know how doors work," Den responded."Well you could have fooled me.""O.k. calm down," Bella said."Excuse me, what did I say about telling me to calm down," she said turning to Bella."Oh no I got it, no one tells you to calm down.""That's right," Ms. Peach Larson said. "I will not tell you again.""Goodness you are lovely.""I know," she said and turned back to the front."Yo Den what's going on up there?" Roy asked from the back."The door won't open," Den responded."Is it busted?" Emily asked."No it's locked.""The heck?" Brian went. "Why would they lock it when the
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE I already know how to shoot
"Shoot 'em!" Den shouted and BANG! BANG! BANG! The players took the creatures out. The ones mid-air too splashing more blood and fleshy bits everywhere and on Ms. Peach Larson again who screamed her head off."Are you kidding me? Are you effing kidding me!" she shouted. If her head didn't explode in the next minute it would be a miracle because she was fuming. "What part of this outfit is custom made do you not understand! What, are you retarded?""Seriously, we just saved your life . . . Again," Roy said."You ruined my outfit.""Saved your life.""Ugh! Idiots! All of you are just idiots," Ms. Peach Larson said and the deep clicking sound they heard before went again and when they looked up there were more creatures. This time ten."Oh come the eff on," Brian said. Just then the sound went again but this time it came from another direction and when Bella looked there she froze."Uh guys we have a problem," Bella said."Wow slo
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE That is not true
Each hive needed twenty-five shots and when those shots had been fired, most of them coming from Bella's gun, the hives began to blow up. And when they were all taken out, the four then re-joined the others in shooting the last of the creatures and in no time they had managed to kill all of them.Just then the door they used on their way in unlocked and swung open."Ay how about that? We did it," Roy said."Alright guys, awesome, team work makes the dream work," a boy watching on his laptop said."O.k. let's get the heck out of here before something else happens," Den said."Right behind you," Mandy said.The players walked to the door, still in formation with Ms. Peach Larson in the middle, and then made their way through the foyer to the main door where they walked out and found her limo parked out front waiting for her, with her driver standing by the open door."And there's your ride," Sue said."So that I can get
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE Everyone's scared of something
"How much did you get paid to take her out?" Mr. Kingman asked; seeing how tortured she already was and wanting to torture her some more."I'm not doing this," Bella said standing up and wiped her tears away as she headed for the door."Where are you going Ms. Knight?" All the henchmen standing in the corners pulled their guns out and pointed them at her and she stopped. "I don't believe we were done talking."She turned to him. "I'm not going to have this conversation with you.""Yes you are.""No I'm not.""Ay! Sit your ass back down on that chair or I am going to have my boys bring in your lover and shoot him in the head. Right in front of you!" Mr. Kingman said with his voiced raised. "Is that what you want? Because I will do it. There is nothing I would enjoy more than putting a bullet through his head, go on Ms. Knight, make my day. Make my day."More tears ran down Bella's face and she just wiped them away as she walked to the
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE Den! You're going to get us all killed
"Seriously," Reggie said; looking like he was going to jump right out of his own skin. "You're going to say that now with us in the water.""No, no, I'm not even trying to scare anyone I'm just saying what I heard, I heard something moving in the water," Mark said. "Didn't you hear it?""No I didn't hear anything," Mandy answered, she was the one walking closest to him."Well I heard something.""Don't worry man I heard it too, saw something in there too. There is definitely something in there," a boy watching on his laptop said."O.k. well I'm sure it was nothing, let's keep moving," Den said and they moved on."Nothing? Are you high? You are in a game where there's stuff on each level that has literally been programmed to kill you and you're going to say it was nothing. No, it was not nothing, it was most definitely something and whatever it is is seconds away from jumping out of that water and eating you alive," a girl watchi
"Oh my gosh he's dead. Mark's dead," Hannah said with tears in her eyes. He was there and alive less than a minute ago and now he was gone. And not just, he just had his head completely eaten up by some freakish fish creature."Ah!" Emily screamed pointing forward and when they all looked to where she was pointing ice cold shivers ran down their spines."Oh my gosh," Den said; with eyes all the way widened like he had seen a ghost; the others too as they looked on at the sight before them, a sight that had them instantly fearing for their lives."What? What is it? What's there?" a girl watching on her tablet asked; eager to see what it was that had scared the living daylights out of them.It was more of the creature that had just killed Mark; a large group of them swimming towards the players leaping in and out of the water like dolphins and shrieking like wolverines."Quick, everyone through that door move, move, move!" Den shouted and the players began to run and swim towards the do
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE Hurry, pull him up
The players reached the elevator and Den pressed the button and unlike the other one this one actually worked. The elevator was on deck 5 and began to come down; with each one looking at the display giving out quiet sighs of relief. Finally something was going their way.The elevator reached deck 3 and dinged open."Alright let's go," Den said."Hold up," Bella said."Oh my gosh what now?""Look at the capacity, it says 5 people only, which means only 5 of us can ride it at a time.""5? That'll leave one of us to ride it alone," Mandy said."Yeah.""Not it.""So not it," Reggie said."Who's riding first?" Sue asked."The women will go up first," Den answered."But there's 6 of us," Hannah said."You guys go. I'll take the next one," Bella said."Are you sure?" Sue asked."Yeah.""And then who's going to ride alone?" Grayson asked."It's not a problem, I'll ride alone," Den said. "Come on inside go," he then said and all the women except Bella went in. The elevator doors closed and ins
WELCOME TO OUTLIVE What does it look like I'm doing?
More water poured in with more creatures in it. They leaped out at them but the players held their on; except Reggie who was still down and went on hiding. "The room is filling up, what's the plan?" Emily asked."Up," Den answered and they all looked up. "The lights, everyone get up onto the lights, quickly!"There were hanging lights made of a thick wooden frame right above them that was about a meter long and they all began to climd up onto them; all except Reggie who was still cowered by the table, shaking even like he was out in the cold."Bro what the heck? Get up," a boy watching on his laptop said."Reggie! Get up," Bella shouted."No," Reggie responded."Reggie!""Reggie get your ass up onto the light now!" Den shouted as the creatures tried to leap out of the water at them but couldn't get them."No!" Reggie shouted and started crying."Oh my gosh crying, is he crying?" a girl watching on her laptop with her friend asked."He's crying," her friend answered."Oh man dead, Reg
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It's just business
Bella’s body was taken down to the morgue and was laid on one of the very steel beds she had seen all of her fellow players lying on after they had been eliminated from the game and were dead. Her skin still had some life in it but in her head was a bullet hole with the bullet still lodged in her brain. Lying there cold and motionless like she wasn’t so full of life just a moment ago. She was absolutely shattered by the deaths of her fellow players; deaths she was made to believe were real, but in the end she found out that none of them were really dead. They had died in the game and that was it. They were all still very much alive and had even been taken home but there she lay dead. She had survived all sorts of monsters in the game only to succumb to a bullet to the head and it was a sight that Sue and Den were never going to forget for as long as they lived. Upstairs Mr. Kingman was in his office seated at his table with Shane standing in front of it with his eyes red and his heart
Oh my gosh
Bella made it all the way to the top and opened the door that led out onto the rooftop. It was storming outside and so there was lightning flashing and thunder roaring in the darkened clouds above, and making it out of the door she started crawling herself to the middle of the helipad; literally using the last little bit of strength she had left. “Come on girl, come on!” a group of boys watching on a laptop urged her on as they jumped up and down like popcorn popping in a hot pan. Bella crawled on. Suddenly SPLAT! She fell to her stomach and didn’t just cough out black blood she vomited it, as some of the viewers threw their hands to their heads and the others threw them over their mouths. They all stopped jumping up and down and went so quiet you could hear a pin drop as they just stood there with their hearts in their mouths, pounding like speakers at a night club. Bella had just dropped to the floor of the rooftop and wasn’t moving. She was looking like she wasn’t even breathing.
Let's finish this thing
Bella stood as slight defeat came over her face. The other floors were bad but this one was really bad. She miraculously made it through the other floors but she didn’t think she was going to make it through this one. Not only did it have the most creatures on it but she only had her knives to go up against them, there was no way she was going to survive. Also her body went on deteriorating as the virus multiplied inside her even more and so she wasn’t at her best, she had fought a good fight but it was very much beginning to look like that was where her good fight was going to meet its end. Bella was tough, there was no doubt about that but even she wasn’t that tough.“Oh no, oh my gosh,” a girl watching on a laptop with her brother said with her hands over her mouth and with tears beginning to build in her eyes. She was so close she had to make it. She just had to.Her body was on the verge of shutting down but still she kept going. She had tapped into her reserves and those reserve
That's cheating
The super soldiers came at her with everything they had. They not only swung their huge fists at her with impressive speed but they grabbed tables and threw them at her and CRASH! They shattered against the walls. Fists and boots came at her but swiftly she dodged them. She knew that the way they took the general down in level 7 was the way she was going to have to take the super soldiers down, by smashing their heads and so that was what she did. She managed to land one of her MMA moves on one of the super soldiers and CRASH! Its head smashed on the floor. Bella then ran towards the other one and stepping on the edge of one of the tables, she gave it a flying kick to its neck. The soldier staggered back and tripping over a chair, CRASH! Its head smashed into the wall and the viewers cheered. With how aggressive they were throwing their punches and the tables at her, it wasn’t certain that she was going to make it but she did, and it made Mr. Kingman want to pull his hair out. He was
Ugh for crying out loud
Bella made it into Rex Building, sliding across the shiny marble white floor of the foyer, and turned back to the army of zombies that was behind her. She had her guns up ready to shoot them if they broke through the glass and continued coming at her but they didn’t; all they did was scratch and bang at the glass as they hissed, moaned and snarled on.“Oh my gosh, they’re going to break in and tear her apart,” a boy watching on his phone said.“Move girl, them things is going to break in and feast on your hot self,” a man watching on his TV said. “Move it.”The building foyer was completely empty. There was nothing in it but a front desk and an elevator, and seeing that the zombies could not get into the building Bella then got back up onto her feet and began walking backwards towards the elevator: it was the only place she could go.Bella reached the elevator and pressed the button, and the moment she did, she took a few steps away from it and stood with her arms spread out; pointing
Game over
“Players of OutLive, congratulations for making it to the final level, welcome to level 12,” Lora’s voice said and the viewers had butterflies the size of bats flying around in their tummies; with what a roller coaster of emotions the game had had them on they couldn’t wait for it to be over. “The final stretch, oh my gosh I am so freaking nervous,” a man watching on a TV with his brother said. “Bella’s winning this right?” “Oh absolutely,” his brother answered. “If she doesn’t win we’re going to boycott the game.” “Damn right.” They gave each other a high five and listened on. “Oh my gosh the grand finale, so nerve wrecking,” a girl watching on her phone said. “I just know one of them is not going to make it, I just know it.” “In this level you are a two soldiers of an elite tactical unit and your mission is to reach the helipad of the Rex building where you will be extracted from via helicopter by the rest of your unit. If any of you die along the way then you will be eliminated
We're going to fight
“Oh gosh she’s not there, not good,” a girl watching on her laptop with her twin sister said. “You think she’d dead?” her twin sister asked. “She better not be. I’m not even playing, she better not be.” Den looked around the neighbouring booths for her but she wasn’t there. He called out to her too and there was no response. Where was she? Meanwhile with Bella, she continued to tussle with the jester. It knocked the wind out of her a few more times but still she kept getting back up and pressing on; heading towards the Ferris wheel so that they could retrieve the balloon and finish the level. Den looked on for Sue but she was nowhere to be found; it was only when he ran back to the Ferris wheel that he found her being attacked by two clowns. “Sue!” he shouted and he ran to save her; hitting the clowns in their heads with his pole and reducing them to black smoke. “Oh my gosh Sue.” He moved in and hugged her and she hugged him back. “I thought those things had you.” “Almost. They
You're kidding me right?
“Oh my gosh Bella!” Den made it down the tree and called out to her. He then grabbed his pole and started running to her.“No not me her, go help Sue,” she said.“Bella.”“Go help Sue!!”He didn’t want to but he did it anyway. He changed direction and went to help Sue and rescued her from the primate creature with a high strike to the top of its head.Sue groaned. On top of the huge injury she had, she had succumbed to some more.“Ow,” she said.“Are you o.k.?” Den asked.“No, I think I broke a few ribs.”“Crap, come on.”He lifted her off the ground and carried her to the train as Bella, with the help of her bat, managed to pry herself free from the bear trap.“Oh wow she actually freed herself,” a boy watching on a laptop with his girlfriend said. “Aren’t bear traps like super hard to get out of?”“Yes they are,” his girlfriend answered.“Damn.”Bella groaned as she looked down at the mess that was her leg; the teeth of the bear trap pierced all the way into her flesh and she was bl
Lexy Doll
The train reached the curtain and began to go through it and because the bouquet of flowers was the right item to be collected from the graveyard section, they were allowed entry into the next one; a shabby deserted desert, still with the full moon shining bright. “From a graveyard to the wild west, man, this game just keeps on giving,” a man watching on his tablet said; eager to see just what the next section had install for the them and the players. He was one of the few viewers who was still experiencing excitement, everyone else had cashed in their excitement for fear. The mailbox was in front of one of the house and they quickly dropped off the train and ran to it. This time it was Sue’s turn. She pulled out the envelope and opened it. “Golden plate,” she read. “Spread out, go,” Den said and they ran off. The town was just made of the one street; five houses on the left and five on the right, and they had to search each one of them. Thank goodness the houses were the size of