Almost every important person in Orseya was visiting the southern side of the Zha Clan’ residential complex where Red Night was being hosted.

About four hundred people attended until now, and only those with the invitation card were allowed inside.

As far as Orseya was concerned, this was an epic event. The full moon night made it extra special. It was drizzling a bit, but people weren’t worried because rains in summer wouldn’t stay for long.

There were plenty of folks envying those who got cards because one could eat and drink as much as they wanted on that night.

Whatever the outward reason stated for hosting Red Night, its main aim was to boost the Zha clan's businesses by attracting outsiders through their connections. Parties were historically used for explosive business growth after all.

Not only Zha clan could show their traditions and culture through the party, they could also share their ideas and further establish their brand and spread its name.

As Fabby and Edgar headed to the party, every mouth in the town was talking about it, adding to the frenzy. They were wearing simple clothes they had received from the baronet. However, unlike them everyone visiting the party was wearing sparkling clothes and arrived on horse carts and other rides.

“Maybe we should buy an umbrella,” Fabby opined.

“No. Let’s save the money,” Edgar was quick to deny.

“But, autumn will soon be upon us. Don’t you think…” she tried to persuade him a bit.

Edgar, however, kept shaking his head. “You only want the umbrella to look cool during the party, so, no.”

“T-That’s not why I asked for an umbrella,” she quickly denied, but then said, “at least let’s buy something that makes us look… not plain. You want people to have conversations with us, right?”

“We already look decent. This is more than enough, I think.”

They arrived at the entrance of the party that was taking place in the open grounds. The entire region was candlelit. Even though there was a breeze, the candles were going strong, and they withstood the wind without a hitch, as they had hired someone who secretly controlled their flames.

After the siblings dropped the invitation card in a bird cage, the beautiful parrot thanked them and wished them a wonderful time. It was their first time hearing a parrot talk in an almost human-tongue, so Fabby clapped in excitement and said, “Wow, this bird is so cool.”

The guards asked for Edgar’s blades. Only after giving them, he was allowed to walk past the guards, and they then stepped foot on the red carpet that spread out as far as the candle light allowed their eyes to see.

As they joined the event, everyone was busy chatting, eating and drinking. The smell of the chicken, fish, and prawns was just too much to ignore. Just looking at the food items others were stuffing in their mouths, they began to drool. Though Fabby’s expression wasn’t too shameless, Edgar’s feet already hurried toward the food counter. And she was quick to follow him. It was a buffet system, so they quietly stacked food on their plates and went to a vacant table that had a bunch of candles in the center. Without waiting a moment, they gorged on the food at so fast of a pace that it looked like they might even eat the ceramic plate away.

It was their first time eating prawns, and Fabby liked them so much that she snatched some from Edgar’s plate. But how could he back down? When she went to the counter and brought prawns, he snatched them from her plate as many as he could catch with his grip. Next time, when he went and came back, it was her turn.

While they were planning to eat till their stomachs burst open, they couldn’t help but quarrel now and then.

“Hey, what are you guys doing here?” someone came and sat in the empty chair next to them. It was Vino. His cheeks were already flushed red from drinking too much. But he was still holding a wine glass.

“You are…” Edgar was surprised. “I’m sorry. What was your name again?”

“Vino! It’s Vino, you idiot,” Vino seemed too drunk to remember that he and Edgar weren't quite on friendly terms. “I can’t believe you forgot my name already.”

“Well…” Edgar scratched his head, not knowing what to say. (Why’s he acting so friendly?)

“By the way, your name was Ed or something, right?” Vino asked while putting the wine glass almost in Edgar’s face.

“Huh?” Edgar’s jaw slackened from his question, but then he gently pushed the glass away.

“Haha!” Vino patted Edgar’ shoulder. “Just kidding.” He took a lasting sip from the glass. “I remember you, Edgar. How can I forget the names of those who saved my life?”

Edgar just sighed and shook his head. “Your jokes aren’t funny.”

Fabby, meanwhile, moved her head away from Vino and was rubbing her nose because she felt allergic toward alcohol. Its smell also reminded her of Bittu.

“Anyway, it was nice meeting you here, and I gotta go,” Vino stood and walked shakily. “See you later.”

“Sure.” Edgar pressed his lips and smiled. He then looked at Fabby. “We did save his life, but he’s so drunk that he forgot we only knew each other a little bit. It was more of a business relationship, as he never talked much with us.”

“Maybe, it’s the alcohol that’s making him talk much now.”

“Mm, possibly,” Edgar secretly snatched a prawn from her plate.

“You think I didn’t notice it?” she tried to snatch from his plate. “I’m your big sister, you little brat!”

Though it was a buffet system, there were still servers standing at the food stalls, and they were always watching how much food one was eating, so this made it uncomfortable for many people to repeatedly go there. Though the siblings didn’t mind such things and went there often, they still only got about twenty or so prawn pieces for a plate full of prawn rice. And they couldn’t be shameless enough to only scour for prawns and put them on their plate, so they quietly returned to their tables, but then tried to steal from the other’s plate.

At that moment, the main pillars of the Zha Clan made their entrance to the Red Night.

“The Four Masters are here!” many people stopped eating and stood.

Edgar and Fabby, however, were too involved in snatching prawns from each other’s plates to notice the commotion.

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