The Four Masters of the Zha Clan, also widely known outside as Zha’s Four Dragons, were the most notable figures of the town, even more than the baronet himself. All four of them were red-haired people, for they were blood brothers and quadruplets. The youngest was Dubril Zha, the one with a long beard. The third eldest was Corio Zha with a long mustache. The second eldest was Bushin Zha with long eyebrows. The first eldest was Ashang Zha with a long beard, mustache, and eyebrows. They wore different colored clothes that represented the sects they were part of.

Only when these four took the stage and gestured, everyone sat down.

“We heard that there’s full attendance this time,” Ashang said, wearing a light smile on his face as he briefly glanced at the table Jorga alone was seated at. “And thank you all for sparing your valuable time for us, and we will introduce you all to someone special soon. But before that, let us announce some good news. We know that our town is surrounded by forest in the West, and that a beast tide comes our way at the end of every summer. And if our predictions are correct, then this year’s beast tide is going to be much more rowdy and dangerous.” His words caused a bit of a commotion. “However, don’t worry, this year we’re going to help subdue them.”

Many people clapped and showed their appreciation. “The Four Dragons are going to participate? This is great news.”

“Now, coming back to the special guest…” Ashang continued. “This person we’re talking about is a native of Vedi, and he helped convince the marquis of Lungi province to establish a road through Oldonia.”

Everyone among the audience was quite surprised, especially Jorga.

“If a proper route is established through that confusing forest, then we can finally trade,” Ashang said. “And once trade starts with the Vedi Kingdom, it’s only a matter of time our town prospers. And sooner or later, Orseya will be the best town in Tituka province.” He then murmured to himself, “And we will get a step closer to our dream of turning this very town into a sect.”

“Yeah!” people clapped much louder than before. “That’s right! There’s no need to join other sects when we can make this town itself into a sect!”

“Then let me introduce our special guest…” Ashang pointed his finger toward a man seated in one of the tables close to the center stage. He looked to be in his early thirties, and he was fully drunk. Seeing Ashang’s gesture, he stood and waved his hand to everyone.

Edgar and Fabby were quite surprised upon seeing him.

“Mr. Vino Barabada…” Ashang said aloud, and the cheers grew louder.

Edgar wasn’t exactly paying attention, but he clapped anyway and signaled Fabby to also join him, but she just wasn’t in the mood for that.

Vino climbed the stage and shook hands with the Four Masters and then took out the official scroll signed by the marquis of the Lungi province, with the signature of a prince as witness and gave it to Ashang.

A waiter, one of the three slave girls who worked under Raha, brought five wine glasses onto the stage and one after another took the glasses. The last one was taken by Vino. Just by the smell he could tell that it was an old pristine wine.

The Four Masters then raised their wine glasses, “To the future of Zha clan and Orseya!”

Almost every drinker among the audience raised their wine glasses and repeated those words. Vino, too, did that.

And then everyone gulped down the wine.

Vino drank all of it in one go, and it was strong. Quite strong. It was predominantly sweet, but the sour and bitter flavors were still there.

“How was it?” Ashang asked, a faint smile tugging his lips. “The hundred-year-old Blood Wine.”

“Too good, hic,” Vino said and grinned. “I would love to take a case of this quality back home.”

“Sure,” said Ashang.

“Hicahaha!” Vino laughed even though the hiccups bothered him. And soon, the hiccups forced him to end his laughter, and with every second, they grew in intensity, and he felt really uncomfortable. And by the time he raised his hand to ask for water, his hands were shivering, and soon, he collapsed on the floor, his whole body slowly but surely getting paralyzed.

Many people were surprised, especially Jorga. He stood and ran toward the stage, but Ashang raised his hand, forcing him to stop.

“Mr. Vino’s help is immense, and we owe him a lot,” said Ashang. “But the thing is, we found evidence that this fellow was applying the beast-burdening gel, deep in the Tempting Woods.” He took out a sample of the gel from his pockets and showed it to the audience. Then a purple-haired guy climbed the stage. He was the same guy who was with Vino and ran away when the gorilla killed one among their three-man group. “He saw it with its own eyes. It’s because of this gel, we may have to face the beasts when their temper has grown worse.”

Vion’s eyes enlarged upon hearing Ashang’s words and seeing the purple-haired guy. He wanted to move, but his body wasn’t under his control.

“This Vino is like a knife coated with honey,” Ashang continued. “He came to us with a great deal, and at the same time, he made plans to bring a calamity that can destroy a big part of our town. And afterward, there’s only so much a weakened town can gain a trade deal. And that won’t be the end. They would leech off us until our blood runs dry.”

Everyone in the crowd fell silent. Edgar and Fabby were utterly baffled.

“Now, tell me,” Ashang confidently said, “was I right in punishing him for life or not?”

“Yeah!” everyone roared. “How dare that bastard try to pull such a trick! Heavens served him well!”

As the crowd mouthed off in Ashang’s favor, he looked at Jorga, who made a reserved yet serious expression, and smiled. “The night is young. Let’s have a sanguine night, for the beast tide can’t do anything to our town as long as the Zha clan is here.”

“Yeah! Hail to the future of Zha Clan and Orseya!” some people roared in response.

Ashang looked at his brothers, and they all smiled in their own way.

Bushin gulped down some alcohol and grinned.

Corio chewed on roasted meat and laughed.

Dubril sniffed a pocket box and rolled his eyes, exposing total whites, and at the same time, he smiled through his teeth.

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