“He said he was a herbalist, wasn’t he?” Edgar’s eating pace had significantly decreased compared to a few minutes ago. “To think he was planning some crazy stuff… What do you think?”

“Well, he never really talked much,” Fabby looked a bit unsure. “So what’s there to think? We can only feel glad that he didn’t pull anything nasty with us.”

“Mm… you’re right.”

Fabby looked toward Vino who was now writhing in pain next to the stage. Like a cockroach struggling on its back, he looked totally vulnerable, enough to raise pity in other’s hearts. (What was that beast-burdening thing they talked about? That man, Vino, was carrying a gel, and we asked him, hoping it’s good at repelling mosquitoes, but he told us that it was something he needed to eat to cure his health problem. So, he was lying back then, after all. But if he wasn’t eating it, then what did he do with a whole box of that gel?)

“Hey, Sorry Duo,” a man, who just arrived at their table said, in a blatant manner. “Madam Raha is calling for you.”

“It’s you!” Edgar narrowed his eyes to a slit upon looking at the bald henchman of Raha. “Who’re you calling a Sorry Duo?”

“Who else but you two,” he turned and started to walk. “Follow me.”

“Hmph! Why would I follow you?” Edgar didn’t even care, but Fabby stood and walked behind the bald man. “Oi, give my words some face, Sis!”

“Shh!” the bald man turned his head, his finger resting on his mouth. “Keep your voice under control. This isn’t your house.” As he was saying, his feet ended up striking a chair’s limb, and he fell forward. However, he landed on his hands and quickly got back to his feet and acted like nothing happened.

“Shh!” Edgar looked at Fabby. “Keep your eyes ahead, Sis.”

Fabby was trying not to laugh.

Though a vein bulged in the bald man’s forehead, he controlled himself.

Soon, they arrived at  one of the tables that were close to the central stage. This table was much bigger compared to the other tables, and food was being brought by waiters. The Four Masters were busy discussing something on one side of the table. On the other side was Raha and two of her children, Hornie and Lulu.

“Madam, they’re here,” the bald man bowed upon reaching the table.

“Ah,” Raha cleaned her mouth with a kerchief before turning her head and a bit of her torso to look, and her eyes stopped on Fabby. She then smiled. “Did you like the food?”

“What’s there to not like?” she replied.

“Haha, right,” she nodded. “You might be wondering who invited you to this event. It’s me.”

Fabby had to act like she was surprised. “W-Why?”

“Well, what you said the other day was right,” Raha looked to be getting a bit angry, but not at Fabby. “Those quality seeds from the capital are not the perfect choice to cultivate. I should’ve realized sooner that the corporations do their best to make their customers constantly depend on them.” She made a hard face for a few seconds, but then lightened up. “Anyway, I’ve taken some seeds from local farmers, and they are growing into spectacular plants. So, you have my thanks. Now, you should know why you were invited here.”

“Mm,” Fabby slightly nodded.

“You are young and smart,” Raha said and then looked at Edgar, “but your brother has been leeching off our clan for many days without any shame.”

Edgar was startled. “What? When did I leech off?”

“Well, you are making use of the contests that our clan conducts to earn money instead of using them to increase your strength. You’ve earned hundreds of bronze coins, but let me ask you…” she intensified her gaze, her eyes still locked on Edgar. “How many coins did you spend for the Zha clan?”

Edgar was puzzled. “We are barely getting by with what we—”

Fabby stopped him by raising her hand up to his chest. “I apologize in his stead.”

“It’s okay. It’s nothing big,” said Raha, snorting. “I’m only warning because if your brother doesn’t stop, then someone will beat him up. You should get what I’m talking about.”

Fabby didn’t say anything, but she lowered her head a bit.

“Why do you care about some random leeches, mom?” the young curly red-haired girl sitting next to Raha spoke out. She was a year older than Fabby. “You should just squash leeches, not discipline them.” She glanced at Fabby but then averted her eyes. “Ew, a bald female. The worst thing you can come across in the world. So repulsive. Someone, please put something to cover her head.”

“Sister is right,” Lulu, who was silent till then, also voiced his mind. “We shouldn’t spare our valuable time for nobodies.” Saying that he chugged from a wooden bear pint and then looked at Edgar. “What are you still standing here for? Are you maybe feeling jealous of my beer?” he spit some saliva in it and put it forward. “There. You can enjoy it now.”

The bald man was snickering from the side, further aggravating not only Edgar but also Fabby.

Edgar clenched his fists and looked at Fabby. “Want to still try?”

Fabby squeezed her lips and shook her head.

“Try what?” Lulu snorted, derisively. “The beer?”

“Pfft,” Hornie burst out into laughter.

Edgar didn’t care about them and just talked with Fabby, “Let’s go. I’m sure we can get into a sect without their help.”

She nodded, and they both started to leave.

“What a joke. Trash like you are dreaming to join sects?” Hornie said in a deriding manner. “That’s an insult to every sect in the Tituka Province, much less the empire. You won’t even be fit for becoming foot disciples in the lowest of sects. Stop dreaming!”

Edgar stopped, but he didn’t look. His hand was still clenched, but he tightened the fist. “When you stop dreaming, you stop living.” His words didn’t get a reply, and in fact, shut some mouths. “No one in this world is worthy to tell me or my sister to give up on our dreams.”

As Edgar and Fabby left, nobody said anything.

A good five seconds later, Hornie snorted. “Nonsense.”

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