Chapter 8

 Back at the banquet, Rebecca watched the guests milling around, her eyes scanning the room with amusement. William approached her, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

“Miss Rebecca, you seem very interested in Mr. Ethan’s affairs,” he observed cautiously.

Rebecca sipped her wine, her smile enigmatic. “I am, William. He’s… intriguing.”

William hesitated, then asked, “What is it about him that’s caught your attention?”

Rebecca’s eyes sparkled with a secret joy. “He’s resilient, humble, and determined. He’s been broken and humiliated, but he’s still standing.”

William frowned slightly. “But do you really think he can make a difference?”

Rebecca’s smile widened, a playful glint in her eyes. “I don’t just think, William. I know. And I’m looking forward to watching him prove everyone wrong.”

She turned her gaze to the entrance, anticipation thrumming in her veins. The banquet would be the perfect stage for the Williams family—and everyone else—to see the beginning of Ethan’s transformation.

And she, Rebecca thought with a smile, would be right there to witness every moment of it.Brandon’s laughter echoed through the quiet street, his eyes gleaming with malice as he looked Ethan up and down. “Kneel and apologize?” he repeated, his voice dripping with mockery. “Are you out of your mind, Ethan? You want me to apologize to you?”

Lauren stood beside him, a smug smile playing on her lips. “You’ve really lost it, Ethan. This new attitude of yours is almost… amusing.”

Ethan’s gaze was cold and unwavering. “I’m serious, Brandon. Apologize now, and I might let you walk away with some dignity.”

Brandon’s laughter grew louder, and he leaned back, slapping his knee. “Dignity? Oh, that’s rich! You think you’re in any position to demand anything from me?”

Lauren rolled her eyes, her tone dripping with disdain. “You were always pathetic, Ethan. This little show of bravado isn’t fooling anyone.”

Ignoring their taunts, Ethan took a step closer, his voice steady and firm. “Last chance, Brandon. Kneel and apologize.”

Brandon’s face twisted with rage, the laughter dying on his lips. “You piece of trash! I’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget!”

With a roar, Brandon lunged at Ethan, his fist swinging wildly. But before he could connect, Ethan’s hand shot out, striking him with a resounding slap that echoed like a thunderclap. Brandon flew backward, crashing into a wall with a sickening thud, his body crumpling to the ground.

Lauren gasped, her eyes wide with shock. “What… what the hell?”

Ethan stood tall, his eyes blazing with a confidence she had never seen before. “I told you, Brandon. Things have changed.”

Brandon groaned, struggling to his feet, his face contorted with pain and fury. “You bastard! I’ll kill you!”

He charged at Ethan again, but Ethan moved faster, his foot connecting with Brandon’s stomach in a powerful kick. Brandon collapsed, writhing on the ground, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

Lauren rushed to Brandon’s side, her voice panicked. “Brandon! Are you okay?”

Brandon spat out blood, his eyes blazing with hatred. “I’m going to destroy you, Ethan. You’re dead!”

Ethan looked down at him, his expression calm and almost detached. “You already tried that. And look where it got you.”

Lauren’s voice rose in hysteria. “You can’t do this! You don’t get to act like this! You’re nothing!”

Ethan’s gaze shifted to her, his voice eerily calm. “I’m not the one on the ground, Lauren. And I’m done letting you and Brandon treat me like trash.”

She flinched, stunned into silence by the intensity in his eyes. Ethan turned away, his voice firm as he spoke over his shoulder.

“Stay away from me. Both of you. This is the last time I’m warning you.”

He walked away, leaving them on the ground, the echoes of his words hanging in the air. As he disappeared around the corner, Lauren helped Brandon to his feet, her hands trembling.

“Brandon, we need to do something,” she whispered, fear creeping into her voice. “He’s different. This isn’t the same Ethan.”

Brandon wiped the blood from his mouth, his face twisted with rage. “I’m not letting him get away with this. I know someone who can deal with him.”

“Who?” Lauren asked, her voice trembling.

“Johnny,” Brandon hissed. “He’ll put Ethan in his place.”

Lauren’s eyes widened in alarm. “Johnny? The gangster?”

Brandon nodded, a cruel smile spreading across his face. “Yeah. Let’s see how tough Ethan is when he’s dealing with him.”

Ethan walked through the bustling streets of River City, his mind racing. He felt a strange mix of exhilaration and fear. The power he had displayed was real, but it came with a cost. He needed resources, and he needed them fast.

He entered a small herbal pharmacy, the scent of dried herbs filling the air. The shopkeeper, an elderly man with kind eyes, looked up and smiled.

“How can I help you, young man?”

Ethan glanced around at the shelves filled with various herbs. “I need some potent herbs for medicinal purposes.”

The shopkeeper nodded, his eyes twinkling. “We have a good selection. What exactly are you looking for?”

Ethan hesitated, his mind racing through the knowledge he had gained from his dream. “Something that enhances energy and vitality. High-grade, if possible.”

The shopkeeper’s smile faded slightly as he glanced at the selection behind him. “High-grade herbs are expensive. Do you have a budget in mind?”

Ethan pulled out the crumpled bills from his pocket, feeling a surge of embarrassment. “I only have a hundred and thirty-two dollars.”

The shopkeeper’s eyes softened with sympathy. “I’m afraid that won’t get you much. Maybe some basic herbs, but nothing high-grade.”

Ethan sighed, frustration gnawing at him. “I see. Can you at least give me something that will help me get started?”

The shopkeeper nodded and began gathering a few items. “These are low-quality, but they should help a little.”

Ethan took the small bundle of herbs, feeling the weight of his situation pressing down on him. “Thank you.”

As he left the shop, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, his heart sinking when he saw Lauren’s name flashing on the screen. Reluctantly, he answered.

“What do you want, Lauren?”

Her voice was sharp and furious. “You need to apologize to Brandon for what you did. Now!”

Ethan’s grip tightened on the phone. “I’m not apologizing. He deserved what he got.”

Lauren’s voice grew shrill. “You think you’re so tough now, don’t you? You’re nothing! If you don’t apologize, we’re going to take action. Serious action.”

Ethan’s patience snapped. “You know what, Lauren? I’m done with your threats. If you have something to say, say it quickly. Otherwise, leave me alone.”

There was a brief silence on the other end, and then Lauren’s voice came back, seething with rage. “Brandon has already contacted Johnny. He’s coming after you, Ethan. You won’t stand a chance.”

Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. Johnny. The name alone sent a chill down his spine. He knew Johnny’s reputation—a feared gangster with connections that ran deep in the underworld.

“Is that supposed to scare me?” Ethan asked, forcing his voice to remain steady.

Lauren laughed, a cruel, mocking sound. “You should be scared, Ethan. You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

Ethan clenched his jaw, anger and fear warring within him. “Thanks for the warning, Lauren. But I’m not running.”

He hung up, his mind racing. Johnny was dangerous, and Ethan knew he wasn’t ready to face someone like him. Not yet.

“I need to get stronger,” he muttered to himself, determination hardening his resolve. “I can’t rely on luck or someone else’s protection. I have to do this on my own.”

Back at her manor, Rebecca sat in her study, reviewing the list of attendees for the upcoming banquet. William stood beside her, his brow furrowed with confusion.

“Miss Rebecca, are you sure you want to add Mr. Ethan to the guest list? He’s not an entrepreneur or part of the business world.”

Rebecca looked up, her eyes thoughtful. “He’s more than that, William. He’s someone with potential. I want him to be there.”

“But what will people think?” William asked hesitantly.

Rebecca’s lips curved into a smile. “They’ll think what I want them to think. That Ethan is under my protection. And that he’s someone to be reckoned with.”

William nodded slowly, still looking puzzled. “If you say so, Miss Rebecca.”

She handed the list back to him, her gaze distant. “Ethan has something rare, William. He’s been through hell, and he’s still standing. I want everyone to see that.”

William hesitated, then asked, “And what if he fails?”

Rebecca’s eyes darkened, a steely determination in her voice. “He won’t. I won’t let him.”

As William left the room, Rebecca leaned back in her chair, her thoughts drifting to Ethan. She had seen something in him, something that made her believe he was capable of greatness.

But now, with Johnny in the picture, she knew things were about to get even more complicated.

“Don’t let me down, Ethan,” she whispered, her fingers tapping lightly on the desk. “Show them who you really are.”

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