Chapter 3: Mysterious Master

Bjorn sat in the office, his nerves frayed and his body tense. The look of horror he'd seen on the Adept's face haunted him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something had gone terribly wrong.

He considered making a run for it, but where would he go? He was in a building filled with mages, each more powerful than the last, and even the weakest among them could probably end him with a flick of their wrist. Besides, he was broke—he didn't even have enough money to leave the city, let alone start over somewhere else.

His eyes drifted to the table, where a bag of coins sat, carelessly left behind by the Adept. Maybe if he grabbed it, he could escape. At least then he'd have a chance, however slim. The idea was tempting. It felt like his only way out. His hand reached slowly toward the bag, each inch feeling like an eternity.

"Stealing now, are we?"

Bjorn jumped, his heart pounding as he spun around. Standing before him was a man he hadn't seen before—enigmatic, with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Behind him, the Adept stood, looking nervous and subdued.

The man, who Bjorn quickly realized must be a Master, examined him with a faint smile before turning his gaze to the essence prism, now almost completely devoured by the black magic that had destroyed it.

Yuki's expression grew serious as he watched the last of the prism disappear. He stared at Bjorn for a long, silent moment, then turned abruptly to the Adept.

"Who else knows about this?" he asked, his voice cold and commanding, leaving no room for debate.

"Just you, Master Yuki. I came straight to you," the Adept replied, his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Good," Yuki said quietly. That was the last word the Adept heard before a tiny, precise bolt of lightning shot through his heart.

The look of confusion in the Adept's eyes as he collapsed told Bjorn everything he needed to know—he couldn't understand why Master Yuki had killed him. But Bjorn knew one thing for sure: he was in far deeper trouble than he had ever imagined.

With a casual flick of his wrist, the Adept's body vanished from the floor.

The sight filled Bjorn with dread.

"Is this the power of a mage?" he thought, his pulse racing. "Is he going to kill me next?" His hand edged towards his sword—he wasn't going down without a fight.

"Relax, kid," the master said, his smile reappearing. "If I wanted you dead, you'd already be dead."

The master moved to the chair where the Adept had been sitting. As he turned to sit down, Bjorn's eyes widened—the man now looked exactly like the deceased Adept.

Bjorn's head spun from the bizarre events he'd just witnessed. He couldn't make sense of it.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" Bjorn asked, his grip tightening on his sword's hilt. The cold metal in his palm was the only comfort he had left.

"I’m here to help you escape, of course," the master replied, his expression suggesting this should've been obvious.

Bjorn was taken aback. "But I did nothing wrong, why would I need to escape?" he asked, meeting the mage's gaze.

The mage nodded in approval at Bjorn's composure. "You possess a forbidden Source, a type of magic the church considers dangerous.”

The look of confusion on Bjorn’s face urged the master to explain more on the topic.

Forbidden magic sources are types of magical energy that the church deems too dangerous to control. These sources are powerful, unpredictable, and often linked to destructive forces. Unlike traditional magic, which is governed by rules and boundaries, forbidden sources can cause chaos and harm on a grand scale if used recklessly.

The church hunts those who possess forbidden magic because it threatens their control and stability. By keeping these sources out of circulation, the church aims to maintain order and prevent any individual or group from gaining too much power. They fear that if forbidden magic spreads, it could lead to an imbalance, endangering the very foundation of their rule.

Forbidden sources can range from dark magic that manipulates life and death to energy that destabilizes the natural world. The church, with its strict hierarchy and emphasis on harmony, sees these sources as a direct challenge to their authority. To protect their reign and the people they govern, the church hunts anyone who wields such dangerous power, often with ruthless efficiency.the master explained.

"You're lucky I'm here, or you'd be dead already."

Bjorn's face paled at the revelation. "You’re not out of the woods yet. The church knows about you and will send mages to hunt you down," the master added.

"I should leave right away," Bjorn said, panic creeping into his voice as he turned to leave the room.

"Stop," the master commanded. "It will take the church's mages about a week to get here. If you leave now, you'll be dead in two weeks."

Bjorn halted and turned to face the master. "Why are you helping me?" he asked, suspicion in his eyes.

"That's my business," the mysterious mage replied, his voice cold enough to send shivers down Bjorn's spine.

"This should get you through the week," the mage said as he handed Bjorn a handful of gold and silver coins.

Bjorn's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of so much money. "With this much, I wouldn't need to work for nearly a year," he thought to himself.

He quickly pocketed the coins, stuffing them into his purse.

"Head to the Velvet Rose Inn and find a room there," the master instructed. "If I don't show up within the week, you're on your own.”

Bjorn felt confused. Shouldn't they be escaping? Why stay in the city? The mage seemed to read his thoughts.

"You just have to trust me and do as I say," Master Yuki said, his voice calm but firm.

"Now, when you leave the hall, act like you failed the test," the mage continued. "It shouldn't be too hard, given your current expression."

"Now go," Master Yuki waved him out of the office.

Bjorn left the church with a deflated posture and a disappointed expression on his face. The rest of the candidates looked at him with contempt, thinking he was simply another contender who didn't pass the selection process. As he walked by, they mocked and spoke quietly to each other, but Bjorn paid no attention. He understood he had to act the role, even if it meant appearing as though he had been burdened by the pressure of the world.

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