Chapter 7: Trials and Revelations

Bjorn heaved, his chest rising and falling quickly as he tried to catch his breath. As the adrenaline from the fight subsided, he felt the weight of what he'd just done—he'd killed six men. It wasn't the first time, and it didn't bother him, and Master Yuki noticed his composure.

"You were careless; you could have died," Yuki's voice was calm but firm.

Bjorn glanced at him, realizing that it was probably Master Yuki's interference that caused the bandit to stumble, saving him from a fatal blow.

Bjorn bowed respectfully to his master. "I'm sorry. I won't make the same mistake again," he said, vowing to double down on his training and gain more experience.

Master Yuki had already been cautious, avoiding dangerous situations during their journey to protect Bjorn, but he considered changing that. "Maybe it's time to introduce him to more risks," he thought.

"Have you killed someone before?" Yuki asked, his voice measured.

"Yes," Bjorn replied, his gaze distant. "The hunter I apprenticed under was killed by bandits. I tracked them down and waited until they were all drunk, then took out the sentries with arrows to the throat and set their hideout on fire, burning them all."

Master Yuki nodded in approval. "You did well."

"Step closer," Yuki placed a firm hand on Bjorn's shoulder. "From today onwards, you will be known as Bjorn Wildheart. It's a fitting title, and I hope you embody it."

Bjorn repeated the name softly, letting it sink in. "Wildheart," he said with a newfound determination in his voice. It was a name that would one day echo across the land.

"Now, go collect your spoils," Master Yuki gestured toward the fallen bandits and their scattered possessions. "Their hideout should be close by."

Bjorn took the coins from the bandits, leaving their armor and weapons behind. After about an hour of searching, he found the hideout—a small stash containing a small fortune. He discovered four essence pills, a void bag which he gladly imprinted,The void bag was filled with gold and silver coins, enough to last him for months and he also found a wind source scroll within.

"That's a nice haul," Bjorn said with a smile, his confidence growing. He knew this was just the beginning, and the journey ahead would be filled with challenges, but now he had the tools to face them.


Bjorn sprinted through the thick jungle, his heart pounding as a massive hippo-like beast thundered after him. Despite its enormous size, the creature moved with shocking speed, its heavy legs crashing against the ground with enough force to send tremors through the earth. Worse yet, it could shoot streams of highly compressed water from its wide mouth, turning the dense foliage into a deadly shower of razor-sharp projectiles.

He'd been traveling with Master Yuki along a peaceful lake when the beast charged out of nowhere, its roar splitting the air. In an instant, Master Yuki vanished, leaving Bjorn to face the raging creature on his own. He tried to attack, but the hippo's hide was as tough as armor, deflecting his blade and even shrugging off his lightning bolts.

He was already hurt when the jet stream caught him off guard, slamming into his side. The impact left him reeling, and he knew he must've cracked a couple of ribs. Each breath and movement was a sharp jab of pain, and he moved carefully to avoid making it worse. Despite the injury, he gritted his teeth and pressed on.

For several tense minutes, Bjorn ducked and dodged, weaving through the jungle as the beast fired jets of water.

As he observed its movements, he noticed that it opened its mouth wide just before blasting its water attack. This was his opportunity.

Bjorn waited until the last possible second. As the hippo's mouth gaped open, he unleashed the biggest lightning bolt he could, aiming straight into the gaping maw. The water inside conducted the lightning, frying the beast from the inside out. Steam and blood erupted from its nostrils, and with a final groan, the hippo collapsed, twitching and lifeless.

"That was harder than I expected," Bjorn said, gasping for breath as he backed away from the fallen beast.

It had been two weeks since the bandit incident, and Master Yuki had started leading them through riskier territories, seeking out magical beasts. They'd left the cart and horse behind at a village to move more freely, but the wilderness was relentless.

A few days earlier, a panther nearly ambushed Bjorn, and only his sharp instincts and a quick roll with the Lightning Demon Art saved him from the beast's deadly claws. Since then, he always stayed on high alert, with his shadow constantly scanning for danger.

Despite his experience as a hunter, Bjorn had never encountered beasts as ferocious as those in this jungle. Each creature had its own fighting style, forcing him to adapt or face death.

"Keep that hide," Master Yuki said, pointing to the hippo's thick skin. "It could be used to make armor or a shield."

Bjorn nodded, knowing that survival in this wild land required more than just combat skills—it demanded constant vigilance and adaptability. He was learning fast, but he knew the journey ahead would be filled with more unknown threats and he welcomed them.

By nightfall, after a long day of training, Master Yuki called Bjorn over for a serious conversation. "I think you're ready to know where we're headed," he said, his voice low and steady.

"We're heading to the Stormveil Order," he explained. "It's a society that guards the northern border of the empire."

Master Yuki's words carried weight. "They're strong enough to keep the church from coming after you—for now, at least," he added with a hint of mischief in his smile. "You're weak and of little consequence to them yet."

Bjorn knew he was just starting his journey, but his potential was undeniable. In a few years, he could be a force to be reckoned with. He refocused on the conversation, eager to hear more about their destination.

"The Storm Veil Order has its own risks," Master Yuki continued, "but it's nothing compared to being hunted by the church." He paused, letting the words sink in.

"You'll be required to serve a year beyond the borders of the empire as a recruit. It's a dangerous task, but if you survive, it'll make you stronger." Master Yuki's gaze was piercing, as if he could see straight into Bjorn's soul.

Bjorn listened intently, absorbing every word. The idea of venturing beyond the borders and facing new challenges ignited a spark within him. He could imagine becoming as strong as Master Yuki, perhaps even stronger. The thought filled him with a sense of excitement and determination.

Master Yuki studied him for a moment, seeing the fire in his eyes. He gave a slight nod, as if acknowledging Bjorn's readiness for the path ahead. The road would be tough, but Bjorn was more than willing to face whatever came his way. The Storm Veil Order was just the beginning of a journey that would test his limits and shape him into the mage he aspired to become.

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