Chapter 6: Shadows and thunderbolts

"That's new," Master Yuki remarked, his sense locked on Bjorn's forbidden source. As he focused his senses, he noticed something unique about it—it seemed to absorb and consume any energy that touched it. It was unlike any forbidden source he had encountered before.

Master Yuki studied it for a few moments before removing his hand from Bjorn's back, where he'd been sensing the source's energy.

"I'd advise against trying to control this source for now," he said sternly. "Some sources can be harmful to their users. Until you have better control over your essence, it's best to leave the forbidden source alone."

Switching gears, Master Yuki returned to their training. "Try drawing out essence from your shadow source. Will it toward your hands," he instructed. "This should be easier because the essence pill I gave you widen your source barrier, which would have taken years of training otherwise."

Bjorn followed the instructions, and within seconds, his hands were enveloped in dark, wispy shadows. It didn't look particularly impressive, but Master Yuki seemed satisfied.

"Don't underestimate shadows," he said, and with a wave of his hand, he vanished into thin air. A moment later, he reappeared, seated as if nothing had happened. "Shadows can be very versatile," he explained.

Master Yuki demonstrated another shadow trick, splitting his shadow into four separate entities, each with distinct personalities. One was shy, another grumpy, a third waved happily, and the last one seemed normal but radiated an ominous vibe. "Shadow avatar is great for scouting and tracking," he noted.

Bjorn was amazed by the display, but soon focused on his next task—drawing essence from his lightning source. This proved more challenging, as the energy was volatile and required careful control. A few minutes later, his hands were covered in crackling lightning, which lashed out at its surroundings.

"Lightning is destructive and requires more finesse," Master Yuki said. "But don't worry, you're doing well."

He then handed Bjorn a scroll. "This is a meditation technique to help you gain control over your essence. It'll be helpful for both your shadow and lightning sources, and eventually, for your forbidden source."

Next, he gave Bjorn three additional scrolls. "These are spells. The first is Thunderbolt, which lets you fire a bolt of lightning. The second is Lightning Demon Art, which enhances your speed and reflexes. The third is my own creation, Shadow Avatar Art, which allows you to manipulate your shadow in various ways."

Master Yuki further demonstrated the Shadow Avatar Art, transforming into several different people before returning to his normal form. "It's not invisibility—that's another spell, too advanced for you right now," he said.

Bjorn was thrilled and spent the next two hours meditating to connect with his sources. He worked on the Shadow Avatar Art, eventually feeling a connection with his own shadow. With concentration, he could make it move, even see through it in black and white. It felt strange, but he was ecstatic to be practicing magic.

The Thunderbolt spell took about two minutes to master, and he successfully shot a bolt at a nearby tree. Master Yuki nodded in approval.

Bjorn tried the spell several more times, eventually managing to do it in just five seconds. When his essence was depleted, he meditated for two hours to recover. The Lightning Demon Art proved more challenging, requiring precision to avoid harming himself. By sunset, he'd managed to grasp the basics, though he was exhausted.

Master Yuki complimented him, saying, "Most novices would need weeks or months to learn that art, and you did it in less than a day. You're making great progress, but remember to keep practicing."

Bjorn had a hearty meal that night before drifting off to sleep.

The next day, he resumed his usual training routine, practicing his sword forms and sparring with Master Yuki. As they traveled through the wilderness, Bjorn would send his shadow ahead to scout the terrain, then refine his lightning bolt spell, leaving charred trees in his wake. When he felt his magical essence draining, he used a special technique to circulate and replenish his energy.

In the evenings, the sparring sessions became more intense. With his sword in his right hand and casting lightning bolts with his left, the training was challenging, but after a few weeks, he was growing more adept at it. After the sparring, Bjorn studied the Lightning Demon Arts, incorporating new techniques into his combat style.

One cool evening during their journey, Bjorn's shadow spotted bandits hiding in the bushes, ready to ambush them. Master Yuki, already aware of their presence, decided to let Bjorn handle the situation, observing his student's reaction.

When he noticed Bjorn's stance shift upon detecting the bandits, Yuki nodded in approval—Bjorn was learning to stay alert.

Master Yuki sat down on a large rock by the roadside. "Take care of them," he said, closing his eyes to meditate.

The bandits, realizing they were spotted, emerged from their hiding spots. Their leader, a hulking brute with a scarred face and a cruel grin, called out, "Hand over your coins and the cart, and we might let you walk away."

Bjorn took a deep breath and unsheathed his sword. He merged with his shadow for an extra burst of strength and shot a bolt of lightning at the nearest bandit. The blast pierced the bandit's throat, dropping him instantly. The sight sent the rest of the gang into a rage, and they charged at Bjorn with furious screams.

Bjorn lunged forward, feinting a thrust, then twisted his wrist to decapitate the second bandit. He fired another bolt, but the third bandit deflected it with his shield and thrust his blade toward Bjorn. He quickly sidestepped and severed the bandit's arm, then struck through his chest.

"Three down, three more to go," Bjorn thought.

The remaining bandits encircled him, with their leader at the center. Bjorn took a steadying breath and shot a bolt at the bandit on his left, then dashed toward the leader. As the leader raised his axe, Bjorn activated the lightning demon arts, swiftly switched targets and struck down the bandit on his right, who hadn't anticipated the sudden move.

The bandit leader roared in anger, swinging his axe with brute force, pushing Bjorn back.

Bjorn's instincts, honed from years of hunting, flared as he sensed danger from his blind spot. The bandit he shot with a bolt lunged at him, but stumbled just before striking. Bjorn used the opportunity to cut off the bandit's legs, then stomped on his face, ending his threat.

With a burst of lightning, Bjorn rushed at the leader, hitting him with rapid lightning bolts. The leader couldn't keep up with the barrage, and Bjorn's sword found its mark, slicing through his neck. The battle was over in moments, and Bjorn stood victorious.

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