Chapter 179

"hmmm......I think instead of answering your question. I'd rather show you, Charlotte." William replied.

"Why don't you just answer it directly? You can just mention the amount," Charlotte said.

"The thing is, the inheritance my father left me was in gold. I don't know the exact amount when converted into currency." William said.

Charlotte frowned, trying to understand William's explanation. But her expression was still full of curiosity.

"Gold?" Charlotte repeated, looking for clarity. "Does that mean you have a lot of gold, William?"

William nodded and tried to explain further. "Yes, Charlotte. My father left me a great deal of gold. But I never counted it exactly."

Charlotte was silent for a moment, contemplating the information she had just received. Then she raised her face and smiled at William. "I understand, William. But you must promise to take me to the place where the gold is kept."

William frowned, "It is unusual for you to be so eager about money matters. Why are you so c
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