William Kingslayer : The Charismatic Son In Law
William Kingslayer : The Charismatic Son In Law
Author: Ransyah A.
Chapter 1

"Damn, our dog is even more useful than a trashy son-in-law like you!"

Those were the words William Kingslayer's mother-in-law said to him almost every day. When the insult suddenly echoed in his memory, William smiled wryly while staring at the bag of vegetables he was carrying. Even after two years of being a good and obedient son-in-law, his mother-in-law still insisted that dogs were even more useful than William.

"Gosh, how could I have gotten it so wrong?" William was stunned when he realized he had taken a wrong turn. He had just shopped at the supermarket and was about to walk home when, lost in thought, he walked onto Royal Regen Avenue by mistake.

It was the entrance to a super luxury housing development in the city of Litusia. William tapped his forehead and turned around. Step by step, William walked until he came to an intersection,

where his feet stopped. He paused as a group of sports cars pulled up right in front of him. One by one, the drivers of the luxury vehicles got out and none of them were wearing expensive suits typical of rich people.

William was then surprised by the group. Not because of the expensive look or the exorbitantly priced sports cars, but because they were William's old friends from Havelar University.

He, who was aware of his current situation, tried to avoid the group as much as possible. William did this solely to prevent bad things that might happen.

Unfortunately, the group that suddenly stopped turned out to be intentionally approaching William, leaving him with no opportunity to leave or avoid.

"William Kingslayer? Ha ha, I can't believe the rumors I've heard all this time turned out to be true!" greeted one of the drivers of a red sports car with a horse emblem.

He was James Hamilton, his name was quite well-known as he was the main heir of the famous Hamilton Group.

Since William did not answer immediately, Benjamin Connor spread both his hands in front of William to prevent him from going anywhere. "Oh, your current appearance has really brought Havelar University into disrepute.

You should be severely punished for this!" Benjamin sneered sarcastically as he observed William's outfit. He thought it looked far from the standard of luxury. In fact, only people from elite families could attend Havelar University.

"Ha ha, I thought by now you'd be very successful beyond us. Turns out you even ended up being this low of a human being. Look at you! Your clothes are as shabby as a bum. And what's that bag of cheap vegetables you're carrying?" James said with a hearty laugh along with the rest of his colleagues.

"What do you guys really want? I'm in a hurry so step aside!" said William with a sharp glare at James and Benjamin.

"What do we want? What a stupid question is that? Of course, we want to laugh at you, ha ha! Students who used to be the golden children of the lecturers, now transformed into useless sons-in-law. Isn't that funny?" sneered another one of them.

William, who felt humiliated, had reached the peak of patience he could endure. His hands were clasped tightly to teach a lesson to the people who had insulted him. However, before he could throw a punch to defeat the savages in front of him, the cell phone in his pocket rang loudly.

William couldn't ignore the call as Emma Lysander's name appeared on his cell phone screen. The call from his mother-in-law should not be ignored at all, so William immediately answered the phone.

In his haste to pick up the phone, William accidentally pressed the loudspeaker button, making his mother-in-law's shouts heard loudly all around him.

"What a useless son-in-law!" snapped Emma Lysander.

Not stopping there, Emma Lysander then continued her diatribe, "Where have you gone? I just asked you to buy some vegetables. Can't you make yourself a little more useful to our family?" "If it wasn't for my respect for my husband, I would have kicked you out of the Lysander family long ago!"

"I already bought the vegetables you ordered and I'm on my way home right now," William replied.

As if she wasn't satisfied, Emma cursed William again and said, "Throw away those vegetables and hurry home! If you're not back in less than fifteen minutes, you'll never see your favorite father-in-law again! I hate to tell you this but Arthur has something important to tell you!


For a moment William's heart seemed to stop. His father-in-law was indeed sick, if his mother-in-law said so, it meant that his father-in-law was in bad shape.

William immediately hung up the call and was about to rush back to Lysander's residence to meet his father-in-law. William was afraid something bad would happen and he would be too late to be there.

"Look guys. Even his father-in-law is berating him. My goodness, William, how unfortunate of you to have fallen this low. I thought you only fell into poverty, but apparently you're also looked down upon by your own parents," quipped James Hamilton, who felt even happier after hearing the diatribe from William's mother-in-law.

All of William's old friends then laughed out loud, as if they were seeing a comedian who was being funny in front of them. Meanwhile, William himself, who was troubled by the condition of his father-in-law, restrained his anger as much as possible. The most important thing for him right now was to go home and see his father-in-law before it was too late.

"Where are you going, William? Are you too embarrassed to run away from us?" asked James Hamilton.

Hearing those words made William's legs seem to be chained, his body seemed to be forced to turn around. With boiling anger he then pointed his index finger and said.

"If it wasn't for my father-in-law, whose condition is now critical again, I would have beaten all of you here! On another day, I swear I will teach you a valuable lesson!" he threatened with his eyes burning like flames.

After saying this, William then turned around. He walked straight with his hands clasped tightly together, holding back all the anger that had filled his chest.


A wad of money suddenly flew and hit his head. For a moment William stopped his footsteps.

"Take it William, we know you really need the money to order a taxi. Take it home, maybe with that money you can make your mother-in-law happy and no longer look down on you," again James Hamilton did something that was deliberately done to humiliate William.

It didn't stop there. The man still continued to provoke William's anger by saying, "Come on Will, just take the money. Consider it your pay," he said.

Benjamin, who was next to James, then responded to his friend's words, "What is the payment for, James? I don't think he deserves the money?" he asked, a little stunned.

James then answered Benjamin's question, "Of course he deserves the money, Benjamin. He has been working well by being a clown for us." All of William's friends suddenly laughed really loudly after hearing James' words.

Some even held their stomachs tightly because of the bad joke.

As hard as he could, William held back the anger that was boiling like hot lava inside a volcano. His hands were clenched tightly, his teeth grinding against each other, a sign that he was ready to go crazy. William's patience was truly at an end. But once again he remembered the condition of his father-in-law who was now probably in a critical state.

Even though his legs seemed reluctant to move forward, William kept moving. Ignoring the reproaches and insults he received for the sake of his father-in-law who had saved his life from the streets,

William had to go home immediately. Because, there is a big secret that his father-in-law wants to convey to William.

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