Chapter 2

William did his best to get home in less than fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, just as he was rushing home, there was a traffic accident that blocked his way.

Technically, it takes less than fifteen minutes for William to get home from where he bought vegetables. But because of the traffic, it took him up to seventeen minutes, or two minutes longer than the time his mother-in-law had given him.

William was prepared for whatever consequences he might face for being late. Whether it was scorn, cursing, or punishment, he was ready to endure it. There was not the slightest hesitation to meet his father-in-law immediately.

Upon entering the house, William immediately rushed to the room where his father-in-law was being treated. And as expected, his mother-in-law and children were there, including Charlotte, who was none other than William's wife.

Emma Lysander's face, which had looked worried at first, suddenly turned red with anger when she saw William's arrival.

She cursed William in a high tone, "You ignorant son-in-law! Didn't I tell you to come in less than fifteen minutes? How dare you disobey my orders!"

Not only Emma, but also Liliana, Charlotte's half-sister, scolded William, "You really are a very useless man, William. Even though Father is already in a very bad condition, but you just arrived now."

"If I were you, I'd kill myself, William. You're really good at enduring shame. "I think I have a lot to learn from you," said Michael, who was Charlotte's youngest half-brother. "You're right, Michael.

I think he's the master of masters when it comes to shamelessness. He really is second to none," Liliana said with a very condescending look at William.

"I agree with you, Michael. I also think he's the most shameless man in the world. Look at him, he shows absolutely no remorse or guilt even after making a mistake." "It's sickening and disgusting," said Liliana, who also had a condescending look on his face.

Charlotte, who couldn't stand her husband being called names, tried to defend William, though it didn't stop the abuse from her mother and stepsisters.

"Enough! Can't you just appreciate William's struggle to get here as quickly as possible?"

Instead of stopping, Charlotte's words made her stepmother even angrier: "Have you really lost your mind, Charlotte?" "You don't deserve to defend a despicable man like him!"

"Mom is right, if you defend him, it means you're not much different from lowlifes like him," Liliana added.

Not wanting to be silent, Michaelle, the youngest, also scolded her half-sister for defending her useless husband, "It seems that this useless man has brainwashed you, sister. You should realize that your husband is a disgrace to our family.

"I said enough! William has done nothing wrong to you. He hasn't even done anything bad to you all these years, but you keep insulting him, abusing him, and treating him so badly!" said Charlotte with tears in her eyes.

William, seeing his wife begin to shed tears, did not remain silent. He might be able to withstand all the insults and diatribes if only he were the target. But if his wife was also being mistreated, he would definitely be the first to defend her.

Just before William spoke, the door to the room suddenly opened, startling everyone. Arthur Lysander, who had been lying weak and helpless, suddenly stood in the doorway, accompanied by a nurse and a personal physician who were both carrying him. He stood with an IV still attached to his wrist and a breathing tube attached to his nose.

Everyone was still in shocked disbelief until finally the old man said, "stop insulting my chosen son-in-law! I warn you all, insulting him is the same as insulting me. Keep that in mind."

Emma Lysander and her two children were instantly deflated when Arthur said this. None of the three dared to look at Arthur's face, which still looked fierce and charismatic even though he was suffering from chronic lung disease. "Come here, William.

I have something to discuss with you alone," Arthur said to his son-in-law.

Weakly, Arthur walked step by step into his room, which had been converted into an intensive care unit. Supported and carried by his personal nurse and doctor, Arthur laid his body down on the bed.

The man then asked the nurse and doctor to leave temporarily because he had something important to discuss with William alone. At first there was only silence between them.

It was true that their relationship was that of son-in-law. But since Arthur had fallen ill about a year ago, they had hardly communicated at all. William's wall of embarrassment was solid; he obviously didn't have enough courage to start a conversation. But fortunately, this situation didn't last long, as Arthur finally opened his mouth to start a conversation.

"Take this chair and sit next to me, William," Arthur told Lysander, pointing to a chair in the corner of the room.

William did as he was asked. He took the chair in the corner and placed it next to his father-in-law.

"What did you want to talk to me about? It's something that hasn't happened much since you got sick, Father," James said.

Arthur smiled, "You're right, I haven't seen much of you or Charlotte since I got that damn lung disease."

Arthur was silent for a moment, then continued, "I don't know how long I'm going to last. Before it's too late, I want to tell you a little story, William."

"Don't say that, Father, rest assured that you will soon recover and be reunited with us as before," William said.

"That's what I really want William, but we don't know how God arranges the course of destiny. No man knows, even if the best sorcerer," Arthur said, looking sharply at William.

Then he said, "Now let my talking mouth tell you some secrets from the past that you don't know, son of my best friend.

William fell silent and began to listen carefully to Arthur's words. He cupped his ears as Arthur spoke in a rather low tone.

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