Chapter 3

Then Arthur began to tell the story: "A long time ago, the Lysander family was destroyed and fell hard. Other elite families in Litusia looked down on us, and even those we helped treated us like everyone else.

Arthur's previously sad eyes now looked even sadder, indicating that what he was about to reveal was something bitter. "Our family was really struggling at that time, almost beyond help. We had to move into a modest house because we had lost all our possessions. We often had to skip meals because there was nothing to eat. Arthur

paused for a moment and his eyes changed again, from a sad expression to a sharp and meaningful one. But William did not feel the anger in Arthur's eyes. The look he showed now was completely different from the one he showed his wife and children.

He then said, "It was at that moment that your father suddenly appeared. Like sunlight coming after a night of darkness, that's how your father came into the midst of our family, William. He, who is indeed an old friend of mine, suddenly appeared and offered to help the Lysander family, which was already on the brink."

"What do you mean, my father suddenly appeared? Can you tell me in detail?" asked William curiously.

Arthur's face suddenly changed to that of a man who had lost his way, "I don't know how he found us, who had fallen into poverty. All I know is that he knocked on our door. With his black suit and dark aura, he almost stopped my father, who thought the Grim Reaper had come to pick him up.

When William heard this, he couldn't help but laugh because he remembered that his father had a dark aura that was quite thick. Even people who didn't know him were often misunderstood because of it.

Arthur, seeing his son-in-law laughing, was also triggered and ended up laughing as well. If you remember the incident, it is really quite fascinating. At that time, there was a panic in a house because Robert Lysander - Arthur's father - fainted while standing up.

"Uh-huh-huh," Arthur collapsed from laughing too hard.

"Oh dear, are you all right?" asked William worriedly.

Arthur held out his hand, signaling that he was all right.

"You know, William, this is all thanks to your father. I owe him so much. And that is why I am marrying you to my beloved daughter. So that this wealth, which also came from your father, may one day be yours," Arthur replied.

"I just found out that my father plays such a big role in this family," William said.

Knowing that his father-in-law needed a lot of rest, William tried to cut their conversation short, "Father, I'm sorry if I was rude. But I know that you invited me to talk to both of you, not just to talk about trivial things. So can we get down to business? I don't want to waste any more of your rest time."

Arthur smiled slightly as he heard his son-in-law's words. Although the words seemed bitter at first, he realized that William's kindness was behind them.

"May I ask a small favor of you, William?" Arthur said.

William quickly replied, "Sure, Father, anything you want. Arthur then

pointed to a small drawer opposite his bed, "I have a black box in the bottom drawer, take it and bring it over here.

William obeyed Arthur's order. He got up from the chair he was sitting in and walked over to the drawer. He pulled out the bottom drawer and sure enough, there was a pitch black box. William picked it up and brought it to Arthur.

Before opening it, Arthur's hands were busy rubbing the black box in his hand. William wondered what he was doing. It looked like he had taken such good care of it that not a speck of dust had settled on it.  

"May I know what's inside? I see you're very attached to it," William asked.

Arthur smiled, the lines on his face showing immense relief. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

As he showed this grateful expression, Arthur then said, "This thing is not mine, William, but yours.

Naturally, William was confused by his father-in-law's words. He then asked what Arthur meant because it was clear that the object in his hand was very well guarded. So it was very strange when he said that the object he cared so much about did not belong to him, but to his son-in-law.

"What do you mean, this thing is mine, Father? I don't understand where this is going," William said.

Arthur did not immediately respond to William's words. Then he slowly opened the jet-black box. When it was fully opened, the contents of the box were a silver ring with a raven's head design.

"This ring is a relic of your late father William. He once told me that if anything happened to him, I should give it to you," Arthur said as he handed the raven-headed ring to William.

He then picked up the silver ring and looked closely at the details of the ring. He twirled the ring in his hand like a child who had just received a toy from his father.

"I don't really want to give this to you yet, but let me risk the rest of my short life to see if you can truly carry on your father's legacy," Arthur said.

He continued, "The ring is the key to accessing the wealth that your father, William, has amassed. "I don't know the exact amount, but he said that over eighty percent of his fortune was stored there."

"Are you kidding me? How could he have stashed away so much wealth without the family knowing? It seems a little impossible," James said, still unable to believe Arthur's words. It seems a little impossible," James said, still unable to believe Arthur's words.

It seems a little impossible," James said, still unable to believe Arthur's words.

Arthur laughed at William's words, "Just know, William, that the world can be bigger than you can imagine. It can be warmer than you feel or darker than you think."

Seeing the confusion on William's face, Arthur looked at him sharply and said, "Listen, William.You can have anything you want with this ring. Wealth? A throne? It is all yours. Take it, it's yours."

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