Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is Eron Camden. You know, your main character in Wolf's Bane 1 (Yeah, there will be Wolf's Bane 2 soon but I won't jinx it just keeping you guys in suspense, hehehe...). Also, I believe I am breaking the fourth wall…

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, I am talking to you guys who are reading my book directly from my dimension. Think about Marvel's Deadpool comic and movie franchise and you'll know what I mean.

So yes, Orlando and I have left Oro Villa last time you read Wolf’s Bane, right? I mean that’s what my writers said…

Well, I know too because I partly write this, too. Haha!


We’re now walking down the darker parts of the forest, using a path that was hardly used, based on how narrow and partly overgrown it was. It was actually pretty perfect for what I was about to do.

Because, even from the time we left the house, I could smell them…

Or where they originally were…

Because they took such a long time hanging out in those said hid
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