Chapter 118 (Fate)
The towering gates of the Sangotaro army base loomed ahead as Fushi and Arianne made their way back. The journey had been quiet, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Fushi was unsure how his father, General Hiroshi, and the head of the army, General Minamino, would react to his plea on Arianne’s behalf. She had been an enemy not too long ago, and bringing her back into the fold of the Sangotaro forces was a gamble.

As they approached the main hall, Fushi steeled himself. Arianne, beside him, had her face set in determined resolve, though a flicker of anxiety remained in her eyes.

Inside the hall, General Hiroshi and General Minamino stood conversing in low tones, with General Nazumoto leaning casually against a nearby wall. Fushi could feel his heart beating in his chest, each step toward them heavier than the last.

“Father,” Fushi started, bowing his head in respect, “I come with a request.”

Hiroshi, his sharp eyes focused on his son, raised an eyebrow. “What is it, Fushi?”


Second arc completed, we're now entering into the final stages of the story.

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