Chapter 119 (Chaos)
A full year had passed since the infamous battle with Joe, and though the Sangotaro forces had emerged victorious, peace was still a fleeting illusion. Tensions simmered just beneath the surface of diplomacy.

Joe and Laina had been dispatched to a neutral territory, Norlund, a nation within the W-5 alliance that still maintained treaty talks with Sangotaro. While they served as emissaries, the rest of the W-5 alliance grew more hostile, viewing Sangotaro’s growing influence as a threat.

Meanwhile, Sangotaro’s generals, eager to prevent any coalition from fully forming, launched a series of covert attacks across the W-5 nations. Troops were sent on sabotage missions, engaging in brutal skirmishes that saw both modern weapons and supernatural powers clash on the battlefield. Soldiers armed with rifles and grenades fought alongside those who wielded abilities capable of bending reality itself. Flames and bullets filled the air, explosions rocked cities, and the skies darkened with smok

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