We all pointed our guns at each other. The lord of my planet looking at me with angry eyes. Rage burning in them.

I couldn’t kill her. Shooting her would invite war. They would all want to kill me for that. And I don’t need the whole planet on my back chasing the leaving hell out of me.

The infinite stones were enough to worry about. I don’t need that on my back at the moment. I risked a glance as Talon and he silently told me we need to hurry the hell up before we all die here.

“Drop your weapons,” she spoke.

She was the goddess of beauty on the planet. No wonder they made her the lord of the planet. With a slim, perfect body that would have every man running after her or looking as she passes by.

“Try anything and we will kill you. I know you think you are clever. You have escaped every time we have something on you. Or that idiot has kept you out of trouble because deep down, he thinks you are his son. But what you did today was enough to have us lock you up,” she spoke with a grin on her face.

She never liked me and never did I like her. She always wanted me gone because I was different from them. Because I was human. Whatever other humans did to her, wherever they have gone.

She was taking it all on me for that.

“I’m sorry, my lord. But it’s important that we get out of this place. You are well if you know what is good for you. Unless you want to die, then stay,” I spoke and kicked the gun from her hands. Then I fired the gun at the guard to her left and sidestepped to dodge the fireball zipping towards me.

She tried to slice me up with her laser thing, but I used one of the guards’ shield and saved myself from her another death.

Then I threw my dagger, and it went through the heart of the other guard. I just pushed her to the side, and she slammed into the wall and collapsed.

I walked to check her pause, but she was still breathing. I just sighed as I looked to check how Talon was doing. The cat was doing better, actually. He was tiny, but he was able to keep himself safe.

No wonder he was even at a higher level than me.

He turned to look at me with a still thumping heart in his hands.

“You are some freaking cat, Talon,” I smiled at him and walked into the elevator.

“If that is a complement it worked,” he spoke as he stood beside me.

Maybe he was good after all. He was just a freaking cat leaving in the world full of things bigger than him. They might have bullied him a lot. I think.

So he entered the game to prove a point to everyone, and he was doing just that. Was even at a higher level than most have.

Hats off to the cat for that.

The elevator went to the last floor, and we were not out. Pointing out AK 47 guns just for the in cases. But all the guards were dead here. Bodes lay lifeless, blood everywhere. Body parts. And all sorts of things that might be from the inside of the guards or prisoners.

We walked as first we could, but then some kind of drones come swarming towards us. Firing as fast as they could.

I rolled on the floor as Talon did his perfect jump and landed on top of one of the drones. I picked up his gun that he might have left unconsciously and tossed it at him.

He jumped as he landed on another drone after stabbing the other one with his dagger. I wonder how he was able to remain with the same one every time. I thought he left it on one of the elephant like guards by now.

Then my question was answered as he held his hand doing a perfect flip in the air and the dagger moved from the drone as it fall down the opening and it landed in his hands.

Weird freaking cat.

I found myself smiling as I fired my AK 47 at the drones. Making sure to kill as much. But just as I started to have fun destroying these things, one of them shot my leg.

I went rolling on the pull of blood and slid the stopped as I slammed into the door to the control room.

“Talon, I need the opener,” I spoke.

He just furrowed his eyebrows as he tossed it to me. I throw the shield and it killed enough to buy me some time. And Talon was taking care of the remaining.

I opened the door and entered. But not until I called him because I knew nothing about computers. He was better at these things than I could ever be.

He jumped from one drone to the other — making them shoot at each other. Clever. Then he jumped and entered the room. I just slammed the door as the drones carried on shooting at us.

“Hurry!” I shouted as I saw the windows began breaking.

“I’m trying if you can only stop breathing on my neck,” he scolded, and I just stepped back.

After a few minutes of him playing on the screens and cut off some wires and mending some, the drones stopped.

“And now the final touch,” he spoke and began pressing on his hand. “We all have secrets, human,” he spoke defensively, even when I didn’t say a word.

He pressed on the red button on the screen in the air and the drones’ eyes all tuned red. Which only meant a sign of evil. Turning back on the people that created them.

“Fly away my drones,” he laughed on top of his cat lungs.

“Weird cat. Let’s just go,” I spoke, and we left the room. The drones were no longer there. But I just heard shoots down on the other cells.

“Are you sure your girlfriend is good enough to find your ship?” He asked as we made a run to grab our things.

“She is not my girlfriend, cat. Just worry about Twelve.”

We need to leave as soon as possible. If I’m not mistaken, Xenda’s people will be here anytime soon.

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