Chapter 8 : First Plan

Emily still had a relaxed expression after hearing Xavier's request. In contrast to Alex and Eliana who looked very upset. Emily walked into the room and approached Xavier casually, "I'm not an object. Just prove that if you can get me, then you will have me. However, if you can't then just make all of that your dream."

"I will never give Emily to you!" snapped Eliana.

Emily only smiled faintly, now she was right in front of Xavier who was looking at her with a very deep gaze. Emily touched the corner of Xavier's injured lips with her thumb slowly, "I'll just tell you, no one has ever gotten to me."

After the day's debate, Xavier decides to join Eliana and Alex. Initially, Emily was not part of them, but she only helped when they needed help, but now Emily has officially joined her sister.

All means of communication between Xavier and the agency are turned off. Eliana spread the word as if Xavier had died from being caught by Olivia Rodriguez. She was forced to do all that because Xavier had leaked half of their secrets. To get rid of Xavier's traces, the only thing is to destroy everything about Xavier by making obituaries.

"Don't worry, your parents who are in LA will still be safe. No one will be able to touch them even Tom himself," said Eliana.

They are currently at headquarters. Eliana and Xavier sat on the couch, Emily wasn't there, while Alex was fiddling with his creations which would certainly be very helpful for any plans they made.

"This is the first step that must be taken; there are still many steps that we must go through to win justice," continued Eliana while sipping red wine.

"Then what's the next plan?" Xavier said as he leaned back on the sofa.

"Still waiting for news from Seth Christopher; after he leaves the hospital, everyone will know what he has done while serving as minister," Eliana replied.

"How did you do it?" Xavier asked again.

"Very easy. I paid for two television channels to spread data on the results of this person's corruption and everything he has hidden about his position as a minister," Eliana answered casually. His face seemed to be very radiant. "After that, the whole society will create news on their social media, spreading it from one to another by exaggerating the news. After that, usually the people's representative council will hold a hearing to expel him."

Xavier nodded in understanding, but he asked the question again, "His relationship with the mayor yesterday?"

"Ah. He sided with me and Alex because he managed to become mayor because we are his strongest connections," said the woman.

The door to the headquarters opened, revealing the beautiful figure of Emily wearing casual clothes. She entered and closed the door, her hands filled with a basket full of food. "Alex, this is your order."

Alex, who was busy, immediately left his work and joined the others on the couch. He opened one of the baskets and took a seat to eat while opening it. "You bought these bullets illegally?"

Xavier's brow furrowed when he saw that the quiver contained several bullets. His gaze shifted to Emily, who looked as relaxed as ever.

"No, I stole it from Gary's bag," Emily replied.

"Gary's bag?" Xavier asked with a look of disbelief at Emily's words, "What do you mean?"

"Emily kept Gary's stuff," Eliana replied. He took out one of the bullets and looked at it closely, saying, "Only Emily knows where Gary keeps useful items."

"I don't think you still often go to that place," interrupted Alex.

"If we use the item, the trail left is in Gary's name. This can make it easier for us to prove that Tom deliberately made news of the accident that happened to Gary," Emily replied.

"In that case, your hiding will be in vain," interrupted Xavier, looking disapproving.

"Not really. Sometimes we need a crazy idea and a hundred risks to solve the main problem," Emily replied.

"Maybe I'm sadistic, but my brother is crazy," Eliana said, laughing.

In Xavier's eyes, the two women already looked like the real Mafia. Or even, they are more fit to say as a psychopath than the mafia. Both of them had their own mindsets; one was too crazy when it came to torturing, and the other was too crazy when it came to taking risks. However, that's what has made their plan so far so perfect.

"Tonight we have a schedule to meet with Mr. Potter at the party he prepared," said Eliana, changing the subject of their conversation to. "Just for information to Xavier. Mr. Potter is a mafioso who comes from London. He is very intelligent and has strong economic and political connections. Our job now is to get him to side with us."

"Do I have to play the role again?" interrupted Emily with a look of displeasure.

"Sure, but with Xavier. You have to play lovers, with Xavier as Mr. Robert and Emily as Alice. You guys have a business in online trading; I believe Mr. Potter would be very interested in that," Eliana replied.


"Don't agree."

Xavier agreed but not Emily, and they looked at each other. Emily looked at Xavier with hateful eyes. The woman seemed very annoyed with the role she had to play tonight.

"Come on, Emily," said Alex in a teasing tone.

"I'm fed up with you acting like that!" Emily refused flatly.

"Then are you ready to play Olivia Rodriguez?" interrupted Eliana with an annoyed expression.

Emily is silent. She could only sigh.

As night fell, it was time for them to go on a mission. Emily and Xavier were still in the car; they were waiting for the code to be thrown by Alex. Tonight is the welcome party for Olivia Rodriguez from Mr. Potter, because that man knew Olivia Rodriguez as a very big mafia in the United States.

"You look beautiful tonight," Xavier complimented without looking at Emily. The man kept looking out of the car.

There was no response from Emily; she just stood where she was. Tonight Emily wore a long, flowing blonde wig as well as a black dress that looked very luxurious. Rarely did Xavier see that woman with a normal look, like women in general.

They had been waiting for about 30 minutes, but there was no call from Alex. Xavier started to feel suspicious; he felt like something was wrong in the banquet hall. "Could you stay here for a bit? I want to check something."

After Xavier got out of the car, he saw the surroundings, which were very quiet. because now he was in the next building. He turned on his communication device, which directly connected with Alex, saying, "In. Why haven't you sent the code yet? It's been past 30 minutes."

Emily got out of the car and approached Xavier with a panicked expression, "I can't contact Eliana!"

Xavier turned to Emily, but he also couldn't reach Alex. There was no answer from the other side. Suddenly, Xavier immediately turned off his communication device and said, "Get in the car now!"

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