Chapter Eight


Mira sat quietly in the car. Her driver was driving her to the Fitzgerald firm. Her mind was occupied with thoughts. Her discussion with her mother the previous night, flooded her memory.

"Why do you think he wants an interview?

Do you think he's gonna give me the job?" Mira had asked after she ended the call with Xavier's secretary.

"There are many possible reasons why he did Mira.

He probably wants to rub his position on her face, or he wants to punish you. It could also be that he wants to see you." Rowena said with absolute clarity.

She had guessed that Xavier really loved her daughter, it was the thought of her daughter being with a penniless man that she couldn't console.

"I'm not sure he still wants me mom. He saw me accept Maxwell's proposal, he watched us locked lips.

No man will want me after that," she muttered, regretting her actions.

" Well there is only one way to find out."

The job interview had given Rowena a glimpse of hope. Maybe just maybe she could salvage the situation. Xavier had always had a thing for Mira, it would be impossible for him to hide his feelings if she worked in his firm, she thought.


Mira walked into the office that the secretary had directed. She could feel her ramping heartbeat, she felt like it was loud enough to be heard from a mile away.

"Come in." A bass voice had said after she knocked on the door thrice. She gave minute intervals for every knock and she knew he heard each of them

She opened the door gently and walked inside.

Not being in full control of her own legs, she felt Xavier's sharp gaze on her body.

"Take a seat miss Mira," Xavier offered in a stern tone.

His tone made her prefer standing, but she had no other option than to sit.

"So, I have looked into your resume. Your qualifications and experience are very impressive. I'm greatly impressed by your stated work ethic even though you have little experience." Xavier commented as he twirled on his chair.

She looked at him quietly, not knowing exactly what to expect.

"I believe in giving people a chance, miss Mira.

I believe everybody deserves to show his or her full potential.

So I'm giving you the job," he said in a more colder tone, void of expression.

She couldn't believe her ears.

Her mother had said this could happen but she still couldn't believe it.

She was short of the expected excitement.

His emotionless words and expressions have her cold feet.

She wondered why he was ready to give her the job when he clearly seemed to hate her.

"Why?" She muttered.

She was better off without the job than being tormented by this man.

He seemed different from the man she married. This Xavier made her feet curl in fear.

"Why are you giving me the job when you clearly despise me." She asked with the last courage she had in her.

He smiled at her question, a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"You are qualified for the job, that's why I'm offering it to you. Miss Mira, I don't mix my personal life with my professional life.

Besides, you are only part of my professional life." He growled as he looked at her.

" It's ok if you don't mind taking the job, millions of people would kill to be in your position now." He smirked as he enjoyed her helplessness.

"I will take the job. I'm honored to be part of the Fitzgerald firm. I'm glad that you consider me for this position sir." She said in a whisper, feeling vulnerable, she looked away from his gaze.

His eyes shone as if they could read her mind. She didn't like it.

"Ok then, you will start tomorrow. We expect the best from you Miss Mira, do not disappoint me and the company." He spoke and his smirk widened.

She took the cue and left the office.

He watched her walk out, amazed at what he had just done.


It had been two months since Mira started working with the marketing team of the Fitzgerald firm.

Xavier was at war with himself for giving her the job.

He convinced himself that it was his kindness and overly human nature that made him consider her.

She was indeed qualified, her resume said that clearly.

But anyone in his shoes would be skeptical about giving his cheating wife a job.

He tried to remind himself of what she had done, but it wasn't enough to keep him engrossed and mesmerized by her work.

He tried to make things in the office difficult for her, rejected numerous thesis and project plans. But at the end of each day,he found himself hoping she wouldn't give up.

"You are just being kind Xavier. That is who you are, a kind person." He spoke out loud, to his reflection in the mirror one morning.

He found himself vulnerable in her presence.

As they spent time together in the office, he reminisced and longed for their past time as a couple.


"There is going to be a thunderstorm tonight.

Ask all the staff on deck to vacate their various offices and go back home carefully," Xavier had said to his assistant over the phone.

He read the weather podcast and warned Lauren about the storm.

"Lauren, make sure everybody leaves the building within thirty minutes.

Use the security staff and the company's drivers to take them to their various destinations." He ordered over the phone.

The company had a lot of staff and employees, Xavier saw it as his obligation to get them to safety.

As it was, nobody knew when the thunderstorm would stop.

Checking office by office, Xavier had wanted to make sure nobody was left in the building.

The storm had started already and he needed to leave.

He walked past the marketing block and heard a lady whimpering.

It was Mira, she was sobbing under her desk.

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