Chapter Nine


Xavier was surprised to have found Mira there under her desk. She was soaked in her own tears and sweat.

"Mira!! Are you okay?" He had called out to the frightened figure.

He knew very well that she hated the sound of thunder. Thunderstorms always frightened her and it kept her indoors.

"Are you okay?" He asked again. Extending his hand to her, he pulled her to himself.

"Xavier..? It's you!! I'm scared Xavier, the thunder sounds are too loud. I'm so scared." She cried as she sneaked into his arms.

Her wet hair sent cold shivers down his spine.

He wondered how she was left behind.

Why didn't she go early? She knew how terrified she was during thunderstorms.

"It's okay now, I'm here. Let's go home."

He said, tightening the embrace.

"No!!" She screamed."There's a storm outside, I'm gonna get hurt if I go outside." She protested as she clung tightly to his arm.

"I'm with you Mira, nothing is going to hurt you. " He reassured her.

" We can't stay here." He said and carried her in his arms. He noticed that she was too scared to walk on her own.

Almost all the roads were blocked. The rain and heavy breeze was so heavy that it was difficult for Xavier to see.

He managed to get to his house but driving Mira to her parents' house would be a death mission.

Considering all odds, he took her into his house.

Mira wasn't really herself. With her hands glued to her ears, she kept mute throughout the car ride.

He carried her into the house.

"You are safe now, there's no thunder or lightning here." He said as he dropped her off on the bed.

He hurried and covered up all the windows to block the terrifying sounds from coming in.

He sat and watched her regain herself.

She seemed more alive now.

"I'm sorry Xavier, I'm sorry for all I have done." She apologized in sobs. " I have troubled you a lot. " She continued.

"No it's nothing. You are my employee and it's my duty to make sure you are safe, at least when you're still in the work premises." He said as he tried to console her.

Her sobs increased and it made him skip to the bed where she laid.

"I mean I'm sorry for cheating. I'm sorry for giving my mom the chance to break our relationship.

She always wanted me to marry a rich man, she wasn't happy that I married a lowly orphan instead." She squealed and placed her palm on his.

"I know that's no excuse for leaving you the way I did. It was totally wrong of me.

I'm a horrible person for listening and adhering to my mom's words. I gave in to the pressure and neglected a man that loved me."

At this point, Xavier had started to feel multiple emotions. The engagement party flew into his mind and he could remember clearly how he was excited to be Maxwell's fiancee.

She kissed Maxwell in front of him, not minding the hurt it would put him through.

"That's in the past now, you should stop crying.

I will bring you something to eat." He said as he tried to end the disturbing conversation.

"Can you ever forgive me?" She asked as she drew him to herself. She held tightly onto him and at that moment, he was lost in her eyes.

"Do you still love me Xavier..?" Her question threw him off balance. He didn't expect it. He didn't want to hear it. Did he still love her? He didn't know. All he knew is that he enjoyed her company at the office. Maybe he still had some type of affection left for her, but he couldn't call it love.

"Umm.." he tried to speak but he was lost for words.

He stared deeply into her eyes and he didn't want that moment to come to an end.

In a split moment, he pulled him closer and placed her moist lips on his.

He felt surges of emotions flow through his body.

Giving in to urges, he tilted her head and deepened the kiss.

He kissed her hungrily, savored the moment.

He pulled away to catch his breath.

Perplexed about what just happened, he walked away.


Maxwell heard about Mira's job in the Fitzgerald firm. He tried talking her into rejecting the job but she wouldn't bulge.

He felt her absence little by little then realization dawned on him. He lost count of the calls he had given without any reply.

Mira now ignored him. He knew it was her mother's doing. He always saw Rowena as an ambitious woman.

"We are engaged, Mira, our wedding is supposed to be months away. You don't pick my calls, you don't call me back, neither do you reply to any of my texts." He growled at Mira. He was lucky to have met her at the house that day.

"I have been busy, I'm working now." She snorted in reply.

She didn't want to be near him, if she hadn't gotten engaged to him that day then she would have been addressed Mrs Mira Xavier Fitzgerald. She wouldn't have been trying so much to gain Xavier's sympathy.

He hated his presence and didn't hesitate to show it.

" Busy? Do you mean busy sleeping with your ex husband?" He goaded as he jacked on her arm.

" Enough!!!" Rowena said as she ran to her daughter's rescue.

" How dare you come in here and try to physically assault my daughter. How is it our fault that you handle rejection like a man." She spat out with bitterness.

He laughed maliciously, his uproar caused Mira to hold tightly onto her mother.

"Rejection?Seriously? I know your plans Rowena. I know what you are capable of." He snapped with darkened eyes.

" You are only using your daughter to get Fitzgerald's wealth. Probably get her married to the richest man in the country, it's because of your greed. He might be gullible enough to think she loves him, but I won't let that happen."He continued.

" I won't let that happen. I will never let you win Rowena.I will never lose to you or to that bastard Xavier. Read my lips, I will ruin your plan." He snarled and walked out of the hall.


Maxwell had received a voicemail from Rowena the following evening. In it she had apologized and promised to make him part of her plan.

She invited him to a location, so that they could talk more.

He knew scarring them a little would put them on track. He also wanted some part of Fitzgerald's wealth and he was ready to do anything to get it.

Being a shareholder would make him five times richer than he is now.She told him about her plan to own some of the shares of the company. He truly admired the woman's craftiness.

Maxwell had stood in the cold night for over an hour, Mrs Rowena agreed to meet him here. He deliberated on the possibilities of being played, afterall she's Rowena.

He had decided to go when he heard her voice.

"I know you to be a patient man Maxwell, just a few minutes and you are already in a hurry to leave." She spoke calmly. She wore a black scarf over her head, he could nearly see her face clearly.

"Take this, all our plans have been explained here. What I need you to do and how you are to do it.

It's a video tape, play it when you get home," she said as she handed him a big envelope.

Without saying another word, she left.


Brittany, Mira's sister, ran to the land line. It had been ringing for minutes and she couldn't bear the disturbing sound it made.

She wondered who was relentlessly calling and disturbing her peaceful afternoon. She skipped to answer the call and the news she heard left a dark shadow over her face.

"What's wrong Brittany?" Mira asked.

She walked downstairs to see her sister dumbfounded.

She held fright in her eyes as she was unable to speak.

"What's wrong? She asked again anxiously.

" Maxwell… Maxwell has been arrested for murder." Brittany stuttered.

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