Chapter Four


Xavier scoffed. This was ridiculous. He even resisted the urge to laugh because he didn't want to seem rude to the man sitting before him claiming to be his father. But then he saw the face of the man, and it was completely serious. Mr Fitzgerald wasn't joking. Did that mean that Xavier was truly his son?

“I think you need some time to process everything, Son. I wouldn't even be quick to give in if I were in your shoes. I'll leave you to yourself. I'll give you a chance to think about everything and process it. Here's my card, if you need anything or you've finally made the decision to come back home to your father, you can call me. My hands are open to you.”

Mr Fitzgerald thought about giving his son a black card, but he halted that decision. He would give Xavier all his possessions until he was ready to come home.

A few seconds later, the doctor came in to check on Xavier. Mt Fitzgerald knew it was time to go. He had important matters and appointments he had to deal with.

“Take care of him, doctor,” Mr Fitzgerald said to the doctor and then he left for the door.

Silence engulfed the room immediately Mr Fitzgerald had gone, an awkward, unusual silence. Xavier held the card between his fingers, fiddling it like it was a toy. His eyes were fixed intently on it.

“How are you feeling?” The doctor asked Xavier. “I'm feeling better.”


Xavier was discharged a few days later. He'd wanted to call Mr Fitzgerald, but he waved the thought off his mind. He still was in a state of disbelief. But even if he believed Mr Fitzgerald was truly his father, why had he let him suffer all these years? It would have been easy to find him if he had really wanted to.

Xavier had no home nor did he have anywhere to lay his head, so he decided to go over to one of his former colleagues' place. He'd been staying with Paul before he got married to Mira. Now that Mira had rejected him, he'd see if Paul would be willing to house him. At least he hoped so.

Xavier walked hopelessly to Paul's place, but on his way to Paul's house, a speeding car splashed him with muddy water, ruining the most priced clothes he owned.

Xavier wasn't mad at this. He was used to being treated this way most especially by rich people. Even if he wanted to fight with them, he stood no chance. He'd end up in the police station even before he would realize it.

But then, Xavier was taken aback when the car came to a halt. He watched as the car did a reverse and came to a halt just in front of him.

Xavier didn't know what to do now? He didn't know whether to walk away or just wait and see who the driver of the car was. Just before he could come to a conclusion whether to stay or go, the car's door opened. Emerging from the car was Maxwell Hayward, the man who'd taken his wife from him.

“You?!” he said to Xavier in a disgusted manner. Seconds later, Mira, his wife, also got out of the car, a smug look on her face.

“Look who's wandering around searching for a place to go to.” Mira's voice was filled with hate and contempt. She didn't sound like the woman Xavier used to know and love.

“I don't even know what came over me. How did I even get to marry someone like you? A common golddigger.”

Xavier's heart broke. Hearing Mira say these words to him tore his heart apart. “ I'm glad I came into the light. I'm glad that I had finally seen for myself how much of a good for nothing you are.”

Maxwell chuckled. “Yes, my love. He's a worthless piece of trash. You don't deserve this gold digger who only married you because of your parents' money. He's no good. He just saw an opportunity to eat offoff your family's table.”

“Anyway, Xavier, I don't have much time to waste speaking to you. You should be glad I told Maxwell to drive back to you. I've thrown out your filthy clothes and belongings. I never, ever want to see you in my house again.”

And with that they drove off.

He looked back in disappointment, but he just had to brace himself. At this point he was eager to prove to these people that he was worth more than they saw him as, but he had no money. He had nothing.

Well, unless he decided to accept Mr Fitzgerald's offer. Maybe he was his true son and he knew what would come from him being the son of a billionaire. Such a man with a big name all over Eastown wouldn't start claiming a random stranger I'd their son, unless he was.

Xavier dug his hand into his pocket and brought out the business card given to him. Maybe he'd change his mind and go to the man who claims to be his father.

Xavier walked through the cold street and the past scene in the hospital kept recurring in his mind.

"I got a father, I'm not an orphan." He recited in his head. He hadn't realized he was mumbling, causing passersby to throw him mean looks.

He couldn't believe this was happening, not right now that everything was falling apart. Before the accident he thought he finally lost everything and everyone.

He'd lost his wife Mira who he would have sworn loved him. He lost her and he lost a place to stay.

Now he's the son of a billionaire!

He came to a halt and pinched himself, causing him to grimace in pain. His stomach growled and he realized that he hadn't had anything to eat. Reaching for a nearby bench, he sat down and closed his eyes.

A sudden idea sparked in his head. He was going to call his father. He was fed up with the life he used to live. Now he was ready to embrace his new identity. He was the son of a billionaire.

“Hello Xavier, how are you son?" Mr Fitzgerald asked and his baritone called the phone's speaker to vibrate. It was as if he knew that his son would call, and the exact moment he would.

For Xavier, being addressed as 'son' was somewhat strange. People do call him son but most times it ended in utter revilement.

"I'm fine," he answered in a low voice, almost a whisper.

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