Xavier's Revenge: The Return Of The Scorned Billionaire
Xavier's Revenge: The Return Of The Scorned Billionaire
Author: Thatlovelygirl22
Chapter One


Xavier walked in alone, without the company of his wife Mira who had told him earlier that she was going to help out for her the preparation of her sister's engagement party situated at the Denvers mansion. His heart was heavy with dread as he walked amongst men and women of importance whose demeaning gaze fell on him.

“What's this scavenger doing here,” he'd heard them say. “How did he get to be here?” But he ignored their words as he'd gotten used to being insulted and ridiculed.

Xavier was intimidated by the aura the guest carried, he was from a poor background, he couldn't even relate to them. Everything about them exuded luxury and elegance, which contrasted to his normal life, and he still couldn't figure out why Rowena had enthusiastically invited him to such an occasion. She despised him, treated him like scum, ordered him around like a servant, and forced him to work for her and her daughters regardless of the fact that he was her son in-law. But her kind gesture towards him begged the question— why then had she invited him?

The Denvers were undoubtedly the wealthiest family in East town, the hometown and playground of the most affluent and influential billionaires in the country, and Xavier was lucky to get married from that family. The only problem was that he was scorned countlessly and was treated like a slave.

Xavier had married Mira, the second and the most pretty of three daughters of the Denvers, a pauper who fed from hand to mouth and who was a common parking attendant. His parents had gotten into a fatal accident when he was barely old enough to distinguish his left from his right, so he was told. And so he grew up in the orphanage.

“Oh, he's here, mom! Your good for nothing son inlaw.” Mira's sister, Anna chortled, as Xavier walked in, towards the family's table. She eyed him from head to toe in a demeaning manner and then burst into a bout of laughter.

“Anna, can you stop laughing at our guest?” Rowena snapped at her daughter. Her eyes flared as she took in Xavier's presence, a bright smile growing on her heavily made up face. “He's our special guest, you know, so treat him like one. I won't take it if you insult him once again.”

“Yes, mom!” Amna muttered in disappointment, utterly surprised by her mom's caution. She knew her mom despised Xavier as much as she and her other sister, Brittany who was getting engaged did. What was with the change of attitude towards him?

“Xavier, you don't have to mind her. She's just being silly. You're welcome.” Everything, from Rowena's words to her action towards Xavier seemed so good to be true. It was unbelievable. Perhaps Xavier was dreaming or he'd probably woken up in the alternate universe where things didn't seem as they used to be.

Xavier's eyes scanned for Mira, his wife, but she was nowhere amongst the crowd nor was her sister, Brittany who was getting engaged today.

“I'm glad that you're here to witness this beautiful day for our daughter, Xavier. Your presence is most welcome.” Rowena smiled. Xavier let out an uneasy smile in return. He didn't know how to react. He wasn't even used to this kind of treatment from his in-laws.

“Anna, go get our guest a drink, and I don't want you complaining, alright? And uh, where's your sister, Mira? She ought to be out already. What's keeping her?”

Anna answered with gritted teeth. “She'll be out soon.” Anna excused herself to go get Xavier a drink, but just before she got back, something dreadful caught Xavier's eye and they immediately flared with shock. He was stunned. His jaw dropped as his eyes fell on the people standing in front of him.

It couldn't be.

This was impossible.

Wasn't Brittany supposed to be standing next to the arrogant billionaire, Maxwell Hayward, her fiance? Well that wasn't the case. In the arms of Maxwell Hayward was his wife, Mira whom he'd married two years ago. What was she doing with him? Was it some kind of family ritual or something?

Rowena snickered. “About time, isn't it?” She heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, how I've longed for this day to come. This is the happiest day of my life. What do you think Xavier?”

Xavier ignored her questions as he was dazed at the sight before him. His eyes met Mira's, but there was no hint of remorse in her eyes. Her eyes sparkled. It was as if it was a dream come true for her to be with Maxwell regardless of being married to him.

Xavier watched in shock as they walked to the center stage, and then, Maxwell knelt down and proposed to her. “Mira Lauren Denver…” The man even knew her full name? Had Mira been dating Maxwell all along while they were still married? “Will You marry me?*

Mira's eyes glistened with glee and she nodded happily. “Yes, I will. I'll marry you!” Maxwell got up and hugged her. And just then, right in front of him, his wife locked lips with another man, further petrifying him and leaving him in a state of utter dismay.

“Are you surprised, guest?” Rowena asked Xavier maliciously. On her face was a smug, malevolent look that pierced through his heart. He should have known this was their plan. How did he let himself get fooled by them? He should have known that behind Rowena's niceness towards him were ulterior motives to ridicule him.

“Did you ever think I'd let you be with my daughter forever and ruin my family's name? Do you think I'll sit down and let you infest the legacy that my family upholds?” Rowena let out a scoff. “No! You're a worthless destitute, and you don't deserve my daughter's love. Can't you see that she's happy with Maxwell. He's the man right for her. He's fit and able to take good care of her, that's what you can never do.”

“Now get out, you worthless scum bag, and never return. Your presence here is no longer needed or welcomed in my family.”

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