Chapter Two


Rowena's hurtful words resounded in his ears. Her words pierced through him like daggers. The sight of his wife swapping spits and kissing another man was hurtful and heartbreaking.

His heart ached as he watched the now engaged couples. What was more painful was the fact that Mira didn't even seem to care about his feelings. She didn't seem to care that she was kissing another man in front of her husband. Instead, she threw him a mischievous smile which was like a slap on his face.

“Wait,” Rowena called him back as he was about to go, after all, his presence was no longer welcome. “Before you go, take this with you.” She threw him a scrunched up hundred dollar bill and it landed at his feet. “Take this. I bet it's a fortune for a church rat like you.”

Xavier didn't take the money even though he had a strong urge to do so. Truly the hundred dollar bill would do a lot for him. He scrambled out of the Denvers manor looking forlorn and dejected. His whole world had crumbled, and he wondered what else he was living for.

Xavier knew he wasn't going to be staying at his wife's house any longer, but he had no place to go. His shelter, his clothes and technically everything was gone.

Xavier couldn't stop the tears from seeping out of his eyes. He'd expected to be humiliated by the Denvers, but not by his wife, Mira. He was broken beyond repair.

He decided to wander aimlessly on the road. He let his legs take him anywhere. He wasn't even attentive to his surroundings as he walked, the only thing on his mind was his wife's betrayal towards him.

Xavier didn't even know that a car was speeding towards him because his eyes weren't even fixed on the road. But then, before he knew it the car rushed towards him and hit him in a flash, and immediately, he fell to the ground with a heavy thud. Blood began oozing out of his body in a frenzy, where the car had hit him.

Xavier couldn't feel anything. His senses seemed to have failed him as he wasn't able to feel his body anymore. He could only hear the sound of the car door slamming, and the footsteps of someone rushing towards him. And just then, everything turned black, he couldn't see anything.


Xavier's eyes slowly opened. Squinting his eyes, he tried to make out his surroundings , but he couldn't. The prickling bright light was blinding, and his eyes weren't used to it.

It took about a few seconds before Xavier realized that he was lying in a room, a white room, which smelled strongly of antiseptics and disinfectants.

Xavie couldn't remember how he ended up in this room or why he was in the room at all. The only thing he could remember was painfully witnessing his wife accepting the proposal of another man.

He propped himself to sit on the bed, that was when he felt something on his left arm. An IV line had been inserted in his hand. Was he….? Could he be in a hospital? Yes he was. The smell of antiseptics made it a bit obvious.

Just then, Xavier felt a surge of pain on his head. His body also felt weak and his muscles ached. What happened to him? How did he end up here? He let out a groan. He rubbed his eyes so he could see his surroundings clearly.

“Finally awake?” The deep, powerful voice of a man said in the room and Xavier's body jerked. Someone else was in the room and he didn't know?

“I've been waiting until you regained consciousness, Xavier.” How did the man know his name?

Xavier's eyes shot towards the man. He was dressed in a black Brioni tuxedo. His wrist was adorned with a watch— an 18 carat gold Audemars Piguet wrist watch. Mere seeing the wrist watch, you would know it was way too expensive.

Xavier looked at the man in awe. Everything he was putting on from head to toe would buy him a billion times and the man would still get his change.

“What are you doing here, sir, and why are you here with me?” He asked the man politely.

“You've been here for two weeks,” the man replied. “You got into an accident. I hit you with my car.” That explained why Xavier felt those aches on his muscles and on his head.

“Thank God you've woken up. I was dead worried.” Why on earth would the man be worried about a lowly man like Xavier?

“Well, the hospital bills—” the man continued but his statement was cut off by Xavier's loud gasp. His heart was laced with fear. Hospital bills? What was he going to do now? He had no money to pay for his hospital bills. Why in God's name did he end up in the hospital? He should have been left to die because he was a worthless man who had nothing to live for?

“Sir, I-I don't really know if I can be able to settle the bills. I'm just a—”

“Relax, young man. Your hospital bills have already been cleared. You have absolutely nothing to worry about.” Perhaps this was just a dream. Maybe he was still in the phase of dreaming about the impossible. Why on earth would someone be willing to clear his hospital bills? He was a worthless man, who would want to do as much as helping him or associating themselves with him?

Xavier's was astounded. He tried to process what he'd just heard, pondering on who would do such a thing for him. His mind didn't bother going to the Denvers because he knew how much they despised him and wished for him to die. They couldn't possibly send someone to clear his bill.

“Who…. Who cleared it?” Xavier's voice was low and timid. He was scared as much as he was amazed.

“I did,” the man answered simply. The man's expression was neutral.

Xavier looked at the man, awestruck. “Why? Why did you clear my hospital bills?”

“Because it's my fault that you're in here, I'm so sorry about that. And also, I did it because I'm….” The man paused. He rubbed his forehead and then let out a sigh. “Because I'm your father.”

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