Chapter Six


It has been days now since his formal introduction as Mr Dean Fitzgerald's son, days since his introduction to a new life of luxury. It was amazing how his life drastically changed from being a nobody, a common golddigger to being the wealthiest nab in East town. The flush lifestyle was burdensome to him at first, but with time he adjusted.

Having been guided on the company's affairs by his father, Xavier was to resume office today. His life was going to change for good today. The sudden respect he would be given was going to feel strange. He was scorned for being indigent, now people would listen to him speak.

Indeed money did and could do amazing things.

Xavier decided to have brunch before he got into his office. He walked into the restaurant and noticed a familiar face. It was Mira, his ex-wife who rejected him.

His face hardened at the sight of her. The thought of her betrayal and rejection causes a sour thirst in his mouth

"What's she doing here?" Xavier asked himself not expecting a real reply. He hoped she wouldn't recognize him or ignore him if she did because he didn't want to get attention all to himself.

"Sir, your croissant and Espresso coffee…" the waitress said, as she offered him the meal. He immediately averted his gaze from Mira and smiled at the waitress.

Putting the croissant in his mouth he heard Mira's voice. She was calling his name. He ignored it but she called again. "Xavier, I know it's you." Her voice sounded different, quite different from what he knew.

It held bitterness and disgust.

He took a sip of his coffee and turned to her.

"It is you. You know it's silly for you to think borrowing fancy clothes and flashy watches would change what you are. It's funny you think you can ever change from being a pauper." She said as she laughed maliciously. Her once calm and divine laughter now sounded like that of the devil.

Xavier continued to ignore her. He turned to his meal, averting his attention from her, hoping she would go away.

"Isn't it a pleasure to meet you, Mr Xavier," A deep voice said in a mocking tone. "You were in such a hurry and left the engagement party before it was over. But I want you at our wedding. Make sure to come with this fancy tux you borrowed, you are gonna be our special guest. " Mira's new fiance, Maxwell snapped with spite.

" What do you want?" Xavier asked in a soft, humble voice although his face contrasted to his tone.

“What do we want? Well, we just came to say hello. We've missed your poverty-stricken presence and we just thought it wise to greet you,” Mira replied with a smirk across her lips.

" You must be the new security man over here or perhaps a delivery boy." Her fiance added and they burst into laughter.

“No, honey, I bet he's the janitor. He washes the toilets. How could he even bag a job such as that without even being thrown out?”

"I must say, Xavier, the Fitzgeralds are kind to have hired someone like you. They must be open-minded people, who know you might be plotting how you're gonna steal from them."

Xavier was enraged by Mira and her fiance's actions, but he remained calm, trying as much as possible to wave off their insignificant words.

Mira walked and sat down on the seat in front of him with Maxwell massaging her shoulder and kissing her neck. He knew what Mira was doing. She didn't give him a chance to get a divorce, now she was here trying to continue from where she stopped.

" You should go away, I'm trying to have a decent meal." Xavier stared intensely at her, he wasn't going to let them think they made him anxious.

"We will go, we have important business with the CEO. " Mira said and paused, widening the smirk on her lips.

"I mean Mr Fitzgerald. And you know Xavier, I don't like your attitude today, so I'm going to tell your boss to fire you." She said as cast him a last glance before leaving.

“Do you think you're worthy enough to speak to him? He doesn't mingle with people like you.”

Mira and her fiance looked like they had just been slapped in the face. “How dare you?” Maxwell said.

“I'm just saying. A family like yours, the Denvers and the Haywards stand no chance with the Fitzgeralds. The CEO is not even going to look at you twice, talk less of secretary.”

“You….” Maxwell raised his hand as if to hit Xavier but he brought it down immediately. He didn't want to indulge in a fight before he met with the almighty Mr Fitzgerald and requested a job.

“Thank your God I'm in a good mood, if not….”

“Just ignore him, Maxwell, he's not worth it. I just hope we'll be able to get him fired. He doesn't deserve to be in a place like this.”

Xavier smiled at their words. He didn't want to reveal his identity yet to them. He wanted them to see for themselves that he was more than they'd expected him to be.


“We have an appointment with Mr Fitzgerald,” Maxwell said cockily to the secretary who was agitated by his presence.

“I'm so sorry,” the secretary said, taking a look at the book she was holding. “There's no appointment between you and Mr Fitzgerald.”

“What about the chairman? We want to speak with the chairman.”

“I'm so sorry, but he's not available at the moment,” the secretary responded, trying her best to do her job right and be polite.

“What do you mean he's not available? Do we look like we're here to play?” Mira asked, devastated by the secretary's excuses.

The secretary lost it immediately. “Let me give you a little piece of advice lady, if you want a job you should learn to watch your trap. You should be glad we've let in people like you." The secretary snapped at her.

Perplexed, Mira moved back, she wasn't expecting her to react that way. "Calm down babe, this secretary is insane, we just have to wait a little so we can meet with him on our own. I trust he'd be pleased to see us,” Maxwell reassured as he noticed the fright on her face.

“What's going on here?” A voice came up, the voice sounded too familiar to Mira. She could swear she had heard that voice half an hour ago. But she waved that thought off her mind.

“Sir, these people are causing a ruckus here. They claim they have an appointment with Mr Fitzgerald.”

Xavier raised his brows. “Really?” He asked feigning interest.

Earlier, he had made his secretary swear that she wouldn't disclose his identity to anyone. He had to lay low for a while. He didn't want to show off his true identity yet, well, except for those of his father's friends and the guest who'd come for his welcome party.

Immediately Mira turned to look at Xavier. Her whole body froze in shock as she took in his appearance. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Blood seemed to be drained out of her face and her whole body as she looked as pale as a dead body.

This couldn't be. It was impossible. There was no way this was true. How could Xavier be allowed in here? And why was the secretary answering him as ‘sir’?

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