Chapter 1477
Immediately, Xayne felt a wave of relief wash over him. A smoke bomb, fortunately, was not lethal.

Serena had been watching a data simulation inside the research lab when the smoke bomb went off. She did not panic. Instead, she quickly crouched down and moved to a corner where there was some cover.

Serena was smart. At that moment, she yanked out the lab’s data USB drive. She knew very well that the attacker’s objective was either her or the research data. However, the new anti-cancer drug’s data on the lab’s computers was encrypted with the most advanced technology, so she was not overly worried.

The sudden chaos, the suffocating smoke—it was pandemonium inside the research lab. Many researchers, unsure of what was happening, crouched and scrambled in all directions, desperate to escape.

This chaos was precisely what the perpetrator desired. Amidst the confusion, blending in and achieving their objective would be easier. As the smoke thickened, visibility dropped to less than a me
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