On the other hand, the little girl chose to wipe her hears and remain strong. When she feels that she already cried enough and has vented out all of her frustration, she decides to go out to the restroom.

She went back to their classroom because she was planning to get along with her classmates. That is what her mom told her and she needs to obey it even though it was against her own will.

It was already their break time when she came back to their classroom. Her teacher didn’t even bother to look for her when she was still inside the restroom. She can’t leave her favorite students because she is gaining a lot of incentives from their rich parents.

“Hey, what do you have for a snack? Did your mom have time to prepare it for you? I bet she was busy flirting with her lovers,” the same student who embarrassed her in front of the class earlier came to her again.

This time she wants to bully her for not having a good snack unlike most of them. However, she was wrong because Sarah took out
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