Chapter 8.

Yinyue - I see light at the end of this tunnel.

Taeyang - Be careful, we don’t know what’s out there.

Yinyue - Okay.

After several hours, the duo finally made it out of the mine. They stood at the exit (entrance) of the tunnel and received the greetings of the sky. It greeted them with heavy snowfall.

They found four huts just outside the tunnel and beyond the huts stood a forest of trees with snow as leaves.

??? - Who goes there?

A crude voice sounded beside them. They turned and found an old man seated on the ground. If he had not spoken they would not have noticed him.

??? - Outsiders!

Another voice came from their front. Dozens of people stepped out of the hut, and each of them bared hostility towards them. Each clad in thick clothing made from white animal fur and possessed at least one weapon. The men had a black cross on their right cheek and the women had a crescent moon on their left cheek.

Taeyang grabbed Yinyue by the hand, and pulled her behind him. Instinctively, h
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