Chapter 7.

The duo found themselves in a sticky situation. Their way back had a large blockage and their way forward carried a big risk. Taeyang looked at the centipede and then at the family of rats.

Yinyue - What do we do?

Taeyang heard her whisper, from her tone she didn’t sound worried. As if she didn’t find the situation dangerous in the slightest. He didn’t know if he should consider it a good thing or a bad thing.

‘The centipede is… is blind. Then it’s the one I fought before,’ Taeyang thought.

Taeyang - You can sense the presence around you, can you also sense or gauge their strength?

Yinyue - Yeah, I can, can’t you?

Taeyang - Not really.

Yinyue frowned at Taeyang, she found it weird that he couldn’t determine their strength. He scratched his head and gave a her a wry smile.

Yinyue - Most of those horned rats are as strong as you. There’s only one as strong as I am. That worm is almost as strong as me, but I think because of an error in its growth or some eternal force it is weaker.
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