Nick was pacing up and down the hospital lobby, the doctors were battling to save Kathlyn’s life but he didn’t want to lie to himself. She may not make it, the accident was pretty bad.

The sounds of heels and shoes made him to raise his head and he saw his supposed family walking towards him while the reporters kept flocking around them and clicking pictures.

“A word sir” one of the reporters begged and that was when Gregory stopped but he didn’t say anything.

“Don’t you have any shame left?” Nessa retorted, “how do you expect him to talk when his daughter in law is lying critically on the hospital bed and fighting for herself?we all should be praying for her and not you looking for news to scoop” by now tears of pretense were already falling down her face and she was trying very hard to her face to be captured by the camera.

Gregory finally cleared his throat and everyone kept quiet, “it is indeed sad that my own family was attacked in this city, I will not let the culprit go, I must
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