The cellphone rang and Fedora answered it immediately when she saw the caller ID.

“Hello, sister in law”

“Put me on the phone with Nick,” Kathlyn answered from the other end, she finally made a decision and nothing was going to change her mind.

“One sec” Fedora replied and quickly climbed out of bed, Nick was alone in the living room when she saw fedora making a run towards him and he squeezed his brows in confusion.

“Sister in law wants to talk to you” she said, handing the phone to him immediately.

“I see you have made a decision” Nick said immediately he collected the phone, he didn’t know she would come up with a decision this early.

“Dreame Cafe, in an hour. I will be waiting Nick” Kathlyn said from the other end and disconnected the call while Nick glanced towards the war clock, it was already past nine and April would be sleeping by then.

“Are you going to meet her?” Dora asked, collecting her phone from him.

“Hmm” he nodded and stood up, he was dressed in a pair of denim and s
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