The whole house was still illuminated when Nick jumped into the compound through the back gate, the security guards were making their rounds and it was a bit easy for him as they were not going to be someone at the gate for at least thirty seconds. This was how the Furgesson security worked, every one hour they all made their rounds around the house and the back gate was left bare for thirty seconds and it was his luck that he came right on time.

“I am in” he touched the tiny earpiece in his ears,

“You have three guards approaching from 3 o clock, get away from there now” April warned and he nodded before jumping into a nearby bush.

She was a hacker so it was easy for her to hack into the CCTV server of the Furgesson mansion. It’s network was vast and wide and her computer screen was filled with different footages but she was interested in the ones Nick was in, she was her husband’s eyes and ears at the moment.

“The back door is clear now” she added again and Nick nodded before he began to tiptoe to the back of the house.

Truth be told, he could easily retrieve the box without having to break into the house in the middle of the night but he knew Gregory Furgesson was not a foolish man. Years of working with Gregory had made him understand the man a lot more than anyone could, stealing it was much better than forcibly taking it, it could cause more damage than necessary.

“Be fast Nick or you will get caught. You have twenty minutes all in all to grab that box and get out of the house before they notice the CCTV cameras have been hacked,any more than that then you are doomed” April’s voice reached his ears and he nodded before quickening his pace.

As he slowly opened the back door and wanted to enter, he saw Nessa and Chris standing a few meters away and they seemed to be in a heated argument, hiding himself inside of the one the spaces between the walls, he listened for their voices.

“How the hell did Nick acquire Dogbam holdings?is he planning to make father bankrupt?” Chris asked in anger as he tousled his already disheveled hair.

“A man who has been betrayed by his own family is like a wounded lion bother, he will crouch and wait for the appropriate time to attack, I think Nick has something up his sleeves and we need to be very careful”

He heard Chris sigh like an old man, “speaking of careful? Where did father keep the box?I need to see what that old hag was hiding at least”

Nessa took a few steps away from her brother again,

“father did not tell anyone and don’t bother finding it, you won’t see it. Just focus on meeting the shareholders tomorrow, Nick has caused a big commotion in the business world and one more thing Chris, you should be very careful if you know what I mean” she added and walked away leaving Chris standing for a while deep in thought.

When Nessa said he should be careful, he understood what she meant perfectly but that was long in the past right, how could that secret be revealed now?he would never let that happen nor after he had hidden well all these years. Running his hand through his hair, Chris made his way to where his family was, the issue of Nick purchasing Dogbam was still of interest to them.

After steadying his breathing, Nick tiptoed out of where he was hiding and stood for a while, the fact that Chris was also hiding something piqued his interest.

“What are you hiding Chris?” He muttered to himself but that was a story for another day and like a thief he walked slowly until he got to the edge of the stairs leading to Gregory’s study, he had a hunch that he may find the box there.

The whole family was in the living room and they all looked angry, there was no way he would go upstairs and not be seen.

“April, create a distraction for them, I need to go upstairs”

“On it” she replied and In less than thirty seconds, all the landlines in the house were ringing.

“What nonsense?” Gregory snapped as they all went in different directions to get one and that was when as quick as lightning, Nick found himself upstairs.

But as he got to the door of the study, he discovered it was locked,

“Fuck” nick muttered under his breath, this old man was just too wise.

“Nick?”a voice asked behind him and he froze before turning then he heaved a sigh when he saw who it was….Fedora.

“Why are you here?” She asked in a hushed tone, also looking around in case anyone was coming.

“We can talk about that later when you come home tomorrow but right now I need your help, I need the keys to father’s study”

“I don’t think I know where it is” Fedora replied. She was very scared and he could see it on her face.

“He always carries it with himself Dora, just get it for me. I will be in your room, I have less time” saying that he disappeared within the walls and she was surprised, since when did her brother become so skilled?

“What are you doing in front of my study?” Her father asked walking up to her with the help of his walking stick. He had a suspicious look on his face towards her.

Breathing in and out, she turned to him with an expressionless look on her face,

“I wanted to borrow a book from your study and it is locked,” she answered.

“Since when did you start borrowing books from my study Fedora?what are you up to this time?” Gregory asked, right now he didn’t trust anyone even in the slightest.

“You have never spoken more than three words to me father so why are you doing that now?I go in and out of your study everyday so why are you conscious now?” She asked in a mocking tone, her lips curving into a thin smile.

“You have a connection with my enemy Fedora, don’t forget that, you let him leave five years ago. How am I not sure you want to help him?”

She smirked,” Nick does not need my help to destroy you father and I know you won’t allow him that easily, I don't want to involve myself in your fight so please let me get the book and go back to my room” she added nonchalantly and Gregory sighed. Even if he was tough at heart, he still loved his daughter so very much, “ and moreover I want to go back to living with brother again, at least he and his wife treat me like I actually exist”

Gregory sighed, “don’t you understand that he is trying to use you to get back at us?and once he is done with you, he will also cast you aside Fedora” right now her father sounded desperate like he wanted her to say she was on his side.

Folding her hands across her chest, she moved two steps closer to him,

Nick was someone who did everything you asked for dad without questioning your orders and you expect him to just be calm when you all wanted him dead?I would do the same If I was him” Fedora retorted, sighing.

“Here” he extended his hand towards her, “bring the keys back when you are done, i have a conference call to make” he added and walked towards his bedroom.

Ever since she was a child, she always looked up to her father as a disciplinarian but now she only felt disgust toward the man that wanted her brother dead and she didn’t feel any iota of sympathy towards him or her family, they treated her like she didn’t exist anyways but even at that she still loved her father and wished he would see what he was doing wrong and maybe right his wrongs. She couldn’t deny the fact that she always had whatever she wanted and It was only possible because of him, how she wished things were a bit different and more calm. She missed the serenity her family enjoyed years back with Nick still a son to the family.

“Thank you” she called after him and he halted, this was the first time she was ever saying thank you to him, as if a little burden had been lifted off his shoulder, Gregory smiled at his daughter before walking away.

When Fedora was sure that he was no longer in sight, she turned and made for her room in a half run. Immediately she entered, she saw Nick sitting comfortably on the bed but she knew he was waiting for him.

“What if someone entered and saw you, brother?”she asked, rolling her eyes at him.

“I am not particularly hiding” Nick replied, “after all the Furgessons will get to know I was the one who broke into the house by the morning” he added, his lips curving up in a sly smile.

She heaved a sigh and threw the keys at him which he caught in midair,

“Five minutes, I don’t understand why you had to break into the house though”

“You will understand soon enough baby sis” Nick replied and in a moment he was out of the room.

The hallway was empty when he made his way into the study and carefully opened the door. It was dark inside but luckily he had his phone with him.

Dipping his hand inside his pocket, he brought out the chip that April gave him and like that Nick Furgesson began his search for the old box. He searched for what seemed like three minutes and that was when he heard the chip begin to beep that meant the box was nearby but as he moved closer to where he was supposed to get the box, the study door flung open and he saw a silhouette enter.

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