chapter six

" Are they dead?" Lisa asked cupping Rick's face in her palms. "No, ark get them out in time. Here is. route and location they are. We are going to find them and join with them. I am sure we could be safe with Mark." Rick smiled knowing his family was safe. " But first we need to get dressed and have a warm bath. He stood up and walked about waking into his room and he had another severe headache.

Rick groaned as he fell to the floor. Lisa watched and was scared not knowing what to do. She couldn't possibly call 911 everything was in shambles. An encrypted message appeared before Rick



Rick felt his headache gone and looked at Lisa. " There is a change of plan. We need to find a hospital."

Rick’s hands trembled as he read the system message. The headache that had momentarily paralyzed him faded, but the gravity of the new task weighed heavily on his mind. He looked up at Lisa, who was watching him with concern.

“We need to get to a hospital,” Rick said, his voice steady despite the agony and pain within him.

Lisa frowned. “A hospital? Why? Isn’t your family more important right now?”

Rick nodded. “Yes, they are. But the system… I’d never been given a task this specific before. If it says we need to go to a hospital, there must be a reason. And it promises us a new ride with a lot of comfort. That could make a huge difference for us.”

Lisa sighed, understanding the implication. “Alright. Do you know which hospital it’s talking about?”

Rick checked the encrypted message again. “There’s an address here. It’s not too far from where we are, maybe a couple of miles. We need to move quickly before those raiders catch up to us.”

They both went into the bathroom to have a shower and had a change of clothes.

Lisa walked to the cabinet grabbing a few supplies they needed. “Let’s get going then. We don’t have much time.”

Rick secured his weapons and checked the power bike, ensuring it was ready for the journey ahead. The engine purred to life, and they set off, navigating through the deserted streets with caution.

The city was eerily quiet, the occasional groan of a distant zombie the only sound breaking the silence. They avoided major roads, sticking to side streets and alleys to stay out of sight. Rick’s mind was focused on the task, but he couldn’t help thinking about his family. The letter had given him hope, but he knew they weren’t safe until they were all together again.

They reached the hospital without incident. It was a large building, imposing and foreboding in the moonlight. The entrance was partially blocked by abandoned cars and debris, it must have been barricaded because of the chaos that had unfolded when the outbreak began.

“Stay close,” Rick whispered to Lisa as they dismounted the bike. They made their way inside, the smell of decay and antiseptic hitting them immediately. The lobby was a mess, with overturned furniture and scattered medical supplies everywhere. Rick looked at the building and wondered if there was life inside the building itself. He wondered if the system had directed him toward the building

Rick checked the message again, looking for any additional instructions. “It says we need to go to the third floor, room 308. That’s where they’ll take my blood sample.”

Lisa nodded, her bow ready as they moved through the darkened hallways. They climbed the stairs cautiously, every creak making their hearts race. They reached the third floor and found room 308. The door was slightly ajar.

Rick pushed the door open with his gun, ready for anything. Inside, the room was surprisingly clean. A makeshift lab had been set up, with vials, syringes, and medical equipment neatly arranged. A small terminal in the corner flickered to life as they entered.

Rick approached the terminal. A prompt message appeared on the screen:


Rick looked at Lisa, who nodded encouragingly. He placed his arm in the scanner, feeling a slight prick as it drew his blood. The terminal beeped, and another message appeared:


They waited in tense silence. The seconds felt like hours. Finally, a new message appeared:


The terminal emitted a soft hum as it processed the information. Moments later, the screen displayed a map with a highlighted route.


Rick and Lisa exchanged a serious look. “The roof,” Rick said, feeling a surge of hope. “Let’s move.”

They made their way to the roof access, climbing another flight of stairs. The rooftop was vast and empty, the night air cool against their skin. In the distance, they heard the faint hum of an approaching helicopter.

“They did arrange transport,” Lisa said, amazed.

The helicopter landed smoothly on the roof, and a man in a clean uniform stepped out. “You Rick?” he asked, looking at Rick.

Rick nodded. “Yes, that’s me.”

“Get in. We don’t have much time,” the man said, motioning them inside. Some armed we came down with the helicopter making sure the ground. was secure as they lifted Rick and Lisa into the space created for them.

Rick and Lisa climbed into the helicopter, strapping themselves in as it lifted off. The city below shrank away, the noise and chaos becoming a distant memory. Rick looked at Lisa, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. For the first time in a long while, they had a clear path forward.

The flight was short, and they soon landed in a secure compound. It was well-lit and heavily guarded, a stark contrast to the desolation they had left behind. They were met by a team of medical personnel who quickly ushered Rick inside.

Lisa followed closely, her eyes scanning their surroundings warily. “What now?” she asked.

"You are going to stay back while we have you clean and also checked up. We don't know what you have been opened to out there." the lady replied leading Lisa away from Rick. "But I clean. I am not bitten." Lisa managed to say the word out of her mouth but She was not listened to.

Rick was led to a clean, well-equipped lab. A doctor in a white coat approached him, a friendly smile on her face. “Rick, welcome. We’ve been expecting you. My name is Dr. Morgan. We’re going to run a few more tests, but first, I need to explain why you’re here.”

Rick nodded, feeling a mix of curiosity and understanding. “Alright. What’s going on?”

Dr. Morgan motioned for them to sit. “You have a unique genetic marker that makes you immune to the zombie virus. We’ve been tracking survivors like you to develop a potential cure. Your blood sample confirmed our initial findings. With your help, we can make significant progress.”

Rick absorbed the information, feeling a sense of purpose. “What do you need me to do?”

Dr. Morgan smiled. “Just a few more blood samples and some time to run tests. In the meantime, you and your friend will be given quarters to rest. We’ll also arrange a meeting with your family once we’ve processed the data. They’re safe and looking forward to seeing you.”

Rick felt a wave of relief washes over him. “Thank you,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. Lisa walked back into the room and their gaze met. She had been attended to and her blood sample was taken too.

Lisa squeezed his hand. “We’re going to get through this, Rick. Together.”

Rick nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. They had a plan, a purpose, and for the first time since the apocalypse began, a glimmer of hope for the future.

As they were led to their quarters, Rick couldn’t help but think about the journey ahead. There were still challenges to face, but with allies and a clear goal, he knew they could overcome anything.

The room they were given was small but comfortable, a reminder of the forgotten days of sleeping anywhere they had found themselves..Rick collapsed onto the bed, feeling the exhaustion of the past days catch up to him. Lisa sat beside him, her eyes filled with resolve.

“We’ll find your family,” she said softly. “And we’ll help end this nightmare.”

Rick nodded, closing his eyes. For the first time in a long while, he allowed himself to hope. They had a long road ahead, but together, they were unstoppable.

The next morning, Rick woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside the window. It was a peaceful sound, a reminder of the chaos they had left behind. He got up and stretched, feeling more rested than he had in days. Lisa was already up, looking out the window with a thoughtful expression.

“Good morning,” Rick said, walking over to her.

Lisa turned and smiled. “Morning. I was just thinking… it’s been so long since we’ve had a moment like this. It almost feels normal.”

Rick nodded. “Yeah, it does. But we can’t let our guard down. We still have a lot to do.”

Lisa agreed. “What’s the plan for today?”

Rick thought for a moment. “We’ll meet with Dr. Morgan and see what the next steps are. Then we’ll focus on finding my family and making sure they’re safe. After that, we’ll figure out how to help with the cure.”

Lisa nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

They left their quarters and headed to the lab. Dr. Morgan was already there, reviewing some data. She looked up and smiled as they entered.

“Good morning, Rick, and Lisa. I hope you slept well.”

"We did, thank you,” Rick replied. “What’s next?”

Dr. Morgan gestured to a monitor. “We’ve analyzed your blood samples, and the results are promising. We’re already seeing some breakthroughs that could lead to a viable cure. But we need more data. I’d like to run a few more tests today.”

Rick nodded. “Of course. Whatever it takes.”

Dr. Morgan led Rick to a chair and prepared to draw more blood. “This will only take a moment.”

As she worked, Rick’s mind wandered to his family. He couldn’t wait to see them, to hold them, and know they were safe. The thought gave him strength and determination.

After the tests were completed, Dr. Morgan smiled. “Thank you, Rick. This will help us immensely. In the meantime, I’ve arranged a call with your family. They’re safe in another part of the compound, and we’ll reunite you soon.”

Rick felt a surge of relief. “Thank you, Dr. Morgan. I can’t tell you how much this means to me.”

Dr. Morgan nodded. “I understand. Family is everything.”

" Feel free to have a look around the facility. it will help you stay down here." Morgan looked at them and signaled to one of her men to follow them. The fresh here was soothing as Lisa and Rick walked side by side. " What about your family don't you miss them? I see you can shoot too. " Rick looked at Lisa's face. She seems to be hiding a lot of her past since she met Rick. " My father taught me how to shoot," Lisa replied. " He seems like a good man," he replied

As they walked, Alex noticed another facility with the word danger inscription on it. " What are you doing over there?" he asked the guard who was leading them.

" It is just abandoned and not used anymore. let's go back. it getting late." The man said trying to make Rick and Lisa head back to the Clinic. " I would like to see what is there." Lisa looked at Rick

"Show us," Rick commanded

The guard cocked his gun and face the both of them. " You will do as I say or I will have you killed where you stand."

Rick and Lisa were lost. Were they in another trap again? They knew their life at the facility was too good to be true. Was the system leading Rick astray?

Rick jumped the guard and disarmed him. He fired a shot at his leg and ran towards the clinic with Lisa. They opened the gates and their mouths were opened in awe. "What is this place?" Lisa asked bringing out her compound bow and arrow. " We are about to find out?" Rick said gently gripping his gun tightly

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