chapter seven

Lisa and Alex saw many people tied to poles that were being experimented on. Alex felt a sharp pain in his head again and he fell to the ground. The system sends a message again.



Alex got up " It looks like this place has been overrun with some shady people. The system just asked us to leave." He sighed looking at Alex's face. " Look, that is Doctor Morgan," Lisa shouted looking at Alex to walk closer to the Zombie with a white uniform.

" I think whoever was outside there killed the real Doctor Morgan. We have to leave here as soon as possible." Alex looked at Lisa

" Did the system tell you anywhere we are supposed to go?" Lisa quickly shot a zombie that was moving closer to them in the head.

" I think there is something special about them. " Alex walked closer to the cage looking at their faces.

" What? Lisa asked pulling him back "Don't get too close to them."

" They seem in control of what they are doing. look over there. Dr Morgan is seated and it looks like he is in control."

" Yes, I am." A voice came back at Rick as they were about to move back. " Whoever it is that you met inside the facilities is trying to make superhuman zombie soldiers to take over the world. Don't let them and you need to burn this place to the ground. They have succeeded seeing you are here. They have your blood and that is what they need. You need to get out of here now."

" You are going to do no such thing." Alex heard a voice behind him and he turned to face the fake Doctor Morgan. " I know what you are doing and I am going to stop you."

" Stop me? I am trying to save the world and make it a better place. Join me and we can rule together. I will destroy anyone that stands in my way." She threatened and Alex could see the red veins in her blood. " What did you do to yourself? " Alex asked Frightened

" I am better, the zombie apocalypse is a blessing in disguise don't you see? I am faster and stronger." She shouted at Alex

" I am going to try and buy us more time, Lisa. Run!."

Lisa wanted to run but was met by some guards. " Going somewhere love. " one of the guards looked at Lisa and she stuck an arrow inside his eyes. " Both of you are not leaving here today. It is either you join me or you die." Fiona shouted again

She charged at Alex and the combat began between the both of them. Lisa on the other hand tried to fight off the guards stopping her from leaving. Alex was brutally beaten by Fiona. She was faster and stronger than him. Alex noticed Doctor Morgan had been trying to have himself freed. He reached for his gun and shot the padlock at the gates. " What has you done you fool?" Fiona cried out trying to run out of the building but Morgan jumped right at her front. " I will take it from here. Go and help your friend."

The zombies began to swarm into the facilities as Rick and Lisa tried their best to fight the soldiers. " I am not that weak. You might have been the greatest of my inventory but I am faster and stronger thanks to his blood." Fiona looked at Morgan who was bleeding from the gunshot wound some of Fiona's men shot at him. " we are both going to die here today." Morgan looked at her

Fiona taunted looking at her hand drenched in Morgan's blood " If you are in a hurry to die then die alone. I don't think I am ready to depart from this world yet."

Rick looked at a gasoline tank beside them and looked at Morgan who nodded for him to shoot when the time was right. Lisa and Rick immediately got back to trying to find a way and suddenly they heard a loud burst the the main gate. Rick and Lisa looked at each other as they heard a loud noise of a horde coming towards them. " We have to leave now or we won't make it," Alex shouted at Lisa

" Go, and get your blood out from that facility," Morgan shouted

Alex looked at the gasoline thanks and shot at it. It blasted as they were out of the building making the whole building crumble.

As they run, they weave through the zombies that want a taste of their flesh. They climbed the roof and barred the doors. " I think we are trapped." Lisa looked at Rick who was trying to get his breath back.

That is the least of our worries. " I need to find my blood sample and the one that was taken from you." Rick walked into the blood laboratory and saw a lot of blood samples. " I think we are going to be here for a very long time," Lisa said gently falling to the ground. Her stomach groaned showing she was hungry.

Rick opened a cabinet and saw some snacks stacked inside. He threw some to Lisa and sat down. "I am lost, the system asked us to come here, and now this."


They began to look for the blood sample and after many hours of nonstop search. Lisa shouted, " I found it."

She heard hers and Rick's own too. " We need to leave now."

They walked back to the door " We need to make it through to the main gate. The system had provided us with an SUV van. We can find my family and locate the safe house with it. But first, we need to make it there. I am going to count one to three and open. Get ready!" Rick looked at Lisa's face as he counted his fingers but when he unbarred the door they were met with the stern look of an half zombie and half-human staring at them with anger.

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