chapter eight

Rick was surprised to see a zombie staring at him and Lisa as they unbarred the door. "What the hell is that?" Lisa shouted, helping Rick to have the door closed back. "We need a way out of here." Lisa looked at Rick, who was pacing up and down. The whole hospital had been taken over by the horde. Their noise was visibly heard as Rick kept pacing back and forth. 

The system had provided a ride, and all they needed was to get there in time. "Did you see that?" Lisa looked at Rick. "And can you stop pacing? You are making me nervous." 

"I didn't see what you saw, Lisa. I saw a zombie that was ready to attack us, if that is what you are asking of me." Rick said, gently rubbing his hands over his hair. 


He brought out his gun and checked the rounds he had left. He knew a few rounds would save them from the zombies. He needed a plan, and it had to be fast. "The zombie we saw when the door was opened was different. It is almost like she knew what she was doing." Lisa tried to gain Rick's attention. "You mean, Doctor Morgan?" Rick looked back at her face. 

"Yes, she is in total control. How is that possible?" Lisa asked 

"I am not entirely sure, but it is something we must find out before these rooms are filled with zombies." 

There was an audible bang at the door, and Rick quickly grabbed a metal table. "Help me with this!" he shouted as they grabbed the table, pushing it towards the door. The banging grew louder as the zombies tried to force their way in. 

"The vent." Lisa said, looking up.

"Do you know where that leads?" Rick asked 

"I don't, but we can find out. We can't wait here for the horde to have us killed. We need to do something." Lisa shouted in fear. "I am getting eaten alive by some monster." She added, wiping the tears off her forehead.


Rick opened the shelves and saw a map. "This should help." He said, gently placing the map on the table. They both studied the map and where it led. The vent was a passage into the forest and back to where they had been coming from. "We could double back and find our way back to your friend's secret hideout." Lisa looked at Rick's face. 

" Shh...shhh.... Did you hear that?" Rick looked at Lisa again, this time placing his fingers on his lips. 

"Hear what?" Lisa looked at him closely. 


"The noise—I can't hear them anymore." Rick opened the window and looked outside. "The zombies? Where the hell are they?" Rick shouted with a scared face. 

Lisa climbed the table and peeped through the window too. "Don't tell me they just vanished; this doesn't look good." Lisa added 

They both heard a loud bang at the back door, and the snarl of the zombie was back. Rick opened the cabinet and saw a double-barreled gun. He quickly had them loaded. "How many arrows are you having left?" Rick asked 


"Just a few." Lisa said in haste, knocking her arrows. "Then make it count."

They both walked out of the room and attached the zombies, killing a few of them. "We can't keep doing this; they are too much." Lisa shouted, running back into the room. "We need to leave here, right now!" Lisa shouted at Rick. 

They looked at the vent, and Rick grabbed a chair. He placed it on the long table, and he climbed up. They had barred the door into the room, making the zombies bang themselves repeatedly at the door. Lisa was about to climb up when the door suddenly opened. "Do you think you can leave here alive?" The half-zombie human said with a smirk. 

Lisa looked at the name on her breast plate and saw it was the supposed, Doctor Morgan. "Grab my hands!" Rick shouted, letting down his hand. 


Lisa quickly grabbed Rick's hands, but she was too slow. Morgan, bit into her leg, making Lisa scream in pain. Rick managed to pull her up into the vent as blood flowed from the cut. 

"She bit me!" Lisa shouted in fear. "What is going to happen to me? I don't want to die, Rick." Lisa cried 

"If you don't want to die, then we need to at least get the hell out of here." Rick shouted at her, making her stop crying. "I promise, I won't let anything happen to you." Rick looked at her

Morgan knew where the vent was leading, too. She immediately took the zombie horde, and they moved out of the room. 

"I don't think I can keep going." Lisa said she was feeling weak from the bite. Rick touched her forehead, and she was buring up. 


"We are almost there, Lisa. We just need to keep going." Rick encouraged her. "You might need to go without me then. I can't make it." Lisa said it with a teary face. 

"Like I said, I am not leaving you behind." Rick replied and grabbed Lisa by the hand. "We shouldn't go through the front. I think Morgan knows exactly where we are going to pass through." Lisa looked at Rick. 

"Do you think she is in control of herself?" Rick stopped for a moment to look at Lisa. "I think so. She is kind of different from the zombie. It looked like they were following her everywhere she went." Lisa replied that her breathing was difficult. 


Rick brought out a bottle of water and gave it to her. "Drink this." He placed it in her hands and helped her tie a piece of clothing around the wound. "We don't want you bleeding out." He said it with a tired face. "We are almost there." 

Rick kicked the vent slab open, and he looked around, trying to make sure it was safe. He came down and grabbed Lisa by the waist, but she wasn't herself. She landed on Rick as they fell down to the floor, hitting a few cans. The echoes of the room sent a message through the hallway, and the zombie moved again towards the sound. 


Rick opened the door, grabbing Lisa by the side. He saw the SUV van and smiled. They were about to reach the car, but he noticed something was different about it. He looked at the tyres and saw they were flat. 

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